110 books for « kant immanuel »Edit

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‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : alb256b92c112f132fb

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of pure reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of pure reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Kritika chistogo razuma.Translation by N. M. Sokolov of St. Petersburg. Edition of the M. V. Popov Bookshop. VI 658 VIII p. 1902. Blocked: Immanuel Kant. Criticism of Practical Reason / Translation by N. M. Sokolov. 1897. Volume 2 II IV 194 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb256b92c112f132fb‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : albdb1a854a809f7724

‎Kant Immanuel. Treaties. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Traktaty‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Treaties. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Traktaty. Series: A Word about Existence. 2nd ed. Stereotype. Published on publication: I.Kant Works in 6 Vol. M. 1966. Vol. 4 Part 1. I.Kant Treaties and Letters Moscow 1980. St. Petersburg Science 2006. 552c. SKUalbdb1a854a809f7724.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎KANT (Immanuel), KANT (Immanuel) traducteur‎

Reference : 23451

‎Critique de la raison pure. Traduit de l'allemand par Jules BARNI. Avec une introduction du traducteur contenant l'analyse de cet ouvrage.‎

‎ 2 volumes in-8, brochés (couvertures défraîchies, dos du vol. II fendu), viii, cxlvii, 393 p. et 480 p. Paris, Germer-Baillière, 1869.‎

‎Edition originale de cette traduction. "Barni, le premier, restitue à Kant sa qualité de théoricien des Lumières et en fait le précurseur de la morale républicaine et démocratique, contre le Kant sceptique introduit en France par des émigrés comme Villers" (J.-F. Braunstein in 'Dict. des Philosophes', p. 243). Bon état intérieur. (Hatchuel, 'Kant en français', n°32). ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR130.00 (€130.00 )


Reference : 46723


‎Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte und Beurtheilung der Beweise derer sich Herr von Leibnitz und andere Machaniker in dieser Streitsache bedienet haben, nebst einigen vorhergehenden Betrachtungen welche die Kraft der Körper überha... - [FIRST EDITON OF KANT'S FIRST PUBLICATION]‎

‎Königsberg, Martin Eberhard Dorn, 1746. 8vo. Nice newer full vellum with gilt spine. Title-page a bit soiled and with neat reapair to blank margins, far from affecting text. A bit of occasional browning and soiling. one plate repared from verso, no loss. Title-page + 16 pp. + pp. (3) - 240 + 2 folded engraved plates. Fully complete.‎

‎The exceedingly scarce first edition of Kant's debut, the first work that he ever published, at the mere age of 22. The work constitutes a milestone in the modern discussion of dimensionality.Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) - now considered, along with Plato and Aristotle, the most important philosopher of all time -, entered the university of Königsberg at the age of 16, in 1740. Here he studied mainly mathematics and physics under Martin Knutzen and Johann Teske, until his father's death in 1746. These years proved formative for the young philosophical genious, and his profound interest in the philosophy of science stems from this period. When his father died, however, Kant was forced to break off his studies to help provide for the family, which he did by working as a private tutor for three different families over a period of about nine years. Finally in 1755 he was able to resume his studies at the university, and the same year he received his doctorate of philosophy" in 1770 he was finally given a permanent position, as professor of logic and metaphysics at the University of Königsberg. It is here that he writes the works that have changed the entire trajectory of modern thought - his three seminal critiques, that of pure reason, that of practical reason, and that of judgment. The foundation of Kant's philosophy is laid during his early years of studying, which culminate is this his first publication, ""Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces"", which constitutes an attempt to determine space dimensionality from a physical law. Kant initially adapted Leibnitz's view and tried to explain the nature of space by means of the forces of monads that cause such substances to interact. Although its basic idea was abandoned during his critic period, Kant's first work nonetheless constitutes amilestone in the modern discussion of dimensionality. ""The two main influences on Kant in his philosophical reflections on science were Leibniz and Newton. During his first period of study at the University of Königsberg, from 1740 to 1746, Knutzen taught that version of Leibniz's metaphysics which the German philosopher Christian von Wolff had made popular. He also taught the mathematical physics which Newton had developed. He revealed to the young Kant the various oppositions, puzzles, and contradictions of these two great natural philosophers. The nature of space and time was what interested the young Kant most in these disputes between Leibniz and Newton. He studied the famous exchange of letters between Leibniz and Samuel Clarke, a defender of Newton's philosophy. [...] In his early years Kant pondered the nature of space and time first from the point of view of Leibniz and then of Newton, but eventually he found both positions unsatisfactory."" (Ellington, in DSB: VII, pp. 225-26). The nature of space and space dimensionality that Kant attempts to uncover and explain in this his first work comes to found a basis for all his later thought. The role that physics, especially the concepts of space and time, plays for his view of the world and for the development of his philosophical thought is immense, and his earliest thoughts on the subject understream all of his later thought.Warda nr. 1.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK185,000.00 (€24,812.56 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : alb8ea847eb30f0ce01

