Knox, George.: Antonio Pellegrini 1675-1741. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1995. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1995. 4to. pp. xviii, 308. 14 colour plates and 183 black and white illustrations. Cloth, dust jacket. Fine. Cloth. 27.5x22cms.
Text in English
Venezia, Alfieri/ Electa, 1979 Pictorial cardboard cover in colour, 215 x 240mm., 152pp., illustrated in b/w and sepia.
Italian text. Venezia/ Palazzo Ducale luglio/ settembre 1979. In good condition.
New York, Thomas Y.CrowelL & Co. (1906), reprinted by Ch'eng-wen Publishing Co., Taipei, 1971. 1 volume in-12, 311 pp., blue cloth hardcover with illustrations, in very good condition.
Emphasizing the common humanity shared by the people of the West and the Orient, the author explores American attitudes toward the Orient and Oriental attitudes toward the West. He then turns to a discussion in sequence of the peoples and customs, and the spirit and problems of India, China, and Japon. In this discussion the author attempts to isolate the essential characteristics of the lifestyle and environment of the people of these countries which give rise to their particular attitudes towards life and to their special problems.