[uitgevers mij. W. de Haan N.V.] - KRAMERS, Prof. Mr. J. H. [ KRAMERS, Johannes Hendrik (1891-1951) ]
Reference : 52891
1 vol. 8vo. softcover, some col. plates and b&w. ill., Arabische Literatuur series, uitgevers mij. W. de Haan N.V. Utrecht, no year (1946), pp. 105 to 152
VG copy of this off-print, given by prof. Kramers to a French academic, prof. Georges-Henri Bousquet. G.-H. Bousquet, a lawyer as well as an economist, was a disciple of Pareto and a friend of Joseph Schumpeter. He became fond of islamic studies as well, when he was a leading Professor at the University of Algier in the 50s. Prof. G.-H. Bousquet spoke both French and Dutch as mother tongues, and was fluent in many foreign languages.
København, Andr. Fred. Høst, 1919. 4to. Uncut, unopened in the original printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Memoires de L'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Letteres de Danemark"". Light miscolouring to extremities. Otherwise a very fine and clean copy. Pp. 287-384, XVI + 4 plates.
Offprint issue of Kramer's doctorial thesis. Kramer was Niels Bohr's first assistent when Bohr's Institute opened in 1920, later he returned to Utrecht and became sucessor to Ehrenfest. - The frequency of spectral lines did not coincide with a kinetic frequency of electrons, but was only partly explained by Bohr's correspondence principle. Kramers developed here in this work the mathematical formalism required to unite these ideas, leading to an interpretation of the intensities of Stark Components.""In his 1919 dissertation, Kramers calculated in detail the intensities and polarizations of the hydrogen spectral lines, including Zeeman and Stark effects. His results were in good, if not perfect, agreement with experimental data"". (Kragh, Quantum Generations, P. 157).
Editions G. P. Maisonneuve - Larose Paris 1964 In-8 ( 230 X 170 mn ), paginé 248-550, broché sous couverture imprimée. Introduction et traduction, avec index par J.H KRAMERS et G. WIET. Tome 2 seul. Bel exemplaire.
Braunschweig, Berlin, Vieweg & Sohn u. Julius Springer, 1924. 8vo. Bound in contemporary halfcloth. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 24. (Entire volume offered). A stamp on titlepage otherwise fine and clean. Pp.69-87. [Entire volume: IV,412 pp].
First apperance (simultaneously printed in Philosophical Magazine) of a fundamental paper in the development of the Quantum Theory, as it here was set forth three fundamental ideas: 1. Slater's idea of 'a Virtual radiation field', 2. statistical conservation of energy and momentum, and 3. statistical independence of the processes of emission and absorption in distant atoms. (See Van der Waerden ""Sources of Quantum Mechanics"" No. 5).""In an effort to reconcile the particulate and wavelike properties of radiation, Bohr, Kramers, and Slater in 1924 formulated a new quantum theory of radiation. According to their hypothesis, momentum and energy-are conserved only statistically in interactions between radiation and matter."" (DSB).The present paper became a great influence to Bothe and his Compton collisions and the Coincidence method which eventually resulted in him being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Braunschweig, Berlin, Vieweg & Sohn u. Julius Springer, 1924. 8vo. Bound in contemporary halfcloth. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 23 & 24. (Entire volume offered). No stamps, not an ex library copy. Fine and clean. Pp.69-87. [Entire volume: IV,412 pp].
First apperance (simultaneously printed in Philosophical Magazine) of a fundamental paper in the development of the Quantum Theory. Three fundamental ideas were set forth here: 1. Slater's idea of 'a Virtual radiation field', 2. statistical conservation of energy and momentum, and 3. statistical independence of the processes of emission and absorption in distant atoms. (See Van der Waerden ""Sources of Quantum Mechanics"" No. 5).""In an effort to reconcile the particulate and wavelike properties of radiation, Bohr, Kramers, and Slater in 1924 formulated a new quantum theory of radiation. According to their hypothesis, momentum and energy-are conserved only statistically in interactions between radiation and matter."".The present paper became a great influence to Bothe and his Compton collisions and the Coincidence method which eventually resulted in him being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
København, Høst & Søn, 1919. 4to. Orig.printed wrappers. (Offprint issue from ""D. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Skr. Nat. Vid og Math. Afd. 8. Række, III.3.). Pp. 285-384,(2) a. 4 plates. Lower margin of frontwrapper faded.
Fist printing of Kramer's doctoral thesis in which he calculated the relative intensities of the fine-structure components on the Basis of Bohr's Correspondence Principle and obtained results which generally agreed with Paschen's measurements.Bohr had concluded ""that polarizations and intensities should, in the limit of high quantum numbers, be given by the Fourier components of the quantized motion and that even at low quantum numbers the Fourier components in the initial and final states should give an indication of the intensities to be expected. In his doctoral thesis at Leiden in 1919 (published by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences) - the paper offered - Kramers developed the mathematical formalism required to apply these ideas"" he also carried out detailed calculations for the case of a hydrogen atom in an external electric field. This led to a satisfactoery interpretation of the intensities of Stark components.""(H.B.G. Casimir in DSB VII, p. 491).
