Kelly, Simon: ThÃodore Rousseau and the Rise of the Modern Art Market: An Avant-Garde Landscape Painter in Nineteenth-Century France. Contextualizing Art Markets. Bloomsbury, 2021. 256 pages, fully illustrated in colour. Hardback. 25 x 16cms. Examining the relationship between the avant-garde Barbizon landscape painter Theodore Rousseau and the art market, exploring the constellation of patrons, art dealers, and critics who surrounded the artist. Including essays on Rousseau at the Salon, artists' societies and the Cercle de l'Union Artistique, art dealers (from Adolphe Beugniet to Paul Durand-Ruel), the auction sale and the reproduction industry (from etchings to photography).
Examining the relationship between the avant-garde Barbizon landscape painter Theodore Rousseau and the art market, exploring the constellation of patrons, art dealers, and critics who surrounded the artist. Including essays on Rousseau at the Salon, artists' societies and the Cercle de l'Union Artistique, art dealers (from Adolphe Beugniet to Paul Durand-Ruel), the auction sale and the reproduction industry (from etchings to photography). Text in English
Kelly, Simon: Matisse and the Sea. Exhibition: Saint Louis, Saint Louis Art Museum, 2024. 144 pages, 100 colour illustrations. Hardback. 30x25cms. Examining the influence of the sea at different points in Henri Matisse's career, which included painting in coastal locations on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With a particular focus on Matisse's 'Bathers with a Turtle', in the Saint Louis Art Museum permanent collection.
Examining the influence of the sea at different points in Henri Matisseâs career, which included painting in coastal locations on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With a particular focus on Matisse's 'Bathers with a Turtle', in the Saint Louis Art Museum permanent collection. Text in English
KIENLE PONKA Anabelle, THOMSON Richard et Kelly Simon (avec des essais de),
Reference : 46882
5 Continents, 2015, 101 pp., illustrations, bilingue anglais/français, relié, éraflure sur la première de couverture, bon état général.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
Charles-Simon Favart ; Hugh Kelly [traduit par Marsollier ou Mme Riccoboni] ; Anonyme ; Jean-François Cailhava de L'Estandoux ; Bernard-Joseph Saurin ;
Reference : 007092
Charles-Simon Favart ; Hugh Kelly [traduit par Marsollier ou Mme Riccoboni] ; Anonyme ; Jean-François Cailhava de L'Estandoux ; Bernard-Joseph Saurin ; Recueil de pièces de théâtre à savoir, dans l'ordre de citation des auteurs : 1. Les Moissonneurs, comédie ; 2. La fausse Délicatesse, comédie ; 3. L'école du Soldat ou les Remords du Déserteur françois ; 4. Le Mariage interrompu, comédie ; 5. Spartacus, tragédie. Paris, Duchesne, 1768. [2]-88-[4]p. Paris, Duchesne, 1768. IV-98-[1]p. Paris, Duchesne, 1768. 56p. Paris, Merlin, 1769. [2]-V-[1]-78p. Paris, Duchesne, 1769. XVI-72p. Edition originale des quatre premières pièces. Reliure pleine basane, dos à nerfs orné, pièce de titre maroquin, tranches rouges. Coiffe supérieure arrachée (mais solidaire au livre), étiquette papier ancienne collée sur le premier plat, petits défauts. Bon exemplaire.