Leipzig, Georg Wigand o.J. (1841), in-8vo, 2 Bl. + 116 S. + 128 S. + 30 Stahlstichtafeln mit Orig.-Seidenhemdchen, vereinzelt nur leicht stockfl., Ex-libris, Orig. H.-Ldr.. Rücken mit reichen Ornamenten in Gold. Marm. Schnitt. Schönes Ex.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Leipzig, Georg Wigand, ohne J. (ca. 1840). 8vo.Bound in one cont. hcalf with richly gilt back. (1),116(1),128 pp. and 30 fine steel engraved plates (15+15). The first plate as frontispiece with a faint dampstain, otherwise fine and clean plates. Text with some pencil underlinings.