, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, 416 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:33 b/w, 222 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. *NEW ISBN 9781912554454.
Summary Riemenschneider in Situ presents the newest research on the work of one of the most famous late medieval and early Renaissance sculptors, Tilman Riemenschneider. Moving beyond questions of style, date, and workshop practice, this volume investigates the sculptor's programs across the south German region of Franconia that survive in situ, within the particular contexts for which they were designed and in which they were originally experienced. In shifting the focus from fragmentary pieces in museum collections to extant installations in their original church settings, the volume contributes to a wave of scholarship interested in reanimating medieval artistic ensembles by considering them as complex visual environments. Together, the authors?conservators, museum professionals, and art historians?provide an essential and overdue study of Riemenschneider's best-preserved pieces, while also making an important, collaborative addition to the broader discipline of pre-modern art history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Karin and Eike Oellermann, Hartmut Krohm, 1940-2018 Julien Chapuis, Seeing and Exhibiting Riemenschneider Katherine M. Boivin and Gregory C. Bryda, Introduction PART 1: PLACE AND PLACEMENT Chapter 1: Jeffrey Chipps Smith , The Historiography of Place in Early Riemenschneider Scholarship Chapter 2: Katherine M. Boivin, The Topography of a Style Chapter 3: Volker Schaible, The Marian Retable by Tilman Riemenschneider in the Church of Our Lord in Creglingen: Results of a Technical Investigation Chapter 4: Matthias Weniger, Riemenschneider's Altarpieces from the Perspective of a Museum Collection PART 2: DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTS Chapter 5: Johannes Tripps, Space, Light, and Liturgical Plays as a Source of Inspiration for Riemenschneider's Altarpieces Chapter 6: Thierry Greub, Placement and Replacement: Tilman Riemenschneider's Holy Blood Altarpiece in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and its Function in Liturgical Context Chapter 7: Mitchell B. Merback, Immanence and Intercession: Rooted Sanctity and the Creglingen Marienaltar Chapter 8: Tim Juckes, The Creglingen Altarpiece and its Multimedia Environment: Metamorphoses of a Furnishing Ensemble in Sacred Space ca. 1460-1510 PART 3: SURFACE AND COMPOSITION Chapter 9: Hartmut Krohm, Folding Textures and Rhetoric: Observations on the Manipulation of Light as an Artistic Factor in the Work of Riemenschneider and his Contemporaries Chapter 10: Ruth Ezra, Seeing Stoss in Riemenschneider's Resurrection Chapter 11: Georg Habenicht, Riemenschneider Uncolored Chapter 12: Michele Marincola and Anna Serotta, Riemenschneider's Assumption Altarpiece in the Church of Our Lord, Creglingen: A Review of its Restoration History and the Application of a New Examination Method Chapter 13: Assaf Pinkus, Compilatio at the Portal: The Last Judgment of Bern Minster Afterword: Oliver Gussmann, Riemenschneider's Holy Blood Altarpiece in its Present Ecclesiastical and Touristic Contexts in the Church of St. James in Rothenburg ob der Tauber Bibliography