, Lannoo, 2018 Hardcover, 136 pages , ENG / NL, 320 x 285 x 20 mm, New, full page coloured ill. ISBN 9789401455121.
EN - Together with Lucio Fontana and Thomas Sch tte, Johan Creten is considered one of the pioneers of the revival of ceramics in contemporary art. He has been using clay in a highly innovative and personal manner since as far back as the 1980s. His beautifully coloured sculptures contain numerous (ambiguous) references. Influenced by man and nature, classical antiquity, art history, opera, literature, and poetry, complemented with more current, socially charged subjects such as politics, racism, power relations, and sexuality, Johan Creten moulds all these impressions into a wonderful world filled with fantastic animals, flowers, and human figures. His work is stunningly beautiful and, at times, very controversial. This book contains nine exceptional historical objects from Creten's collection that relate to his groundbreaking oeuvre. This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Naked Roots/Naakte Wortels in museum Beelden aan Zee in The Hague. Explanatory text by Joost Bergman, art historian, art advisor, and lecturer in art history at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
, Waanders, 2024 Paperback, 124 pages, 270 x 230 mm, Met 100 illustraties Text ENG / NL. ISBN 9789462625976.
Joan Mir (1893 - 1983), een van de meest invloedrijke kunstenaars van de twintigste eeuw, doorbrak artistieke grenzen door onder andere schilderkunst te verweven met po zie. Zijn surrealistische voorstellingen zitten vol mysterieuze tekens en symbolen. Deze onbegrensde verbeeldingskracht kenmerkt ook de sculpturen die Mir maakte. Ge nspireerd door alledaagse objecten uit zijn atelier en voorwerpen uit de natuur, cre erde de Catalaanse meester een onconventionele beeldtaal om zijn vogels, vrouwen en personages mee vorm te geven. Van de vroege experimenten met keramiek en zijn studies in gips tot zijn assemblages en monumentale openbare werken toont Mir ?s beeldhouwkunst een voortdurende vernieuwingsdrang en een blijvende invloed op de moderne kunst. Dit rijk ge llustreerde boek biedt inzicht in zijn fascinerende werkwijze en belicht zijn sculpturen, die de kijker blijven inspireren om de wereld met nieuwe ogen te bekijken. Joan Mir (1893 - 1983), one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, broke artistic boundaries, by merging painting with poetry. His surrealistic representations are filled with mysterious signs and symbols. This unbound creativity also characterizes the sculptures which Mir created. Inspired by everyday objects from his studio and items found in nature, the Catalan master created an unconventional visual language to shape his birds, women, and personages. From the early experiments with ceramics and his studies in plaster to his assemblages and monumental public works, Mir ?s sculpture demonstrates a continuous drive for innovation and a lasting influence on modern art. This richly illustrated book offers insight into his fascinating working methods and highlights his sculptures that continue to inspire viewers to see the world in new and imaginative ways.