Goyau Georges Lanzac de Laborie Léon de Cochin Henri Jordan Edouard Duthoit Eugène Baudrillart Alfred.
Reference : 11455
Gabriel Beauchêne Grand et Fort In-8°, broché, XV- 480pp, portrait frontispice, arbre en figure monogramme ornant le premier plat, la première et la dernière gerde sont épidermée sans profondeur, belles tranches, bonne et belle tenue.
Mention de Troisième Mille Bon Etat Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse.
Gruber Alain - Thuillier Jacques - Azzi-Vezantini Margherita - Bimbenet-Privat Michèle - Costantini-Lachat Francisca - Jordan Marc-Henri - Fohr Robert
Reference : 14932
ISBN : 2850881201
Citadelles & Mazenod, (1993). Fort volume In quarto (313 x 253 mm), 493 p, pleine percaline estampée d'un motif en vignette couleur sous jaquette ill et emboitage maroquiné rouge, très bel exemplaire, abondante illustration dans le texte.
Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse.
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. 8vo. Entire volume 45 of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt title to spine. Library stamp to title-page. Corners and lower capital bumped, hinges a bit weak. An overall fine and clean copy. Pp. 751-765"" 766-775. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 910 pp.].
First publication of Jordan and Klein's influential paper (the first mentioned) which contributed to the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics, today known as Jordan-Klein matrices. ""Born, Heisenberg, and Jordan had indicated, and Dirac had demonstrated, the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics. Second quantization guarantees that photons obey Bose-Einstein statistics. What about other particles which obey Bose-Einstein statistics? The year 1927 was not over before Jordan and Klein addressed this question [in the present paper]."" (Pais, Inward bound. p. 338). ""Jordan and Klein found that ""one can quantize just as well the non-relativistic Schroedinger equation. In honor of these contributions the matrices have been named Jordan-Klein matrices."" (ibid. p. 339). ""Convinced that the many-body problem in quantum mechanics can be stated correctly only in the context of quantized matter waves (""repeated"" or ""second"" quantization. as it was called later by Léon Rosenfeld), Jordan started working out his ideas together with Wolfgang Pauli. Oskar Klein, and Eugene Wigner. During his stay in Copenhagen in the summer 1927 Jordan established, together with Klein, the first nonrelativistic formalism of second quantization for a system of interacting Bose particles."" (DSB).The second paper, ""Über Wellen und Korpuskeln in der Quantenmechanik"", ""contained several other formal and mathematical generalizations, but its main practical value is that, in the newly established theory of the 'quantized wave field', the fluctuations in the Bose case now satisfied all requirements following from Einstein's light-quantum treatment of 1924 and 1925."" (Mehra, The historical development of quantum theory, 2000, p. 231.
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. 8vo. Entire volume 45 of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in a red-brown contemporary half cloth with gilt title to spine. Library stamp to title-page. Corners and lower capital bumped, hinges a bit weak. An overall fine and clean copy. Pp. 751-765"" 766-775. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 910 pp.].
First publication of Jordan and Klein's influential paper (the first mentioned) which contributed to the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics, today known as Jordan-Klein matrices. ""Born, Heisenberg, and Jordan had indicated, and Dirac had demonstrated, the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics. Second quantization guarantees that photons obey Bose-Einstein statistics. What about other particles which obey Bose-Einstein statistics? The year 1927 was not over before Jordan and Klein addressed this question [in the present paper]."" (Pais, Inward bound. p. 338).Jordan and Klein found that ""one can quantize just as well the non-relativistic Schroedinger equation. In honor of these contributions the matrices have been named Jordan-Klein matrices."" (ibid. p. 339). The second paper, ""Über Wellen und Korpuskeln in der Quantenmechanik"", ""contained several other formal and mathematical generalizations, but its main practical value is that, in the newly established theory of the 'quantized wave field', the fluctuations in the Bose case now satisfied all requirements following from Einstein's light-quantum treatment of 1924 and 1925."" (Mehra, The historical development of quantum theory, 2000, p. 231.
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. 8vo. Entire volume 45 of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in a black contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Library stamp to free front end-paper. An overall fine and clean copy. Pp. 751-765"" 766-775. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 910 pp.].
