Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Hardback, VIII+344 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503527550.
Performing the Middle Ages from 'Beowulf' to 'Othello' traces the dialogic nature of the relationship between the Middle Ages and modernity. Arguing that modern beliefs in the alterity of the Middle Ages stem from the Middle Ages- own processes of self-representation, Johnston explores varieties of nostalgia through a wide selection of texts. This volume spans an extensive chronological period with a view to demonstrating how our notions of the medieval have been crucially informed by the past itself. The study is focused on works which stage that popular literary archetype ' the nostalgic figure of the aristocratic warrior ' and argues that it is this image that provides a structural model for so many modern perspectives on the Middle Ages. And yet, in the Middle Ages this model was being deconstructed as it was also being generated. By moving from the self-consciously archaic heroism of Beowulf to the scathing comment on chivalric narrative presented in Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale', Johnston's analysis offers an intriguing insight into the way medieval texts engage in a continual aesthetic and ideological critique of their own cultural moment. Using Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Alliterative Morte Arthure as examples of an incisive critique of the cult of subjectivity and of a highly self-conscious desire for tradition, Johnston extends his analysis to the early seventeenth century, and explores the ways in which Shakespeare's Othello brilliantly deconstructs the very concept of 'Renaissance Man'. With its interest in issues of subjectivity, textual performance, and the ideological self-awareness of medieval culture, Performing the Middle Ages provides a scholarly and compelling investigation into the Middle Ages' ability both to understand itself and to shape (post)modern notions of the medieval. Languages : English.
, Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.), 2000 Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 290 x 240 x 20 mm, dustjacket, in very good condition , illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9781857592597.
Presents nineteenth- and early twentieth-century French paintings (Neoclassicism to Post-Impressionism) from the BMA and Walters collections. Includes an essay on Baltimore art collectors of the period
New York, Viking, 1986 Bound, cloth, illustrated dustjacket in colour, 220 x 275mm., 136pp., very profound colour illustration. ISBN 0670809187.
Shows a passionate and addictive pastime at its glorious and most eccentric best. 29 collections are covered. Book is in good condition.
Pamela Johnston, Sarah Handelman, Jelena Pancevac. Text: Roberto Gargiani, Kersten Geers & David Van Severen
Reference : 61543
, Koenig Verlag, 2023 PB, 302 x 216 mm, 256 pages, 16 illustrations color, 816 z/w illustrations, ENG edition. ISBN 9783753301754.
This book presents OFFICE projects through a critical analysis based on archive documents. It also reconstructs the influence of OFFICE's creative principles among the new generations of architects. The OFFICE projects appeared in the early 2000s and gained prominence as new forms of digital collage with a cultural engagement. The author traces the evolution of their early ideas developed as paper architecture to the current buildings of a significant scale and presence. The underlying argument of the book demonstrates OFFICE's ability to preserve in every project the spark of a theoretical construction, which in most cases is carried out according to a rigorous economy of means. Even the new monuments for public institutions continue to be illuminated by a creative tension of radical superiority. OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen was founded in 2002 by Kersten Geers and David Van Severen. OFFICE is renowned for its idiosyncratic architecture, in which realisations and theoretical projects stand side by side. The projects are direct, spatial and firmly rooted in architectural theory. The firm reduces architecture to its very essence and most original form: a limited set of basic geometric rules is used to create a framework within which life unfolds out in all its complexity. Since its establishment OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen has earned a reputation as one of Belgium's most successful and renowned practices, and one of the world's truly original voices in presentday architecture. OFFICE engages in all architectural and urbanist design, creating projects of all scales ranging from furniture to masterplanning in Belgium as well as internationally. This practice is combined with academic research and teaching. Roberto Gargiani, *1956 in Poggio a Caiano. He has taught the History of Architecture in Florence, Rouen, Paris, Venice and Rome. He is currently a professor of History of Architecture and Construction at the Ecole polytechnique f d rale de Lausanne (EPFL).
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 864 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:38 tables b/w., Language(s):French, Hebrew, Greek. ISBN 9782503584966.
