11 books for « katrien loret »Edit

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‎Katrien Loret ; Ben Sledsens‎

Reference : 59213

‎Ben Sledsens : Under The Tree Distant Sea.‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books , 2022 Hardcover, 96 pages, ENG./ NL./FR. edition, 255 x 205 x 15 mm, NEW, illustrated in colors. ISBN 9789464004182.‎

‎Wanneer men het werk van Ben Sledsens bespreekt, wordt het woord utopia vaak in de mond genomen om de wereld te beschrijven die hij in zijn schilderijen weergeeft. Ook de kunstenaar zelf zegt over zijn werken dat ze een utopia voorstellen waarin hij zelf zou willen leven. Als we echter goed kijken naar het oeuvre dat Sledsens in de loop der jaren heeft gecre erd, merk je echter dat zijn wereld niet enkel is opgebouwd uit optimistische verhalen, noch is zijn ?utopia? een suggestie voor een perfecte samenleving. Het is ook geen kritiek of satire; de kunstenaar herbergt geen enkele ambitie om via zijn werken een sociale of politieke boodschap uit te dragen. De wereld die Sledsens in zijn schilderijen weergeeft is dus niet het product van zijn ongenoegen met onze werkelijkheid; zijn utopia is elders ontstaan. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.99 (€39.99 )

‎Katrien Loret (text)‎

Reference : 56573

‎Tal R Home Alone. The exhibition includes a new series of paintings, gouaches and drawings.‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2020, 2020 Hardcover, 120 pages Illustrated. 25.5x20.5cm. Text in English / Nederlands. Fine! ISBN 9789464004021.‎

‎Tal R ( Tel Aviv, Israel. Lives and works in Copenhagen) transforms everything in his environment into art. His works are known for their daring colors and vivid imagery. Tal R works with a variety of techniques and media including painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, installation, print and furniture. Tal R is a keen observer, who takes inspiration from reality as well as his imagination. His work fits within the northern European tradition of Edvard Munch, Asger Jorn, Per Kirkeby and Georg Baselitz. Historical and art-historical references are abundant: threads of expressionism, fauvism and symbolism continue, as well as a nod to traditional Scandinavian art, art nouveau, outsider art and children?s paintings. Tal R?s enigmatic work offers intersections of personal experience and wider history through a visual jigsaw, finely balanced between representation and abstraction, of what the artist has termed ?Kolbojnik,? a Hebrew term for leftovers. His unique vision, self-identification as an outsider and ability to sample the two worlds of his different heritages, has produced an artistic language that constantly questions our surrounding realities. According to Tal R one can easily describe the subject of his works over the phone. In Home Alone Tal shows a series of birds in their cages and a series of still lifes. The titles of the works refer to the literary work of Bruno Schulz. In his Cinnamon Shops, a collection of interlinked stories, the most prosaic elements of everyday life become fantastic, full of mystery, capable of containing and at times revealing the deepest secrets of existence. Each story floats between the realism of his own autobiography and a fantastical fiction. In one of his stories Schulz tells about his father?s collection of a colony of birds in the attic, which served as an inspiration to Tal?s series of birds in their cage. Tal?s birds are delicately balanced between representation and abstraction, with abstract shapes and fields of color. The linings of the cage divide the canvas and provide structure to the stacking of different paint colors. In his series of still lifes, Tal depicts a series of objects that have been carefully arranged on a table top. These objects are as familiar as they are estranged. They are the objects that have been taken from their initial place and lost their name. Just like in Disney Pixar?s Toy Story, where the toys come to live as soon as the door closes, Tal gives these objects new life by painting or drawing them. Many of these objects carry references towards the stories of Schulz, but just like the author Tal?s interest is not so much in the story itself but in a proces of regeneration.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Marcel Dzama, Tim Van Laere / Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 64642

‎Marcel Dzama Wild Kindness‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2024, 2024 Hardcover 224 pages, NL/ ENG / FR / IT text. 21x26cm fine. ISBN 9789464004304.‎

