Lugd. Bat. (Leiden), apud Franciscum Hackium, 1648, in-8vo, 16 leaves, incl. engraved frontispiece-title + 642 p. + 22 leaves, light foxing in places practically only to extremity of margins, hw. former owner's names ‘ex libris Bartholomei Gannii 1659’, ‘... Fr. Iselin 1847’, and ‘Elie Bertrand’, vellum binding, blindstamped line frames on both covers, old hw. title on top of spine, lightly rubbed and duststained. (19 cm).
With beautiful frontispiece title engr. by Reinier Van Persyn (1614-1688). Original text printed in italics, with extensive small caracter footnotes in 2 col. underneath. Schweiger II/510-511 (Notiz: “Schrevelius folgte im Juv. dem Texte des Rigaltius. Er benutzte 4 Hdschr. (des Gudius u. Salmasius) u. ältere Ausg.); cf. Graesse III/520. image disp.
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JUVENALIS Decimus Junius - Aulus PERSIUS FLACCUS - Theodorus PULLMANUS ( editor ) :
Reference : 48279
.: Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1565, in-8, 170 x 115 mm, 160 pp, complete, collation identical with Voet n° 1493. Bound in contemporary full vellum, , sometime restiched and endpapers renewed with old paper, spine lettered i n ink, somewhat soiled but good. Inside with some foxing, a small marginal dampmark to 15 leaves, one page with a faint but large splashmark, early ownership inscriptions of Marcus and Gio. Carlo Maciagas. This is the first Plantin edition of the preserved works by Juvenal and Persius edited by Theodor Poelman (1512 - 1581). It was the best 16th c. edition before the discovery of the Montpellier manuscript which was first used by Pithou in 1585. USTC 401187. Voet 1493..