First publication of Jordan and Klein's influential paper (the first mentioned) which contributed to the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics, today known as Jordan-Klein matrices. ""Born, Heisenberg, and Jordan had indicated, and Dirac had demonstrated, the close connection between quantum fields and quantum statistics. Second quantization guarantees that photons obey Bose-Einstein statistics. What about other particles which obey Bose-Einstein statistics? The year 1927 was not over before Jordan and Klein addressed this question [in the present paper]."" (Pais, Inward bound. p. 338).Jordan and Klein found that ""one can quantize just as well the non-relativistic Schroedinger equation. In honor of these contributions the matrices have been named Jordan-Klein matrices."" (Ibid. p. 339). The second paper, ""Über Wellen und Korpuskeln in der Quantenmechanik"", ""contained several other formal and mathematical generalizations, but its main practical value is that, in the newly established theory of the 'quantized wave field', the fluctuations in the Bose case now satisfied all requirements following from Einstein's light-quantum treatment of 1924 and 1925."" (Mehra, The historical development of quantum theory, 2000, p. 231.
Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1869. 8vo. Bound in later half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Mathematische Annalen"", Volume 1., 1869. Entire volume offered. Library stamp to front free end-paper and title-page. Internally a few light brown spots.. Pp. 141-160. [Entire volume: Pp. IV-636.]
First printing of the very first issue of the influential mathematical journal ""Mathematische Annalen"" containing Camille Jordan famous paper on Galois group theory. ""When Jordan started his mathematical career, Galois's profound ideas and results (Which had remained unknown to most mathematicians until 1845) were still very poorly understood. Jordan was the first to embark on a systematic development of the theory of finite groups and of its applications in the directions opened by Galois. Chief among his first results were the concept of composition series and the first part of the famous Jordan-Hölder theorem, proving the invariance of the system of indexes of consecutive groups in any composition series (up to their ordering). He also was the first to investigate the structure of the general linear group and of the ""classical"" groups over a prime finite field, and he very ingeniously applied his results to a great range of problems" in particular, he was able to determine the structure of the Galois group of equations having as roots the parameters of some well-known geometric configurations (the twenty-seven lines on a cubic surface, the twentyhypheneight double tangents to a quartic, the sixteen double points of a Kummer surface, and so on).Another problem for which Jordan's knowledge of these classical groups was the key to the solution, and to which he devoted a considerable amount of effort from the beginning of his career, was the general study of solvable finite groups. From all we know today (in particular about p groups. a field which was started, in the generation following Jordan, with the Sylow theorems) it seems hopeless to expect a complete classification of all solvable groups which would characterize each of them, for instance by a system of numerical invariants. Perhaps Jordan realized this" at any rate he contented himself with setting up the machinery that would automatically yield all solvable groups of a given order n."" (DSB)""There have been few mathematicians with personalities as engaging as that of Galois, who died at the age of twenty years and seven months from wounds received in a mysterious duel. He left a body of work-for the most part published posthumously less than 100 pages, the astonishing richness of which was revealed in the second half of the nineteenth century. Far from being a cloistered scholar, this extraordinarily precocious and exceptionally profound genius had an extremely tormented life. A militant republican, driven to revolt by the adversity that overwhelmed him and by the incomprehension and disdain with which the scientific world received his works, to most of his contemporaries he was only a political agitator. Yet in fact, continuing the work of Abel, he produced with the aid of group theory a definitive answer to the problem of the solvability of algebraic equations, a problem that had absorbed the attention of mathematicians since the eighteenth century"" he thereby laid one of the foundations of modern algebra. The few sketches remaining of other works that he devoted to the theory of elliptic functions and that of Abelian integrals and his reflections. on the philosophy and methodology of mathematics display an uncanny foreknowledge of modern mathematics.""