‎Kant Immanuel. Religion within reason only. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Religion within reason only. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Religiya v predelakh tolko razuma. St. Petersburg. Edition V.I. Yakovenko. 1908. 214 14 p. 1422 see. SKUalb8ea847eb30f0ce01.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : alb243bb94caa1417c7

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of Practical Reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ka‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of Practical Reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Kritika prakticheskogo razuma. Series: A Word about Existence 3rd ed. Stereotype. Published by I.Kant Essays in 6 Vol. M. 1963-1966. Vol.4 Part 1 2. of St. Petersburg. Science 2007. 528s. SKUalb243bb94caa1417c7.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : alb3b55392ce84ee3a0

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of judgment. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Imman‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of judgment. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Kritika sposobnosti suzhdeniya. Series: A Word about Existence. 2nd ed. Stereotype. SKUalb3b55392ce84ee3a0.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : albf5f56d849ca1717e

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of pure reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Im‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Criticism of pure reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Kritika chistogo razuma. Saint Petersburg Book Store Edition by M.V.Popov. 1897. 666 p. SKUalbf5f56d849ca1717e.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : albe5d3c2244130f5f2

‎Kant Immanuel. Works in German and Russian. In 5 volumes 6 books. Volume 3. The‎

‎Kant Immanuel. Works in German and Russian. In 5 volumes 6 books. Volume 3. The Basis for the Metaphysics of Morals. Criticism of Practical Reason. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Sochineniya na nemetskom i russkom yazykakh. V 5 tomakh 6 knigakh. Tom 3. Osnovopolozhenie k metafizike nravov. Kritika prakticheskogo razuma. Prepared for publication by E. Solovyev A. Sudakov B. Tushling U. Vogel. Moscow Philosophical Foundation 1997. 784 p. SKUalbe5d3c2244130f5f2.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : alb3c37c68528b8b1d5

‎Kant Immanuel. A collection of Works in 8 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doub‎

‎Kant Immanuel. A collection of Works in 8 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kant Immanuil. Sobranie Sochineniy v 8 Tomakh.A series of World Philosophical Thought by M. CHORO 1994. 544 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb3c37c68528b8b1d5‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Kant Immanuel‎

Reference : albf34135c3b0b2d447

‎Kuno Fischer: The History of New Philosophy. Immanuel Kant and His Teachings. Vo‎

‎Kuno Fischer: The History of New Philosophy. Immanuel Kant and His Teachings. Volume Four In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kuno Fisher. Istoriya novoy filosofii. Immanuil Kant i ego uchenie. Tom chetveryySt. Petersburg Typography by A.E. Kolpinsky 1901. 632 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf34135c3b0b2d447‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )


Reference : 58186



‎Königsberg, Friedrich Nicolovius, 1793. 8vo. In the original bluish cardboardbinding, with handwritten title to spine. Binding very neatly restored at spine and extremities. Previous owner's inscriptions to front free end-paper and title-page as well as pasted-down front end-paper. One leaf with a tiny closed tear to blank outer margin and some leaves with a single hole to the blank outer margin. Light pencil-underlinings and -markings to a few leaves. Internally clean and fresh. Printed on very heavy paper (about three times the thickness of the normal paper) and with wide margins. XX, (2), 296, (2, -errata) pp. Housed in a beautiful marbled half calf box in pastiche-style, with splendidly gilt spine and gilt morrocco title-label.‎

