".: 14. Roterodami (Rotterdam), Regneri Leers, 1694, 2 parts in one volume, in-folio, 36 x 22,5 cm, engraved frontispiece (Vander Werff - Mulder), title with wood-engraved vignette + (28)pp with one copper-engraved vignette (S. le Clerc) + facsimile of the copper-engraved portrait of the author + 296 pp + (20) ; title + (30) + 236 pp + (16)pp, contemporary full mottled calf, raised back with gilt decorations, a few small imperfections at the binding but and crisp copy, with two small circular stamps (ex-library) on the title (Bibliothèque d'Epinal). The portrait and pages 99-101 are neatly bound in in facsimile made on matching paper. The most useful Latin edition of this important source of antiquarian erudition on the arts. See Arntzen & Rainwater H64; ''An early work by a member of the circle of Rubens. According to Schlosser it is even today a rich source of antiquarian erudition.'' . Graesse III 499.."