Summary L'auteur de ce livre propose la comparaison critique de toutes les utilisations attest es du motif gnostique du blasph me de l'Archonte et l' tude de la transformation de la citation du texte d'Isa e dans les textes gnostiques en examinant les particularit s de chaque attestation. Cette approche permet, entre autres, de bien distinguer les diff rentes versions du blasph me de l'Archonte et de retracer, autant que possible, les diff rentes tapes de sa diffusion dans la litt rature gnostique. Toutes ces variantes sont pr cieuses, car elles permettent de pr ciser les destinataires vis s par les diff rentes oeuvres et les contextes socioreligieux sp cifiques chacune de celles-ci. L'Archonte appara t tant t comme un mod le de conversion imiter, tant t comme un anti-mod le rejeter, comme le type de l'impi t religieuse. Ces pr sentations impliquent des destinataires et des situations communautaires diff rents, si bien que les origines du motif du blasph me de l'Archonte sont diverses, mais doivent tre situ es l'int rieur du cadre de la construction du discours interreligieux. Le blasph me de l'Archonte appara t alors comme un des volets de la crise identitaire du christianisme au II me si cle, qui s'est cristallis e, entre autres, autour de la question de la v ritable connaissance de Dieu. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pr face par Paul-Hubert Poirier Avant-propos Table des mati res Partie I : Introduction Prologue Chapitre I : Fondement scripturaire du blasph me de l'Archonte Partie II : Les versions ophites du blasph me de l'Archonte Chapitre II : Le blasph me de Yaldaba th de la notice d'Ir n e sur les ophites Chapitre III : Le blasph me du Grand G niteur Yaldaba th dans l' crit sans titre Chapitre IV : Le blasph me de Sama l-Sakla-Yaldaba th dans l'Hypostase des archontes Chapitre V : Le blasph me du Grand G niteur dans la Sagesse de J sus-Christ Chapitre VI : Le blasph me du Cosmocrator dans le Deuxi me trait du Grand Seth Partie III : Les versions barb lo-s thiennes du blasph me de l'Archonte Chapitre VII : Le blasph me du Protarchonte de la notice d'Ir n e sur les barb liotes Chapitre VIII : Le blasph me du Protarchonte Yaldaba th dans l'Apocryphon de Jean Chapitre IX : Le blasph me du Grand D mon Sakla dans la Pr tennoia trimorphe Chapitre X : Le blasph me de Sakla dans le Livre sacr du Grand Esprit invisible Partie IV : Les versions valentiniennes du blasph me de l'Archonte Chapitre XI : Le blasph me du D miurge de la Grande Notice d'Ir n e et la r futation des livres II et IV Chapitre XII : Le blasph me du D miurge dans l'Adversus Valentinianos de Tertullien Chapitre XIII : Le blasph me du D miurge de la notice sur Valentin de l'Elenchos Partie V : Les autres versions du blasph me de l'Archonte Chapitre XIV : Le blasph me de l'Archonte dans L'Adversus Marcionem de Tertullien Chapitre XV : Le blasph me du Cosmocrator de la notice contre Marcion d'Eznik de Ko?b Chapitre XVI : Le blasph me d' lohim de la notice sur Justin de l'Elenchos Chapitre XVII : Le blasph me du Grand Archonte de la notice de l'Elenchos sur Basilide Chapitre XVIII : Le blasph me de l'Archonte de la notice d' piphane contre les nicola tes Chapitre XIX : Le blasph me de l'Archonte dans la Seconde Apocalypse de Jacques Partie VI : Conclusion pilogue Annexe I. La source commune l' crit sans titre et l'Hypostase des archontes Annexe II. Les mat riaux communs la Sagesse de J sus-Christ et Eugnoste Bibliographie Index des auteurs modernes Index des sources anciennes
, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1988 Paperback, 250 pages, ENG.,280 x 205 x 25 mm, in Fine Condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780295968049.
A work that will aid in understanding of William and Mary style and the unexpected, under-explained connection between the Netherlands and English cultures of the late seventeenth century.
, Lannoo, 2023 Hardback, 432 pages, ENG, 370 x 260 x 30 mm, NEW, illustrated dustjacket, foto's / illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789401495691.
Een visueel overzichtswerk dat op een unieke manier Kris Van Assches betekenis voor de modewereld als Creative Director schetst Na 20 jaar in de modewereld, als Creative Director van Dior Homme, Berluti en zijn eigen label, kijkt Kris Van Assche terug op zijn output: 55 collecties, talloze samenwerkingen met gerenommeerde artiesten wereldwijd en een constant oeuvre dat zijn persoonlijkheid reflecteert. Vormgegeven door het illustere bureau M/M (Paris), is Kris Van Assche: 55 Collections een uniek en compleet visueel overzichtswerk. Met een voorwoord door Anders Christian Madsen en bijdragen van een aantal sleutelfiguren uit Van Assches carri re.