‎Extremely rare presentation-copy inscribed by the recipient, a close friend of Kant, Johann Gottfried Hasse, to whom Kant gave the present copy. The copy is one of no more than perhaps five copies printed on special paper of the first edition of Kant's ""Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason"", the seminal work in which he develops his religion of reason and most fully accounts for his philosophy of religion.This magnificent copy is completely unique. Not only is one of only four or five presentation-copies printed on special paper - perhaps less - that Kant himself requested from the printer, to be given to a handful of recipients"" we also know to whom it was given, namely his close friend and professor of religion Johann Gottfreind Hasse. And Hasse has not only put his ownership signature in the book, he has also noted that it was given to him by Kant in the year of publication (""Donum auctoris 1793"").We have not been able to find information anywhere about the presentation-copies of ""Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft"" specifically. There is nothing in the Kant-correspondence about that at all, and no letters to/from the publisher about them have been preserved. But we know that Kant commissioned four or five copies of ""Critik der Urtheilskraft"" on special paper and four copies of ""Critik der reinen Vernunft"". The present copy is clearly on special paper as well (about three times the size of copies on normal paper), so even though it is not mentioned anywhere, it is fair to assume that Kant also ordered about a handful copies of ""Religion..."" to be printed on special paper as well. However, this number might be smaller. As opposed to the other two books that we know he commissioned these copies of, the publication of ""Religion..."" was caught up in a controversy over censorship, and Kant was given a reprimand in the name of the Prussian emperor, Friedrich Wilhelm II. Kant was forced to pledge not to publish on matters of religion. Furthermore, copies of the ""Religion..."" on special paper seem not to have appeared anywhere, as opposed to the very few copies of the two other works that have surfaced"" so all in all, there is absolutely no reason to think that he should have commissioned more than four or five copies of this book either. The inscription to the front free end-paper is in Hasse's hand and reads ""(Donum auctoris 1793.)/ J.G. Hasse"". The name of Hasse has been crossed out by the later owner, who has written his name underneath ""N. Grosch...(?)/ stud. Theol./ Som[mer]. Semest[er]. [18]05"" and on the title-page.The Königsberg professor J.G. Hasse (1759-1806) was a close friend of Kant and a frequent guest at his dinner table. He was a then famous German evangelist theologian and orientalist. After having graduated from the University of Jena in 1784, he became assistant professor at the faculty of philosophy there. Due to his very respected publications within science of religion, he became professor of oriental languages and later professor of theology, which is the position he possessed, when Kant gave him the present copy of his own main work on religion. A few years later, in 1801, he took over Kant's position at the academic Senate, after Kant retired from academic life. And in the last years of Kant's life, Hasse grew even closer to him. He was a frequent guest in his home and a close friend. Hasse was furthermore one of the first to publish a biography of Kant. This biography became particularly famous, because it was written by someone in the inner circle of friends. There is no doubt that Kant had tremendous respect for the renowned professor of religion, to whom he gave one of the only four or five copies printed on special paper of his own definitive work on religion. This is presumably the best presentation- or association-copy of a Kant-book that one can hope to come across. Warda: 141.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK275,000.00 (€36,883.54 )


Reference : 55503


‎Prolegomena zu einer jeder künftigen Metaphysik die als Wissenschaft wird auftreten können + Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Zweyte vermehrte Auflage + Der Streit der Facultäten in drey Abschnitten.‎

‎Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1783 + Königsberg, Friedrich Nicolovius, 1794 + 1798. 8vo. Bound together in one slightly later full green cloth binding with gilt title to spine: Kant/ Religion/ und/ Metaphysik. A bit of wear to extremities and a bit of brownspotting throughout. But all in all a harmonious and nice ""Sammelband"" of three of Kant's important works. With stamp (Studentersamfundet"") to front free end-paper and to all three title-pages. 1) Woodcut title-vignette, woodcut flower-and putti-headpiece on p. 3 and woodcut end-vignette (ornamentail piece with flowers). 222 pp. 2) With contemporary ownership-signature to title-page. XXVI, (4), 314, (2, -errata) pp. 3) With contemporary ownership-signature to title-page (same as previous work: v. Holmfeld""). XXX, 205 pp.‎

