".: Bruxelles, maitre imprimeur Louis Desmet-Verteneuil, the plates were printed by A. van Campenhout, March 1944, oblong in-folio album kept in a cardboard box, 28,5 x 35 cm, (16) nn pp ( including the cover and three in-text engravings) + 12 loose plates (numbered 4-15 in the printed captions on the serpents), all etchings signed by the artist. Printed in 125 copies, this is one of 10 special copies printed on Japan paper '' Kozo Mitsumata'' and it contains 10 additional engravings and one original drawing ; engraving [1] in two copies, one signed '' bon à tirer '' and dedicated in ink to '' Maurice Trèze''. ; engraving [2] '' La Campinoise '' in 4 copies (1st, 2nd, 3rd and final state) ; engraving [3] '' Neige'' , engraving [6] '' Midi'' , signed ''épreuve d'artiste''. engraving [11] '' La ferme du Puits mort'' signed ''épreuve d'artiste''. Original drawing is the design for plate [4] '' un coin du Goor''. All items very well preserved and stainless. The original blind box with some traces of use. The artist Henri Kerels was for many years teacher in the art of engraving at the art academy in Sint-Jans Molenbeek (Brussels). He learned this art from Kurt Peiser. In this album he tries to capture the atmosphere of the barren heath landscape and the poor crofters in the Northern Belgian region '' de Kempen - la Campine'' . His work here shows resemblances with similar etchings by Dirk Baksteen and Jacob Smits."
.: 4. Bruxelles, Éditions Ex-Libris, s.d. (1956), in-4°, (8)nn pp + 12 black/white plates, kept in a black paper portfolio with title printed in red on front cover ( loose as issued). Printed in 250 numbered copies. This is a copy marked H.C. ( hors commerce).Text in French. Livre en français.
.: Bruxelles, Editions Bielefeld, 1949, in-8°, 113 pp + 32 planches, broché, couverture souple d'origine.