‎Marcel Dzama: The Moon is Following Me. Marcel Dzama (1974 Winnipeg, Canada. Lives and works in New York) has developed an immediately recognizable visual language that investigates human action and motivation, as well as the blurred relationship between the real and the subconscious. Drawing equally from folk vernacular as from art-historical and contemporary influences, Dzama?s work visualizes a universe of childhood fantasies and otherworldly fairy tales. Dzama?s image repertoire includes a wide range of art-historical quotations. One can recognize ballet costumes by Oskar Schlemmer or Francis Picabia, for example, and direct references to Francisco de Goya, Marcel Duchamp and Joseph Beuys. However, it?s not just elements from the past that spur Dzama?s creativity. The music enthusiast has collaborated with various colleagues from the beginning of his career, whether as part of the Royal Art Lodge in Winnipeg, which he co-founded, or in the form of collaborations with Arcade Fire, Bob Dylan, Beck, Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), the filmmaker Spike Jonze, the actress Amy Sedaris, the ensemble of the New York City Ballet, or fellow artists like Raymond Pettibon and Jockum Nordstr m. In his work Beuys love a girl who plays guitar he brings together the artist Joseph Beuys with the country-singer Dolly Parton. For the exhibition at the Tim Van Laere Gallery he started a series of drawings with more hopeful themes, more serene. Because the Trump years were so traumatizing.? says Marcel Dzama. ?Also I usually either do political drawing or I go for this kind of vacation feeling. Almost idyllic. A lot of them are based on photographs taken of my son and wife on vacation. I am still playing with this.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Adrian Ghenie; Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 54642

‎Adrian Ghenie. expo 2020‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2020, 2020 Hardcover, unpag. (ca. 90pp), illustr. throughout in col., 25.5x20.5cm., as new. Tekst in Dutch and English. ISBN 978464004052.‎

‎15 october 2020 - 15 january 2021‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Adrian Ghenie; Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 56504

‎Adrian Ghenie. expo 2014‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2014, 2014 Hardcover, 50 pages, illustr. throughout in col., 25.5x20.5cm., as new. Text in Dutch and English. ‎

‎Adrian Ghenie. expo May 2014‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 57566

‎Anton Henning: Pink Period‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books 2020, 2020 88 pagina's, 25,5 x 20,5 cm, illustraties in kleur, hardcover, Nederlands - Engels. ISBN 9789464004007.‎

‎Tim Van Laere Gallery is pleased to present Pink Period, the third solo exhibition by Anton Henning. Few colors trigger as many contradictory associations and emotions or have as many symbolic meanings in both high as low culture as pink. The same tension and duality can also be found in the works by Anton Henning. If we consider Art History as an ongoing conversation, Anton Henning ( 1964 Berlin, lives and works in Berlin and Manker) proves himself to be a master conversationalist who speaks various different languages. His oeuvre comprises paintings, sculptures, drawings, films, photographs, musical pieces and entire environments. His oeuvre could be read as a contemporary interpretation of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Focussing equally on the search as well as the outcome, he creates a hybrid pictorial event, an anarchy of images liberated from the gravity of the isms in art history. With his motif repertory, material choices, stylistic devices and playful reinventions of the genre types, Henning doesn?t simply quote from art history, but he playfully looks for painterly potential through his own pictorial memory which has remained delitescent, discarding all spatial, temporal, and ideational contexts. He moves between modern enthusiasm and postmodern irony, between hope and melancholy, between naivet and knowledge, empathy and apathy, unity and diversity, totality and fragmentation, purity and ambiguity.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 59483

‎Swim The Mountain Climb The Sea ( different artists) ENG / NL / FR ‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books , 2022 Hardcover, 146 pages, ENG / NL / FR, 255 x 205 mm, NEW, catalogue of different artists in bright colours. ISBN 9789464004144.‎