‎The three works together constitute an excellent introduction to the full range of Kant works and are all of the utmost importance to the understanding of his philosophy:1) First edition, third issue, of Kant's masterpiece, the more popular exposition of the ideas presented in his main work ""Critik der reinen Vernunft"" (1781). Three variants of the first edition are known to exist, distinguishable by head- and tailpieces, and this is the third one listed in Warda, i.e. Warda 77.This work constitutes a more comprehensible exposition of the main thoughts of Kant's ""Critique of Pure Reason"", and it is probably one of the most frequently read and approachable of his works. After having received immense negative critique and having been misunderstood with the first edition of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"", Kant wrote his ""Prolegomena"" as a defense and explanation, and he later incorporated much of it into the second edition of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"""" -it is with the ideas expounded in this work that Kant becomes world-famous. ""Kant's great achievement was to conclude finally the lines on which philosophical speculation had proceeded in the eighteenth century, and to open up a new and more comprehensive system of dealing with the problems of philosophy... The influence of Kant is paramount in the critical method of modern philosophy. - No other thinker has been able to hold with such firmness the balance between speculative and empirical ideas... "" (PMM 226). Warda: 77. 2) The improved and enlarged second edition of Kant's seminal work, in which he develops his religion of reason and most fully accounts for his philosophy of religion.The ""Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason "" originally appeared in 1793 but was enlarged and revised by Kant himself, and it appeared in the definitive second edition on 1794. It is this second edition which became the standard version of the text.The work is constituted by four essays, in which Kant accounts for relationship between the moral doctrines that he had developed in his works of moral philosophy and his understanding of religion. One of his most frequently cited conclusions is that even though morality in itself does not need religion, morality will still inevitably lead to religion.""The work in which Kant offers his most extensive and systematic treatment of religion from the perspective of his critical philosophy is ""Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason"". In addition to its importance in the development of Kant's view of religion as discussed below, this work is notable because of the controversy over censorship that attended its publication, the reprimand then given to Kant in the name of the Prussian emperor, Friedrich Wilhelm II, and Kant's pledge not to publish on matters of religion, which he later considered abrogated upon the death of the emperor in 1797."" (SEP).Warda: 145.3) First edition of the last book that Kant himself published (together with his simultaneously published lecture ""Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht""), in which he defends the Faculty of Philosophy against those of Theology, Law, and Medicine, claiming that Philosophy is superior in that it is the only of them that pursues truth in stead of usefulness. Criticizing the contemporary practice at the universities, he argues that the disciplines of the humanities and sciences, which are those collected in the Faculty of Philosophy, ought to be free from censorship or any form of state control, both in teaching and research. Warda: 193‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK9,500.00 (€1,274.16 )


Reference : 57178



‎Berlin u. Libau, Lagarde und Friederich, 1790. 8vo (204 x 135 x 60 mm). Near contemporary marbled paper binding with gilt green title-label to spine. Hinges and capitals neatly restored. Old ownership-stamp to title-page. Mid-nineteenth-century Viennese bookseller's label to pasted-down back end-paper. Occasional light foxing in some margins, otherwise clean and bright. Printed on special, heavy paper, making the volume nearly double the thickness of regular copies. LVIII, 476 pp., (1) f. (errata).‎