Jordan W. (Jordan W.). A guide to higher geodesy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Jordan W. ( Iordan V. ). Rukovodstvo vysshey geodezii. Translated from the 2nd German Edition by A.Bick M. The Book Shop Edition by N.I.Mamontov. 1881 XIV 852 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8fb4dd8f3649f108
Exeter Stride Publications 1998 Première édition. Un exemplaire impeccable de ce recueil de poèmes de Jordan. Une grande sélection (69 poèmes). Couverture souple noire, propre et soignée, avec photo sur la couverture avant. L'intérieur est pratiquement comme neuf. "Enterré", "ancestral", "décodé", "invisible", "muet" : les adjectifs qu'Andrew Jordan a utilisés dans les titres de ses livres de poèmes indiquent sa préoccupation persistante pour le caché, le refoulé, ce qui se trouve en dessous. (PN Review 1998). 116 pages. 210 x 145 mm
First Edition. A spotless copy of this collection of Jordan's poetry. A large (69 poems) selection. Clean and tidy black softback covers, with picture to front cover. Internally virtually as new. ""Buried," "ancestral", "decoded", "invisible", "mute": the adjectives Andrew Jordan has used in the titles of his books of poems indicate his persistent concern with the hidden, the repressed, that which lies under." (PN Review 1998). 116 pages. 210 by 145mm (8Œ by 5Ÿ inches). .
Austin Billy,Jordan Louis - Austin Billy,Jordan Louis - Austin Billy,Jordan Louis
Reference : 26006
Leeds Music 1944
Bon état Format Américain Piano
P., Blanchard, 1957; un volume in 4, broché, couverture imprimée, 18pp., 666pp.
Nouveau tirage ---- "JORDAN's MONIMENTAL WORK Traité des substitutions et des équations algébriques, published in 1870 is a masterpiece of mathematical architecture. The beauty of the edifice erected by Jordan is admirable". (Van der Waerden A history of algebra p. 117) ---- "In 1870, Jordan gathered all his results on permutation groups for the previous ten years in a huge volume, Traité des substitutions, which for thirty years was to remain the bible of all specialists in group theory. His fame had spread beyond France, and foreign students were eager to attend his lectures ; in particular Felix Klein and Sophus Lie came to Paris in 1870 to study with Jordan, who at that time was developing his researches in an entirely new direction : the determination of all groups of movements in three-dimensional space". (DSB VII 167/169)
Short description: In Russian. Jordan, Fedor Ivanovich. Notes by the Rector and Professor of the Academy of Arts Fyodor Ivanovich Jordan. Moscow: Moscow, 1918. Zapiski rektora i professora Akademii khudozhestv Fedora Ivanovicha Iordan. In Russian /Notes by the Rector and Professor of the Academy of Arts Fyodor Ivanovich Jordan. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9103783
Paris, mardi 7 Floréal an 10 (1802). Lettre autographe signée à Talleyrand. 3 pages. (25x18,5 Cm). 2 feuillets. Intéressante lettre adressée, avec la mention "Pour lui seul", au Citoyen Talleyrand, Ministre des Relations Extérieures dans son hotel." Le principal motif de la lettre était de demander à Talleyrand, au moment où l'on procédait à la formation de plusieurs légations, l'appui en faveur du frère de Camille Jordan qui faisait déjà partie du ministère. Mais la lettre évoque également une "affaire" politique concernant Camille Jordan, sans doute les problèmes qu'il avait eu à la suite de la publication d'une brochure contre le Consulat: "Je me suis présenté deux fois chez vous avec Mounier pour avoir l'honneur de vous voir et pour vous remercier de l'intérêt que vous avez pris à moi dans une affaire qui s'est heureusement terminé (...) et plus loin: (mon frère) n'a plus à redouter je l'espère, le préjugé de mon nom, le Premier Consul m'aiant dit lui même il y a quelques jours que je devois être sûr qu'il ne gardait contre moi aucune impression défavorable..." Ecrivain et homme politique, Camille Jordan était ami de Mounier, de Madame de Staël et du philosophe de Gérando. Cachet de cire enlevé, avec un trou marginal atteignant légèrement le texte. Traces de plis.
