Londres, Arms and Armour Press, 1991, gr. in-8°, 160 pp, texte sur 2 colonnes, 125 photos dans le texte, 2 cartes, biblio, index, reliure éditeur, jaquette illustrée, bon état. Texte en anglais
Just a few short years after man built his first flying machine, Germany's first air force was ready for action; 1910 and 1911 were its formative years, prior to the establishment in 1912 by von Moltke of a separate air arm known as the Fliegertruppe. The author has researched the subject for twenty-five years and has interviewed more than a hundred German aviators. He has had unparalleled access to German archives in East and West, thereby enabling him to present full and first-hand accounts of the often-forgotten airmen who were every bit as brave as their more famous compatriots...