‎Extremely rare copy, printed on special paper, of the first edition of Kant's seminal ""Critique of Judgment"", the third and last of his critiques, which ""Kant himself regarded [..] as the coping-stone of his critical edifice"" it even formed the point of departure for his successors, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, in the construction of their respective systems."" (J.H. Bernard in the introduction to his translation of ""Critique of Judgment). THIS MAGNIFICENT COPY IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER WE HAVE SEEN - ONE OF ONLY FOUR OR FIVE PRESENTATION-COPIES PRINTED ON SPECIAL PAPER THAT KANT HIMSELF REQUESTED FROM THE PRINTER, TO BE GIVEN TO A HANDFUL OF NAMED RECIPIENTS. From a letter to Lagarde from January 21st 1790 (see ""Briefwechsel von Imm. Kant"", ed. Fischer, Müller, 1912, pp. 110-11), we know that Kant had requested 20 author's copies, four of them to be printed on special paper. While the book was in the press, Kant sent Lagarde a list of presentees to whom copies on special paper should be sent. He now named five recipients, so we assume that five copies were printed on special paper, instead of the original requested four copies. The recipients were: Count J.N. Windisch-Grätz, F.H Jacobi, K.L. Reinhold, L.H. Jacob and J.F. Blumenbach (see letter to Lagarde, March 25th, 1790, ""Briefwechsel von Imm. Kant"", ed. Fischer, Müller, 1912, pp. 126-7). As far as we know, none of these five presentation-copies have been traced and we have never seen one of them before. Neither do we know which of the five recipients received the present copy.Together with his two other critiques, the ""Critique of Judgment"" arguably constitutes the most important contribution to philosophy since Aristotle and Plato. Kant's seminal third critique was extremely influential from the time of its appearance - Goethe said said it was the first philosophical book ever to move him, and Fichte called it ""the crown of the critical philosophy"""" ""...not only did Goethe think highly of it, but it received a large measure of attention in France as well as in Germany on its first appearance. Originally published at Berlin in 1790, a Second Edition was called for in 1793"" and a French translation was made by Imhoff in 1796. Other French versions are those by Keratry and Weyland in 1823, and by Barni in 1846."" (J.H. Bernard). In the ""Critique of Judgment"", Kant develops philosophical aesthetics and teleology that comprises nature and art. This aesthetics fulfills an essential systematic function in the Kantian architectonic. It bridges the gap between reason and nature, thus serving as a complement to practical reason of which Kant had proposed a critique two years earlier.The third critique is essential to an understanding of Kant's project of a critical philosophy. It is here that he seeks to join the dimensions of human experience which he had laid bare in the two previous critiques. A number of the conceptual foundations he had laid from 1782 break down, as he tries to demonstrate that aesthetics mediates between the realm of sensibility and that of reason.In order to do so, he sets out to show that aesthetic intuition ranges over both realms. The key to this demonstration is the claim that the two realms are isomorphic. However, as Kant considers the aesthetic judgment of the products of man's artistic invention, he cannot fit them into the format of a teleology of nature. Instead, he develops a conceptual framework for aesthetic judgment which explains why the first section on the faculty of aesthetic judgment swelled to the point of dwarfing the section on the teleology of nature.In the third critique the tension which inhere in the project of a critical philosophy rises to the surface. The third critique thus provides us with an invaluable glimpse into the actual workings of the mental faculties that Kant attempted to chart in his philosophy. For this very reason, the third critique provided the point of departure for much of later idealist philosophy, especially that of Hegel whose speculative philosophy can be seen as an articulation of the topics which Kant had uncovered in the third critique. ""...the Critique of Judgement completes the whole undertaking of criticism" its endeavour is to show that there are a priori principles at the basis of Judgement just as there are in the case of Understanding and of Reason that these principles, like the principles of Reason, are not constitutive but only regulative of experience, i.e. that they do not teach us anything positive about the characteristics of objects, but only indicate the conditions under which we find it necessary to view them" and lastly, that we are thus furnished with an a priori philosophy of pleasure."" (J.H. Barnard). Warda: 125. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK250,000.00 (€33,530.49 )