[Véronique Jordan-Roman ] - RONSARD Véronique Jordan-Roman
Reference : 44263
ISBN : 2110808284
Paris Imprimerie Nationale 1985 in 8 carré (22,5x17) 1 volume reliure plein cuir rouge de l'éditeur, dos à 4 nerfs soulignés de filets dorés, tête dorée, 365 pages [4], avec de nombreuses illustrations hors-texte en couleurs de Véronique Jordan-Roman. Textes présentés et commentés par Robert Aulotte. Collection '' Lettres Françaises''. Tirage limité à 5100 exemplaires numérotés, celui-ci un des 4980 exemplaires imprimés sur papier d'édition de Rives, et reliés plein cuir. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Reliure Ed. numérotée
La Colombe 1945 In-Folio, en feuilles sous chemise à rabats, 12 ff. + 10 lithographies + 4 ff. Lithographies originales d’André JORDAN. Couvertures ternies, légèrement fendillée en tête, intérieur frais.
XXX/ 500 exemplaire sur Marais-Crèvecoeur numérotés de I à D. Les paysages de la Provence et ses villagesont comptés dans la vie d’André Jordan (1908- ?) qui fut souvent inspiré par la beauté et le charme de ces lieux. Bon état d’occasion
(Paris, Les Amis bibliophiles, 1981) 1981 1 vol. Broché Belle eau-forte tirée à 130 exemplaires sur Arches, justifiée et signée par l'artiste. En parfait état.
Reference : 39170
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1925-26. Bound in 4 nearly uniform contemp. hcloth. Edges a little rubbed. Stamp on title-pages. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel"", Vols 33,34,35 and 36. VII,950"VII,953VIII,954"VII,951 pp. The offered papers: pp. 879-893 (vol.33), pp. 858-888 (vol.34), pp.557-615 (vol.35) and pp.336-363 (vol. 36). Internally fine and clean.
First printings of these four absolutely fundamental papers, which together MARK THE TURNING POINT IN THE FABRICATION OF A NEW PHYSICS, Quantum Mechanics, also called ""Matrix Mechanics"".""In May 1925, Heisenberg took on a new and difficult problem, the calculation of the line intensities of the hydrogen spectrum. Just as he had done with Kramers and Bohr, Heisenberg began with a Fourier analysis of the electron orbits. When the hydrogen orbit proved too difficult, he turned to the anharmonic oscillator. With a new multiplication rule relating the amplitudes and frequencies of the Fourier components to observed quantities, Heisenberg succeeded in quantizing the equations of motion for this system in close analogy with the classical equations of motion.....in June Heisenberg returned to Göttingen, where he drafted his fundamental paper [the first paper offered], which he completed in July. In this paper Heisenberg proclaimed that the quantum mechanics of atoms should contain only relations between experimentally observable quantities. The resulting formalism served as the starting point for the new quantum mechanics, based, as Heisenberg's multiplication rule implied, on the manipulation of ordered sets of data forming a mathematical matrix....Born and his assistant, Pascual Jordan, quickly developed the mathematical content of Heisenberg's work into a consistent theory with the help of abstract matrix algebra [the second paper offered].Their work, in collaboration with Heisenberg, culminated in their ""three-man paper"" [""Dreimännerarbeit"" - the third paper offered] that served as the foundation of matrix mechanics. Confident of the correctness of the new theory, Heisenberg, Pauli, Born, Dirac, and others began applying the difficult mathematical formalism to the solution of lingering problems."" (DSB).In the last paper offered, the Pauli-paper, he shows that the hydrogen spectrum can be derived from the new theory. His starting-point constitutes, due to Lez, a method for integrating the classical equations of motion of a particle in a Coulomb field. Pauli's paper was received on January 17, 1926, but the main result must have been obtained before November 3, 1925, for on that date, Heisenberg writes Pauli: ""..Ich brauche Ihnen wohl nicht zu schreiben, wie sehr ich mich über die neue Theorie des Wasserstoffs freue..."" Pauli's paper convinced most physicists that Quantum Mechanics is correct. (Van der Waerden).