E. J. Brill. 1941. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 833 pages. Photo en noir et blanc en frontispice. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc sur planches hors texte. Texte en allemand, sur 2 colonnes. Tranche très légèrement salie.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Im Auftrag der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, Herausgegeben von A.J. Wensinck und J.H. Kramers. Von Aaron und Al-Abbâs, bis Al-Zubair B. Al-Awwâm. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Leiden, E. J. Brill 1974 In-4 28,5 x 16,5 cm. Reliure éditeur toile bleu-marine, sous jaquette beige, VIII-671 pp., texte à 2 colonnes, index. Ex-libris tampon B. H. Exemplaire en très bon état.
Texte en anglais. Très bon état d’occasion
Schiebroek, Vox Romana s.d.[+/-1929] 128pp., 21cm., gebroch., wat roestplekjes, goede staat, R24812
Leiden, Brill 1941 viii + 833 + 6pp., with some plates out-of-text, 26cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth, VG, copy from the personal library of prof.Jacques Ryckmans, weight: 2kg., R56766
Leiden, Brill 1941 viii + 833 + 6pp., with some plates out-of-text, 26cm., publisher's hardcover in blue cloth, text printed in 2 columns, good condition, weight: 2kg., X99927
1712 II 29 Antwerpen - Ordonnantie betreffende kooplui en kramers :
Reference : 31019
".: 0. Antwerpen, Petrus Jouret, 1712, in-plano, 38.5 x 26 cm, met stadswapen en met lettrine in houtgravure, blad afgesneden tot aan de tekst en gekleefd op een blanco blad met afmeting 51 x 38 cm (18e eeuws werk, herkomst collectie Antwerps Jezuïeten College, verzameling Couvreur). Onderwerp; vreemde kooplieden moeten zich melden, vreemde kramers worden geweerd aan de Oever. Ordinance; foreign merchants must declare their goods, foreign booths are forbidden in the Friday market. Text in Dutch. In-plano imprint, margins cut away and tipped-on, in the 18th century, on a blank leaf measuring 51 x 38 cm.."
YU-TI, Jen / HUCKER, Charles O. / KRAMERS, R. P. / BALLOU MORSE, Hosea:
Reference : 114092aaf
Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1913, in-8vo, 466 p., brochure originale.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
LEIDEN E.J. BRILL 1953 Un fort volume grand in-8°, VIII 670 pp. Reliure éditeur toile bleue à la Bradel, auteur et titre dorés sur le dos. (coiffe supérieure un peu tassée). Texte sur deux colonnes. Frontispice photographique.
Reference : 48872
Braunschweig, Berlin, Vieweg & Sohn u. Julius Springer, 1924. 8vo. Contemp. hcloth. In: Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 24. IV,412 pp. (Entire volume offered). The paper: pp. 69-87. A stamp on titlepage. Clean and fine.
First apperance (simultaneously printed in Philosophical Magazine) of a fundamental paper in the development of the Quantum Theory, as it here was set forth three fundamental ideas: 1. Slater's idea of 'a Virtual radiation field', 2. statistical conservation of energy and momentum, and 3. statistical independence of the processes of emission and absorption in distant atoms. (See Van der Waerden ""Sources of Quantum Mechanics"" No. 5).
Schleswig, Röhss, 1798. Contemp. hcalf. Spine rubbed. 2 gunshots seen in the first half of the book, but no loss of letters. XXVIII,466 pp. Internally clean.
Elsevier. 1956. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 728 pages. Texte en néerlandais. Décor doré sur le 1er plat. Titre, éditeur et losanges dorés au dos.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
E. J. Brill. 1941. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 833 + 6 pages. Texte en allemand. Quelques planches d'illustrations en noir et blanc. Texte sur deux colonnes. Un manque sur la page de faux titre. Intérieur de la reliure abîmé. Titre doré au dos. Frontispice en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Leyden, 1930 Brill 142 p., 12 planches N/B, broché. 23,8 x 31,5
Kbhvn., Andr. Fred. Høst, 1919. 4to. Orig. printed wrappers. pp. 287-384,(2) as offprint from Memoires de L'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Letteres de Danemark, and 4 plates. Small rubberstamp on title and frontwr. Light wear to lower backstrip, effecting lower left corner of frontwr.
First edition of Kramer's doctorial thesis. Karmer was Niels Bohr's first assistent when Bohr's Institute opened in 1920, later he returned to Utrecht and became sucessor to Ehrenfest. - The frequency of spectral lines did not coincide with a kinetic frequency of electrons, but was only partly explained by Bohr's correspondence principle. Kramer developed here in this work the mathematical formalism required to unite these ideas, leading to an interpretation of the intensities of Stark Components.
1977 159 p., 17 pls, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Crisp copy, as new.
1977 159 p., 17 pls, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp). With authors’ dedication.
Leiden E.J. Brill. 1976. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 833 pages. Etiquette collée sur coiffe en pied.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Texte intégralement écrit en allemand. Tampon bibliothèque. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
New York, Dover, 1964, in 8° broché, XVI-496 pages ; traces de ruban adhésif sur les gardes.
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