‎KANT Immanuel - ULRICH Johann August Heinrich‎

Reference : 156180



‎ bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch / Cröker, Riga / Jena, 1788. In-16 gr. (mm. 194x114), 2 opere in 1 vol., mz. tela coeva, titolo oro al dorso, pp.num. 292, carattere gotico. "Prima edizione" della Critica della ragion pratica, seconda grande opera fondamentale del filosofo tedesco Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). La prima - sua opera capitale - fu La critica della ragion pura (pubblicata nel 1781) e la terza la Critica del giudizio (1790).Linfluenza dellopera kantiana su tutto il pensiero filosofico posteriore, fino ai nostri giorni, è stata immensa e ha posto i problemi delletica su di un piano del tutto nuovo.. Alla Critica della ragion pratica spetta il merito di aver tolto letica dalla sua fase precettistica e dogmatica, e di averne fatto la sistematica riflessione razionale sulla problematica della moralità. Così Diz. Opere Bompiani,II, p. 499. Unito a:<br>- ULRICH Johann August Heinrich - "Eleutheriologie, oder über Freyheit und Nothwendigkeit". Zum Gebrauch der Vorlesungen in den Michaelisferien. Jena, in der Crokerschen Buchhandlung, 1788, pp. 106,(10). Testo in carattere gotico. "Prima edizione". Johann August Heinrich Ulrich (1746-1813), professore di filosofia a Jena, seguace della filosofia popolare, in un primo tempo giudicò la "Critica della Ragion pura" il vero e unico codice della filosofia, attribuendole grande importanza. Tuttavia non fu mai un vero kantiano, ma piuttosto un eclettico, e, specialmente in seguito al grande successo riscosso dallinsegnamento kantiano di Reinhold a Jena, attaccò aspramente Kant e i seguaci del criticismo. Lopera "Eleutheriologie.. " (1788) è unopera polemica contro Kant, in cui U. sostiene una sorta di determinismo morale, affermando la validità del principio di ragion sufficiente non solo per la natura, ma anche per la morale (così Encicl. Filosofica,IV, p. 1367).Esempl. con sottolineature e lunghe note ms. con inchiostro nero (nella 1a. opera); lieve alone al risg. posteriore, ma complessivamente ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR3,000.00 (€3,000.00 )


Reference : 61779


‎Prolegomena zu einer jeder künftigen Metaphysik die als Wissenschaft wird auftreten können. - [MAIN WORK OF GERMAN IDEALISM]‎

‎Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1783. 8vo. In contemporary full sprinkled calf with gilt lettering to spine. Spine and edges of boards with wear. Small repair to lower margin of first two leaves, not touching text. Small worm-tract to upper margin of first 18 ff. A with marginal underlinings in pencil. 222 pp.‎

‎The rare first edition, first issue, of Kant's masterpiece, the more popular exposition of the ideas presented in his main work ""Critik der reinen Vernunft"" (1781). Three variants of the first edition appeared in the same year, distinguishable by head- and tailpieces"" this is the first, as described in Warda, 75.This work constitutes a more comprehensible exposition of the main thoughts of Kant's ""Critique of Pure Reason"", and the ""prolegomena"", being one of the most frequently read and most approachable of his works, also became one of Kant's most influential. It is responsible for spreading his thoughts among a much wider audience than his other works. After having received immense negative critique and having been misunderstood with the first edition of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"", Kant wrote his ""Prolegomena"" as a defense and explanation"" he later incorporated much of it into the second edition of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"". It is with the ideas expounded in this work that Kant becomes world-famous. ""Kant's great achievement was to conclude finally the lines on which philosophical speculation had proceeded in the eighteenth century, and to open up a new and more comprehensive system of dealing with the problems of philosophy... The influence of Kant is paramount in the critical method of modern philosophy. - No other thinker has been able to hold with such firmness the balance between speculative and empirical ideas... "" (PMM 226). Warda 75.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK9,000.00 (€1,207.10 )

‎Kant Immanuel Gibelin J.‎

Reference : 38477VPPG


Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR36.04 (€36.04 )


Reference : 61962


‎Critik der reinen Vernunft. - [PMM 226 - PURE REASON - CHANGING THE FACE OF PHILOSOPHY]‎

‎Riga, Hartknoch, 1781. 8vo. Comtemporary - possibly the original! - beige cardboard-binding with contemporary handwritten paper title-label to spine. Spine relaid, preserving the paper-label, with front hinge neatly reastored, perfectly matching the original paper. Smaller, hardly noticeable, restorations to back hinge and upper capital. All edges coloured in red. Front free end-paper with restorations to upper outer corner. Library-stamp (Stadt-Bibliothek Homburg) to recto and verso of title-page as well as blank part of f. a2r, all with deaccession-stamps over. Internally exceptionally nice, clean, and fresh, with hardly any spotting of any kind. Overall an excellent copy. (24), 856 pp.‎