‎This catalog was published on the occasion of Swim the Mountain Climb the Sea, a group exhibition showcasing new work by Bram Demunter, Isabella Ducrot, Adrian Ghenie, Anton Henning, Ben Sledsens, Ed Templeton, Dennis Tyfus and Rose Wylie alongside works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, James Ensor, Cameron Jamie, Pablo Picasso, Ceija Stojka and Franz West. This exhibition thus includes a selection of contemporary and modern artists who share the same pioneering spirit. The concept of a group exhibition, where the general public is invited to view new work by a collection of artists, is relatively recent in art history: it all started with the Paris Salon, first held in 1737. Those jury salons with pre-established rules lasted for about 130 years until the art world revolted. Since The Salon des R fuses in 1863, a showcase of artworks rejected by the Paris Salon, a series of groundbreaking group exhibitions have followed, presenting works that changed not only art, but Western culture itself. Most of these pre-1960 group exhibitions, from the Impressionists? first exhibition in 1874 to the Gutai Art Association shows in Japan and London?s Independent Group in the late 1950s, were all organized by artists. In contrast, from roughly the 1960s onward, the groundbreaking group exhibitions were curated by professional exhibition makers, from galleries to biennials. This shift brought about a change in the dialogue, where previously only artists and the public came together, there is now also a third player present. This is also the case with this group exhibition. Curated by Tim Van Laere Gallery, this exhibition includes a selection of artists whose most pronounced characteristic is their idiosyncrasy. Each of these artists has idiosyncratically constructed their own universe with their own visual language, with which they started new conversations in art history by questioning and examining its foundations. Showing both works by modern and contemporary artists, this exhibition not only reveals the individual profiles of the artists, but also allows us to re-evaluate their unique position and concept. Pablo Picasso, James Ensor, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Franz West and Ceija Stojka have left behind a body of work that continues to inspire new generations of artists to this day. Placing their work in dialogue with contemporary works not only reveals the influence of the modern artists on this generation, but also shows how their work has remained current over the years. In the opposite direction, this combination also illustrates the strength of the individual voices of this selection of contemporary artists, who can engage in conversation both with the work of each other and with the work of generations before them.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎ Bram Demunter, Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 59484

‎BRAM DEMUNTER - Ancient Alligator Swimming from the Sea to the River. ‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books , 2021 Hardcover, 128 pages. ENG / NL / FR, 255 x 205 mm, NEW, with coloured illustrations. ISBN 9789464004113.‎

‎Bram Demunter (28) groeide op tussen de West-Vlaamse heggetjes van Bissegem en schoolde zich als tekenaar en schilder aan het Gentste HISK. De jongste jaren groeide hij uit tot die volgende jonge naam om in de gaten te houden, dankzij zijn complexe, op het randje van bizarre schilderijen. Ook de Antwerpse topgaleriehouder Tim Van Laere zag potentieel. ?Ik had Bram Demunters werk al heel vroeg gezien en ben het van op een afstand blijven volgen. Het was me snel duidelijk dat hij een uitzonderlijk talent is die een heel eigen universum kan cre ren. Bovendien klikte het meteen?, aldus Van Laere. Sinds Van Laeres aanzoek, dat zich in 2019 in een Knokse beachbar voltrok, maakt Demunter deel uit van een clan met hedendaagse kunstenaars als Kati Heck, Rinus Van de Velde, Dennis Tyfus en Ben Sledsens.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Katrien Loret‎

Reference : 60942

‎Let's Go!‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books, 2023 92 pagina's, 25,5 x 20,5 cm, hardcover, Nederlands/Frans/Engels. ISBN 9789464004205.‎

‎Tim Van Laere Gallery is pleased to present Let?s Go! a group exhibition presenting works by Bram Demunter, Jean Dubuffet, Kati Heck, Leiko Ikemura, Stanislava Kovalcikova, Friedrich Kunath, Jonathan Meese, Albert Oehlen, Tobias Pils, Tal R, Ben Sledsens, Ettore Spaletti, Dennis Tyfus, Rinus Van de Velde, In s Van den Kieboom, Henk Visch, and Franz West. While solo exhibitions allow you to fully enter the world of one artist and give you a glimpse of what the world looks like according to that artist, a group show offers different windows and pathways to various points of view and ways of seeing. It?s for this reason group shows are a vital part of the gallery?s program. By combining works from different artists in all kinds of media, the inner dialogue between the artist and his/her work is brought to a larger table, where its meaning gets challenged and debated by the surrounding works. It makes for an open dialogue where universal truths rise to the front and are brought to the surface of each one of the works presented in the exhibition space. The decision of the gallery to curate the show not only with contemporary artists but to also include modern artists, testifies to the determination the gallery has to pave new pathways to foster new dialogues and share these dialogues with the public. Choosing to curate group shows with cross-pollination in media, genres, and generations, can create new ways in art and expand the existing dialogue of the works which inspires new styles, and different ways of creating and rethinking our ways of seeing. On the one hand, the title of the show, Let?s Go!, reflects on the gallery?s belief in art and its strength to overcome almost everything. It?s a phrase that leaves no room for doubt and proclaims its strong faith in art to the public, inviting them to join the party. On the other hand, the phrase also refers to the process of the artist. Each one of these artists knows how to surrender to their work. They have allowed art to fully consume their life and take a vital part in their existence. They allow the work to speak for itself. Therefore the gallery chose to respect this inner attitude of the works and place them in dialogue as such. They don?t need a thematic alibi to start up new conversations, they just need to be presented as intended by the artist to enter the public?s consciousness.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Loret, Katrien, ‎

