Palerme, Circolo matematico di Palermo, 1909.
Relié avec: - KOCH, Helge von. Sur les déterminants infinis et les équations différentielles linéaires. Stockholm, Imprimerie centrale, 1892. (2), 34 pp. - KOCH, Helge von. Sur les intégrales régulières des équations différentielles linéaires. pp. 337 à 346. Tiré à part des "Acta mathematica", tome 18. Réunion de trois mémoires en éditions originale du grand mathématicien suédois. "The first step on the long road which eventually led to funtional analysis, since it provided Fredholm with the key for the solution of his integral equation." DSB 7, 436. Cachets de bibliothèque annulés sur le titre. /// In-4 de (2), 12, (2) pp. Demi-percaline bleue. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
[Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, Beijer, 1891 - 1892]. 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Acta Mathematica. Hrdg. von G. Mittag-Leffler."", Bd. 15 and 16. Fine and clean. Pp. 53-63" Pp. 217-295.
First printing of Koch's two paper which together constitute his doctoral thesis. Von Koch is known principally for his work in the theory of infinitely many linear equations and the study of the matrices derived from such infinite systems. He also did work in differential equations and in the theory of numbers. (DSB).
[Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, Beijer, 1892-93]. 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Acta Mathematica. Hrdg. von G. Mittag-Leffler."", Bd. 16. Fine and clean. Pp. 217-295.
First printing of Koch's last paper relating to his doctoral thesis. Von Koch is known principally for his work in the theory of infinitely many linear equations and the study of the matrices derived from such infinite systems. He also did work in differential equations and in the theory of numbers. (DSB).