‎Rare first edition of Kant's monumental main work, arguably the most important work in the history of philosophy since Aristotle.The ""Critique of Pure Reason"" took Kant about a decade to write, and the work is of the utmost scarcity. It is due to this work that Kant became world famous as one of the three or four greatest philosophers of all times, and the work fundamentally changed the face of philosophy. With this work philosophy is finally provided with a new and comprehensive way of dealing systematically with the problems of philosophy. ""In 1770 Kant became professor of logic and metaphysics, and at this point there is a sudden falling off in number of his publications. The cause of this became clear eleven years later when ""The Critique of Pure Reason"" appeared"" and with it Kant became famous. Kant's great achievement was to conclude finally the lines on which philosophical speculation had proceeded in the eighteenth century, and to open up a new and more comprehensive system of dealing with the problems of philosophy... The influence of Kant is paramount to the critical method of modern philosophy. No other thinker has been able to hold with such firmness the balance between speculative and empirical ideas. His penetrating analysis of the elements involved in synthesis, and the subjective process by which these elements are realized in the individual consciousness, demonstrated the operation of ""pure reason"", and the simplicity and cogency of his arguments achieved immediate fame."" (PMM 226). Hook & Norman 1197.PMM 226.Warda 59.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK270,000.00 (€36,212.93 )

‎KANT (Immanuel), TISSOT (Claude-Joseph)‎

Reference : 29168

‎Prolégomènes à toute métaphysique future qui aura le droit de se présenter comme science. Suivis de deux autres fragments du même auteur relatifs à la Critique de la raison pure () traduits de l'allemand d'Immanuel Kant par J. Tissot.‎

‎ In-8, demi-veau brun de l'époque, dos à faux-nerfs filetés à froid, 3 fers dorés entre-nerfs, 2 pièces de titre de maroquin noir (plats frottés, coins émoussés), vii, 484 p., large auréole claire. Paris, Ladrange, 1865.‎

‎Première édition française de 'Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik'. (Hatchuel, 'Kant en français', n° 31). ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 60840


‎Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre. - [KANT'S PHILOSOPHY OF LAW]‎

‎Königsberg, Friedrich Nicolovius, 1797. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with gilt lettering to spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. A very nice and clean copy. XII, LII, (3), 56-235, (1) pp. ‎

‎The first edition of Kant's influential philosophy of law (or right), his ""Rechtslehre"", which appeared as the independent first part of his ""Metaphysik der Sitten"". Kant's ""Rechtslehre"" is explained as a system of the principles of law, in which Kant applies the foundational notions developed in, for instance - and most notably, his ""Critique of Pure Reason"".In this important work, Kant seeks the general and necessary principles of law/right, those that are given through the pure reason a priori, and he determines the degree to which these principles found the empirical praxis of law/right. After having determined the general principles, he discusses their application to private law as well as institutional law. The work thus continues to be of great importance to the philosophy of law.The present copy with the colophon on the second-last page (and with the errata), as explained by Warda (note 18) - there is no precedecy between copies with/without the colophon.Warda 171.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 52478


‎Über die von der Könogl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin für das Jahr 1791 ausgesetzte Preisfrage: Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die die Metaphysik seit Leibnitzens und Wolf's Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht hat? Herausgegeben von Frie... - [KANT'S PRIZE ESSAY]‎

‎Königsberg, Goebbels & Unger, 1804. 8vo. Original blank blue wrappers with handwritten title to spine. A very nice copy. Contemporary owner's name to inside of front board (S. Grubbe) and stamp to title-page (Gothenburg Museum, 1861). 204, (4, -advertisements) pp.‎

‎The rare first edition of Kant's famous posthumously published prize essay, written in 1791, answering the question set by the Berlin Royal Academy of Sciences: What are the Actual Advances Metaphysics Has Made in Germany Since the Time of Leibniz and Wolff? Right after Kant's death in 1804, Friedrich Theodor Rink edited and published parts of drafts Kant had written on this topic Kant never published a finished version, and this is all that appeared.Warda: 220. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 61541