Reference : 51369

‎Anke Weyer. expo catalogue Tim Van Laere Gallery ‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2017, 2017 hardcover, 60 pages, illustrated, 25,5 x 21,5 cm, , Dutch/English . ISBN 9789082714524.‎

‎Tim Van Laere Gallery presenteert de eerste solotentoonstelling in de galerie van de Duits-Amerikaanse kunstenares Anke Weyer (? 1974, Karlsruhe). De tentoonstelling, getiteld Elbow Hood Trunk brengt een tiental nieuwe grootschalige schilderijen en een reeks pasteltekeningen samen. Binnen het werk van Anke Weyer is alles mogelijk: ze ontmantelt valse dichotomies zoals abstractie versus figuratie, toeval versus intentie en verwarring versus orde. Verwarring en twijfel ervaart Weyer als iets magnifiek zowel als verraderlijk. Ongedwongen en instinctief gaat Weyer tewerk met een zekere urgentie. Een snelheid die ervoor zorgt dat het geschilderd beeld puur en oprecht blijft. De snelheid primeert over de compositie. Elke compositorische beslissing wordt gemaakt in het moment, heel bewust of net impulsief. De beslissingen die Weyer maakt, hebben telkens een andere schaal en betekenis. Met energieke penseelstreken, druppels, vegen en schrappingen maakt ze een flux van vormen en lijnen. Elk schilderij is een documentatie van Weyers proces met verschillende verflagen, afschrapingen en overschilderingen. Met haar gebruik van levendige kleuren bewijst ze zichzelf ook als een sublieme colorist. De sterke, heldere kleuren tonen zichzelf dwingender en lenen zich het beste om een impuls te weergeven. Het belangrijkste is wat Anke Weyer zelf toelaat binnen haar proces; wat zichtbaar mag blijven en wat verborgen moet worden. Weyers manier van schilderen maakt het werk heel persoonlijk en onthullend. Ze toont fragmenten, mutaties en vergissingen die de menselijke natuur in zijn meest natuurlijke vorm aanraken. De titels van de werken zijn heel ambigu. Het zijn woorden, zinnen of afkortingen met hun eigen gevestigde betekenis die uit hun gebruikelijke context werden gehaald. In plaats van een beschrijving van het werk te geven, zijn de titels eerder een aanvulling op het geschilderd beeld. Dit zorgt ervoor dat er een open dialoog mogelijk is tussen het kunstwerk en de toeschouwer Weyers tekeningen in pastel stralen duidelijk dezelfde energie uit als haar schilderijen. De manier waarop ze de levendige kleuren, strakke lijnen en kleurvlakken aanbrengt op papier kan bijna als agressief worden ervaren. Naast het aanbrengen van de verschillende lijnen en vlakken, veegt ze ook doorheen de pastels met haar handen waarmee ze verschillende sporen en afdrukken nalaat op het papier. Zelfs met de beperking in het formaat is de fysieke handeling van Weyer even voelbaar in haar tekeningen als in haar schilderijen. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Loret, Katrien.‎

Reference : 53228

‎Kati Heck: All my friends are wild, catalogue Tim Van Laere Gallery, ‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books, 2019, 2019 Bound, hardcover, 80 pages, Illustrated. 25.8 21.7 cm. NL/ENG. ISBN 9789082714579.‎

‎Kati Heck's masterful virtuosity is unmistakable. She portrays her figures in a photorealistic way with great attention to every detail. She combines that precision with abstractions and parts that are applied almost sculpturally on canvas. With her works, Heck synthesizes different styles, combining elements from expressionism and surrealism with social realism. Her works are reminiscent of the bars, dancers and actors of Otto Dix and George Grosz, but also refer to Jean-Michel Basquiat, the Dada movement, Man Ray and the Old Masters. For her solo exhibition All my friends are wild at Tim Van Laere Gallery, Heck was inspired by the ideas of the philosopher Donna Haraway. Haraway has had a major impact on contemporary social sciences and philosophy through her highly original way of thinking with which she moves between theory and fiction. This idea of equality between sexes, organisms, and other life forms is what attracted Heck to Haraway?s philosophy. With her new series of works, Heck wants to show an alternative universe in which everyone sits down at the table, talks to each other and explores new physical possibilities. She shows a world in which the division has disappeared and the freedom to be who we want to be seems infinite.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )
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