[Jan van Eyck] - Kemperdick, Stephan, Johannes RÃÃler
Reference : 103643
ISBN : 9783731900894
Kemperdick, Stephan, Johannes RÃÃler: Der Genter Altar der BrÃŒder van Eyck: Geschichte und WÃŒrdigung. 2014. 160pp, with 111 colour and 33 black-and-white illustrations. Paperback. 22 x 28cms. The first overall view of all aspects of the van Eyck brother's Ghent Altarpiece, including original context, reception, conservation and its complicated political history in the 20th century. Text in German.
The first overall view of all aspects of the van Eyck brother's Ghent Altarpiece, including original context, reception, conservation and its complicated political history in the 20th century. Text in German
Dans la coll MAITRES DE L'ART FLAMAND. Grand format. Cartonné. 140 pages.illustrations couleurs. Très bon état. Une expédition vers un point de retrait pourra vous être proposée 2000 Konemann
, Hannibal Books, 2023 Hardcover 260 pages, Illustrated. NL editie. ISBN 9789464666663.
Een eigentijdse kijk op het magistrale oeuvre van Dieric Bouts In dit boek, gepubliceerd naar aanleiding van de grote retrospectieve DIERIC BOUTS. Beeldenmaker in M Leuven, wordt een poging ondernomen om dichter bij deze enigmatische figuur te komen. Dieric Bouts stond met beide voeten in de wereld: alleen zo kunnen we zijn werk begrijpen. Diepgravende essays en korte teksten die focussen op een specifiek werk van de Vlaamse meester schetsen de maatschappelijke, intellectuele en artistieke context van die periode. Ze belichten Bouts? oeuvre vanuit nieuwe invalshoeken en bieden door een radicale confrontatie met de hedendaagse beeldcultuur een nieuwe kijk op werken van meer dan vijf eeuwen oud. Het resultaat is een genuanceerd beeld van de grote Leuvense schilder die zo zijn plaats in de kunstgeschiedenis als blikverruimende beeldenmaker herovert. Deze publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van de indrukwekkende retrospectieve in M Leuven van 20 oktober 2023 tot 14 januari 2024. Een eigentijdse kijk op het magistrale oeuvre van Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/1420?1475) is een van de meest ongrijpbare figuren uit de geschiedenis van de westerse kunst. Vlaamse primitief van de tweede generatie, schilder van de stilte ? het zijn de etiketten die hij meestal opgeplakt krijgt. Maar is de Brabantse meester niet veel meer dan dat? In dit boek, gepubliceerd naar aanleiding van de grote retrospectieve DIERIC BOUTS. Beeldenmaker in M Leuven, wordt een poging ondernomen om dichter bij deze enigmatische figuur te komen. Dieric Bouts stond met beide voeten in de wereld: alleen zo kunnen we zijn werk begrijpen. Diepgravende essays en korte teksten die focussen op een specifiek werk van de Vlaamse meester schetsen de maatschappelijke, intellectuele en artistieke context van die periode. Ze belichten Bouts? oeuvre vanuit nieuwe invalshoeken en bieden door een radicale confrontatie met de hedendaagse beeldcultuur een nieuwe kijk op werken van meer dan vijf eeuwen oud. Het resultaat is een genuanceerd beeld van de grote Leuvense schilder die zo zijn plaats in de kunstgeschiedenis als blikverruimende beeldenmaker herovert. Deze publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van de indrukwekkende retrospectieve in M Leuven van 20 oktober 2023 tot 14 januari 2024. Onder redactie van Peter Carpreau. Met bijdragen van Inigo Bocken, Jordan Marie Booker, Till-Holger Borchert, Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Mark Derez, Bart Fransen, Valentine Henderiks, Stephan Kemperdick, Didier Martens, Gust Van den Berghe en Michiel Verweij.
Till-Holger Borchert , Peter Carpreau , With contributions by Inigo Bocken, Jordan Marie Booker, Till-Holger Borchert, Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Mark Derez, Bart Fransen, Valentine Henderiks, Stephan Kemperdick, Didier Martens, Gust Van den Berghe, and Michiel Verweij.
Reference : 62422
, Hannibal Books, 2023 Hardcover 260 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9789464666816.
