[Jan van Eyck] - Kemperdick, Stephan, Johannes RÃÃler
Reference : 103643
ISBN : 9783731900894
Kemperdick, Stephan, Johannes RÃÃler: Der Genter Altar der BrÃŒder van Eyck: Geschichte und WÃŒrdigung. 2014. 160pp, with 111 colour and 33 black-and-white illustrations. Paperback. 22 x 28cms. The first overall view of all aspects of the van Eyck brother's Ghent Altarpiece, including original context, reception, conservation and its complicated political history in the 20th century. Text in German.
The first overall view of all aspects of the van Eyck brother's Ghent Altarpiece, including original context, reception, conservation and its complicated political history in the 20th century. Text in German