V. L. Brichev Deputy Professor at the Emperor Alexander II Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv. Unknowns in construction mechanics. Calculation of static-indeterminable systems. and Atlas of drawings In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kirpichev V. L. zasl. prof. Kievskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta Imperatora Aleksandra II. Lishnie neizvestnye v stroitelnoy mekhanike. Raschet staticheski-neopredelimykh sistem.and Atlas chertezhey Kyiv: Typography by S.V. Kulzhenko. 1903. 2 II IV 182 and XXI tab.h. Chapters: Examples of constructions with extra unknowns. Method of solution. The Mohr method. The reciprocal theorem. Comparison of solutions obtained by the Mohr method with those provided by the reciprocity theorem. SKUalba0d213de22e372cf.