, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 443 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503583822.
Summary John Wyclif (d. 1384), famous Oxford philosopher-theologian and controversialist, was posthumously condemned as a heretic at the Council of Constance in 1415. Wyclif's influence was pan-European and had a particular impact on Prague, where Jan Hus, from Charles University, was his avowed disciple and the leader of a dissident reformist movement. Hus, condemned to the stake at Constance, gathered around him a prolific circle of disciples who changed the landscape of late medieval religion and literature in Bohemia, just as Wyclif's own followers had done in England. Both thinkers, and the movements associated with them, played a crucial role in the transformation of later medieval European thought, in particular through a radically enlarged role of textual production in the vernaculars (especially Middle English and Old Czech), as well as in Latin, in the philosophical, theological, and ecclesiological realms. This interdisciplinary volume of essays brings together cutting-edge research from scholars working in these and contiguous fields and asks fundamental questions about the methods that informed Wycliffite and Hussite writings and those by their interlocutors and opponents. Viewing these debates through a methodological lens enables a reassessment of the impact that they had, and the responses they elicited, across a range of European cultures, from England in the west via France and Austria to Bohemia in the east. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Philosophy, Politics, and perplexitas: A Socio-Epistemic Approach to Late Medieval Religion ? KANTIK GHOSH AND PAVEL SOUKUP Setting the Scene: Ideas, Institutions, and Public Scandal: Academic Debates in Late Medieval Scholasticism ? MAARTEN J. F. M. HOENEN Part I: Methods of Thinking: Philosophical and Theological Speculation John Wyclif on Implicit Faith ? CHRISTOPHE GRELLARD A Question of Style: The Place of Rhetoric in Jean Gerson's Understanding of Theological Language and Method ? ISABEL IRIBARREN Puri philosophi non est theologizare: Reflections on Method in John Wyclif's and his Bohemian Followers' Discussions of the Eternity of the World ? LUIGI CAMPI New Texts Relevant to the Reception of John Wyclif in Late Medieval Bohemia ? MARTIN DEKARLI From Oath to Confession and Back?: Protestatio in the Late Middle Ages, and its Transformation in the Thought of Wyclif and the Hussites ? DU?AN COUFAL Part II: Methods of Writing: Compilation Practice and the Material Text Trewe and Pretended: The Middle English Rosarium on Law ?FIONA SOMERSET 'Openliere and shortliere': Methods of Exegesis and Abbreviation in a Wycliffite 'Summary' of the Bible ? HANNAH SCH HLE-LEWIS Wyclif and Hus at the Council of Constance ? PETRA MUTLOV Stanislav of Znojmo and the Arrival of Wyclif's Remanence Theory at the University of Vienna ? MONICA BR NZEI Non-biblical Texts in Old Czech Bibles ? KATE?INA VOLEKOV Thomas Gascoigne's Research on Central Europe c. 1456 ? MICHAEL VAN DUSSEN Part III: Methods of Persuasion: Politics and the Transmission of Ideas The Mediation of God's Word in Hussite Apocalyptic Exegesis and the Influence of Joachimism ? PAVL NA CERMANOV Scriptural Exegesis and Clerical Discourse in Hussite Preaching ? PAVEL SOUKUP Fighting for the Minds of the People: Strategies of Argumentation in the Vernacular Discourse on Church Unity in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia ? PAVL NA RYCHTEROV Patchwork Campaigning Against Hussitism: The University of Vienna and its Tractatus contra articulos Hussitarum from 1424 ? CHRISTINA TRAXLER Theological Diplomacy? Cusanus and the Hussites ? THOMAS WOELKI *** Index nominum General Index