"1991. Las Vegas (Nevada) Jordan International Productions 1991- Agrafé 22 cm x 28 cm 20 pages - Ills couleurs in et hors-texte - Texte en américain sur les nombreux artistes dont Lynn's Hoops Los Dagueras Jenevra Jordan Circus Clowns etc. - Très bon état"
Imprimé sur les presses de la nouvelle imprimerie Laballery, 2009, in-8vo, 138 p., richement ill. n./b., brochure originale.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Paris, Editions du vieux colombier, La Colombe, 1945 ; in-folio, en feuillets sous chemise beige illustrée à rabats, dix lithographies signées ; 20 ff.
Tirage à 500 exemplaires sur Marais Crèvecoeur (n°LXXVI). Bandeaux et culs-de-lampe de Philippe-Lavallée.Exemplaire en bel état, intérieur frais.
Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35
1943 London, Collins, 1943, In douze, 256 pp, cartonnage toilé d'éditeur sous jaquette blanc cassé légèrement déchirée,
"""Jordan R. The Eye of Peace; The Great Hunt; The Revived Dragon; The Rising Shadow; The Lights of Heaven. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Dzhordan R. Oko mira; Velikaya okhota; Vozrozhdennyy drakon; Voskhodyashchaya ten'; Ogni nebes.. description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).5 books from the series Wheel of Time of SPb.-M. ABC Terra Fantastica ACT 2000-2002. Book 1-860 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb944946fc3297741a"""
Paris Les Editions Nationales 1945 in 4 tellière (22x17) 1 volume broché, couverture imprimée rempliée, 336 pages [1], chemise, étui. Ouvrage illustré de 32 dessins in-texte et 16 lithographies hors-texte par André Jordan (ateliers de Clot et Mourlot Frères). La vie en france au début du XXème siècle. Exemplaire issu du tirage à part réimposé au format in 4 tellière limité à 595 exemplaires sur papier chiffon d'Annonay numérotés de 301 à 595. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Broché Ed. numérotée
(Luxembourg), Jacques le Sincere (and later:) Andre Chevalier, 1704 - 1723. 8vo. Bound almost uniformly in 38 contemporary full calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. Paper-label pasted on to top of spines and ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-papers. Light wear to extremities, boards with scratches, occassionally with loss of leather, and spines with light miscolouring and occassional loss of the gilt ornamentation. Vol. 1-18, 20-30, 32-38 and the 2 supplement volumes (both 1713).
The exceedingly rare first edition of Luxembourg’s first newspaper, and periodical in general, which appeared for the first time in July 1704. It was then published monthly, without interruption, until July 1794. The early volumes of the journal are rarely found in trade and we have not been able to trace a single multiple-volume set with the supplement included. Behind the newspaper were initially the librarian, printer and journalist Claude Jordan (born around 1659) from Valence, and the printer André Chevalier (1660-1747), a Frenchman from Bourg-en-Bresse, who had a printing press in Luxembourg city. Jordan had previously published the Gazettes de Hollande in Leyden and Amsterdam. In 1704, the two joined forces to produce a newspaper from Luxembourg aimed at the Lorraine region (which was then independent of France) and the French market, following the model of the Gazettes de Hollande.
1943 Paris, Stock, 1943, petit in 8° relié demi-basane marbrée, dos à nerfs, couverture illustrée conservée, 291 pages ; dos insolé.
Tirage limité et numéroté sur vélin supérieur des papeteries Navarre (n°329) ; Avec des dessins en noir de André JORDAN. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
[Chez les Principaux Libraires] - Collectif ; Benjamin Constant, Foy Manuel, Casimir Perrier, Girardin, Camille Jordan, Lafayette, Dupont (de l'Eure), Pasquier, de La Bourdonnaye, de Serre, Lainé, de Villèle, etc. etc.
Reference : 65950
1 vol. fort in-8 br. sous couv. postérieure, Chez les Principaux Libraires, Paris, 1832, 10-746 pp. Rappel du titre complet : Choix de Rapports, Opinions et Discours prononcés à la Chambre des Députés par MM. Benjamin Constant, Foy Manuel, Casimir Perrier, Girardin, Camille Jordan, Lafayette, Dupont (de l'Eure), Pasquier, de La Bourdonnaye, de Serre, Lainé, de Villèle, etc. etc.
On trouve, glissée dans les premières pages, la carte de visite de l'érudit Paulin Paris. Bon état (couverture postérieure)