Joshua (William) - Gardner (J. Starkie) - Linnean Society of London
Reference : 38117
Linnean Society of London , Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1886 Book condition, Etat : Moyen paperback, original editor's wrappers In-8 1 vol. - 66 pages
5 plates (complete, 4 in colors) Contents, Chapitres : 1. William Joshua : Burmese Desmidieae, with Descriptions of new Species occurring in the neighbourhood of Rangoon, plates XXII to XXV - 2. J. Starkie Gardner : Eocene Ferns from the Basalts of Ireland and Scotland, plate XXVI - Index, contents, and title-page to vol. XXI, viii - pages 633 to 690 the bottom-wrapper is missing, the spine is damaged, inside is clean