A contemporary view of the masterly works of Dieric Bouts This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had both feet in his world: it is perhaps that we seem unable to understand his work. This book includes comprehensive essays and shorter texts that focus on specific works by the Flemish master, outlining the social, intellectual, and artistic context in which Bouts worked. They highlight his oeuvre from new angles and offer new perspectives on works that are now more than five centuries old ? through a radical confrontation with the visual culture of today. The result is a more nuanced image of the great artist from Leuven. Dieric Bouts regains his place in the history of art as the eye-expanding maker of images that he was. This book is published on the occasion of the impressive retrospective at M Leuven from 20 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/20-75) is one of the most elusive figures in the history of Western art. Flemish primitive of the second generation, painter of silence such are the labels that are usually attributed to him. But was the Master of Brabant not more than that? This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had both feet in his world: it is perhaps that we seem unable to understand his work. This book includes comprehensive essays and shorter texts that focus on specific works by the Flemish master, outlining the social, intellectual, and artistic context in which Bouts worked. They highlight his oeuvre from new angles and offer new perspectives on works that are now more than five centuries old ? through a radical confrontation with the visual culture of today. The result is a more nuanced image of the great artist from Leuven. Dieric Bouts regains his place in the history of art as the eye-expanding maker of images that he was. This book is published on the occasion of the impressive retrospective at M Leuven from 20 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Edited by Peter Carpreau. With contributions by Inigo Bocken, Jordan Marie Booker, Till-Holger Borchert, Peter Carpreau, Marjan Debaene, Mark Derez, Bart Fransen, Valentine Henderiks, Stephan Kemperdick, Didier Martens, Gust Van den Berghe, and Michiel Verweij.
, Imhof verlag, 2024 hardcover, Size 24 30 cm, 608 pages, 497 colour and 142 b/w illustrations, English text. ISBN 9783731913191.
Netherlandish and French Paintings 1400?1480 Critical Catalogue The Berlin Gem ldegalerie houses an internationally outstanding collection of early Netherlandish and French paintings. This scholarly catalogue is dedicated to the works of the pioneer generation, i.e. those artists who began their career in or before the second third of the fifteenth century. In 52 entries, 69 individual paintings are discussed. All the important masters of the period are represented, many of them with major works ? such as the Madonna in the Church by Jan van Eyck, the Miraflores Altarpiece by Rogier van der Weyden, the donor panel of tienne Chevalier by Jean Fouquet, the only known painting by the early Dutch master Albert van Ouwater or the Montforte Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes. The individual entries are based on art-historical and technological investigations and were written in an interdisciplinary collaboration. This richly illustrated publication presents a wealth of new insights into both the well-known works, and panels that had received less attention in former times.
Sven Van Dorst, Catheline P rier-d'Ieteren, Till-Holger Borchert, Stephan Kemperdick
Reference : 57652
, Hannibal Publishing, 2020 HB++, 290 x 250 mm, 384 pages, ENG edition. ISBN 9789463887427.
In the early sixteenth century, the popularity of Saint Dimpna made the abbot of the abbey of Tongerlo decide to have a huge altarpiece that would depict the life story of this special saint. The assignment came into the hands of the Antwerp painter Goossen Van der Weyden, grandson of Flemish Primitive Rogier, who took over many elements from his grandfather in his eclectic style. The result of this assignment, the monumental Dimpna altarpiece, was recently acquired by The Phoebus Foundation. The panels were treated in the Foundation's restoration studio for three years. The astonishing result led to new insights into the history of the altarpiece, its maker and commissioner, and about the cult of Saint Dimpna. Leading specialists shed their light on the altarpiece and their years of research are now bundled in this luxurious, richly illustrated publication.
1999 Konemann Hardcover Fine
Maitres de l art flamand - Rogier Van der Weyden 1399/1400 - 1464 broché, avec antipoussiere, 320 x 275 mm, 140 pp , tres bon etat
, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2018 Softcover, 22 x 28 cm, 200 pages, 125 colour and 18 black and white pictures, English. ISBN 9783731906209.
Jean Fouquet's diptych from the collegiate church of Melun is one of the main works the painting of the 15th century and French art in general. The left wing with the donor portrait is since 1896 in Berlin, while the right wing, the Madonna performing wings of the Museum of Fine Arts belongs to Antwerp. Both halves were separated by 1773 and were the last time together in 1937. The Berlin exhibition unites them now again and shows more important works, including the original medallion with Fouquet's self-portrait from the Louvre, an outstanding portrait drawing of his hand as well as selected works by painters like Jan van Eyck and Peter Christ. In the accompanying catalog well-known international researchers highlight different aspects of the work, including his iconography and technique, the person of the founder, Fouquets artistic requirements and more.
, Konemann, 1999 Hardcover, 140 pagina's, NL, 320 x 280 mm, Nieuw !, met illustraties in kleur., ISBN 9783829025706.
Rogier van der Weyden was een Vlaamse kunstschilder die gerekend wordt tot de school der Vlaamse Primitieven. Hij zou opgeleid zijn in het atelier van Robert Campin, samen met onder meer Jacques Daret. Naast Jan van Eyck wordt Van der Weyden als de belangrijkste Vlaamse schilder van de 15e eeuw beschouwd.
Un ouvrage de 140 pages, format 280 x 325 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage sous jaquette couleurs, publié en 1999, Könemann, collection "Maîtres de l'Art Flamand", bon état
Monographie du peintre flamand (1399/1400-1464)
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