‎Physische Geographie. Ersten Bandes erste Abtheilung, welche die mathematischen Vorkenntnisse und die allgemeine Beschreibung der Meere enthält (+) Ersten Bandes zweite Abtheilung.‎

‎Mainz & Hamburg, Vollmer, 1801. 8vo. In contemporary half calf. Small paper-label pasted on to spine. Wear to boards, part of the marbled paper worn off. Internally with occassional brownspots, but generally nice and clean. VI, 264, (2), 323, (3) pp. ‎

‎The first authorized edition of these geographical treatises published in response to Vollmer's unauthorized 1801 edition. Kant was among the pioneering scholars to integrate geography into university curricula, delivering lectures on the subject from 1756 to 1796. In 1757 he began teaching geography, making him one of the earliest academics to establish it as an independent discipline.Geography became one of Kant’s most popular lecture topics, and in 1802, Friedrich Theodor Rink compiled and published the present work based on Kant's lecture notes. After becoming a professor in 1770, Kant broadened his lecture topics to include natural law, ethics, anthropology and other fields. Warda 210‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 61782


‎Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefasst. - [KANT'S ONLY WORK ON PSYCHOLOGY]‎

‎Königsberg, Nicolovius, 1798. 8vo. In contemporary marbled paper covered boards with gilt lettering to spine. Previous owner's names in contemporary hand to pasted down front end-paper and front free end-paper. First leaves slightly browned, a nice copy. XIV, 334 pp.‎

‎First edition of Kant's major contribution to empirical psychology, in which he attempted a classification of mental diseases. It was developed from lecture notes for a number of successful classes taught by Kant from 1772 to 1796 at the Albertus Universität in then Königsberg, Germany. Scholars Victor L. Dowdell and Hans H. Rudnick, for example, have argued that Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View constitutes the best way for layperson readers to begin learning Kant's philosophy 'To some extent the division of subjects in this book helped inadvertently to establish the three-fold classification of mental experiences, namely, knowing, feeling and willing, in place of the traditional two-fold classification, namely, cognition and appetition' (Wolf). The present work was the subject of Michel Foucault's doctoral dissertation. Garrison & Morton 4969Norman 1201Warda 195Wellcome II, 378‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )

‎KANT (Immanuel), LORTET (Pierre) traducteur, BOUILLIER (Francisque)‎

Reference : 29450

‎Théorie de Kant sur la religion dans les limites de la raison, ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par M. le docteur Lortet ; précédé d'une introduction par M. Francisque Bouillier.‎

‎ In-12, broché (couverture défraîchie), xlii, (2), 106 p., premiers feuillets fortement brunis. Paris, Joubert et Lyon, Ch. Savy, 1842.‎

‎Édition abrégée de "La religion dans les limites de la raison", publiée un an après la première française. Cette version est "généralement attribuée à Kant lui même" selon Francisque Bouiller dans sa préface. (Hatchuel, 'Kant en français', n°17). ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎KERATRY (Auguste-Hilarion, comte de), KANT (Immanuel)‎

Reference : 33622

‎Examen philosophique des considérations sur le sentiment du sublime et du beau, dans le rapport des caractères, des tempéraments, des sexes, des climats et des religions, d'Emmanuel Kant (...).‎

‎ In-8, demi-basane blonde de l'époque, dos lisse orné de roulettes et fers dorés, pièce de titre de maroquin bordeaux, xxviii, 380 p.. Paris, Bossange frères, 1823.‎

‎Edition originale et unique. Kératry livre une synthèse philosophique, largement adossée à une critique de Kant, des opinions exprimées en ce début de XIXe siècle sur la place sociale de l'art et sur les rapports entre le beau, le bon et l'utile. L'ouvrage contient la troisième traduction française des "Considérations sur le sentiment du sublime et du beau" (p. 258-378) ici par Kératry, lui-même.Manques aux coiffes, mors fendillés, coins émoussés.(Hatchuel, 'Kant en Français', n° 9). ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )
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