Belfond 2004 196 pages in8. 2004. broché jaquette. 196 pages.
Bon état - Livre de bibliothèque recyclé avec couverture plastifiée étiquettes et marque de tampon sur page de garde ou dernière page. quelques marques de lecture et/ou de stodckage sur couverture et coins mais du reste en bon état - envoi rapide et soigné dans enveloppe à bulles depuis france
de la Cruz Melissa Johnston Michael Le Plouhinec Valérie
Reference : 100063723
ISBN : 9782226257796
Albin Michel 2015 416 pages 15x21x3cm. 2015. Broché. 416 pages.
French édition - Livre issu de déstockage JAMAIS LU pouvant présenter des petits plis cornes marques de manipulation sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
de la Cruz Melissa Johnston Michael Le Plouhinec Valérie
Reference : 100067433
ISBN : 9782226257796
Albin Michel 2015 416 pages 15x21x3cm. 2015. Broché. 416 pages.
French édition - Livre issu de déstockage JAMAIS LU pouvant présenter des petits plis cornes marques de manipulation sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
de la Cruz Melissa Johnston Michael Le Plouhinec Valérie
Reference : 100069004
ISBN : 9782226257796
Albin Michel 2015 416 pages 15x21x3cm. 2015. Broché. 416 pages.
French édition - Livre issu de déstockage JAMAIS LU pouvant présenter des petits plis cornes marques de manipulation sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
Librairie des Champs-Élysées 1986 186 pages 1986. 186 pages. Traduit de l'anglais par Navarro Marie Louise
Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, X+210 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503507736.
In George Eliot's last two novels, Middlemarch (1871-72) and Daniel Deronda (1876), she abandons the realism she had explored and articulated so carefully, most famously in Adam Bede, 'a faithful account of men and things', for an unprecedented return to 'cloud-borne angels, [...] prophets, sibyls, and heroic warriors'. This study addresses Eliot's exploitation of Victorian medievalism by considering the way in which she utilizes the discourses of medievalism, both for their potential for subversiveness and their potential for mediation, to affirm that change is possible socially, culturally, and politically, in her modern contemporary world. The various medieval discourses are revealed as interstices within what initially appears to be a continuation of the realism of her earlier novels. They permit political and cultural readings of a different, and often unexpected, kind to the realist bourgeois values of novels like Adam Bede, and to a lesser extent, Felix Holt. These political and cultural readings reveal a more determined, more obvious feminist and socialist polemic in her two last and possibly greatest novels. Languages : English.
, Thames & Hudson , 2016 Hardback, 29x24.5mm, 360p, 206 colour illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9780500239520.
Nearly 200 American prints, representing more than 100 artists, and dating from the colonial era to the present day, are brought together in this unprecedented volume from the National Gallery of Art to commemorate its collection and recent acquisitions. The artists featured range from Paul Revere through James McNeil Whistler, Mary Cassatt, Winslow Homer, Louise Nevelson, Romare Bearden, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Chuck Close, and Kara Walker. The works date from essentially every period in American history, so major art and historical themes running through the collection are readily visible. Lending context, twelve contributing authors discuss the varied themes in American art. Biographies of the artists and a glossary of printmaking terms are also featured. Since its founding in 1941, the National Gallery of Art has assiduously collected American prints with the help of many generous donors. The Gallery?s American print collection has grown from nearly 1,900 prints in 1950 to more than 22,500 prints today. The collection was recently transformed by the acquisition of an extraordinary group of 5,200 American prints brought together by Reba and Dave Williams.
London: W & A.K. Johnston 1879
A map of Asia, extracted from the General Atlas. This conforms best to the 1879 edition, except the lack of page title to the top edge, and the different page number. Engraved area is 13" x 17" (sheet is 14<sup>1/2</sup>" x 18<sup>1/2</sup>"). Lightly tipped onto mounting board, and now protected by archival protection. A lovely copy of this map from the height of colonial era.
Sinatra Frank - de Vita Alfredo,Rodgers Richard,Van heusen Jimmy,Drake Erwin,Lennon John,Mac Cartney Paul,Claude-François,Revaux Jacques,Mandel Johnny,Russell Bobby,Fisher Fred,Webb Jim,Mac Kuen Rod,Croce Jim,Murden Orlando,Caldwell Gayle,Johnston Bruce,Howard Bart,Gates David,Harrison George,Sondheim Stephen - Fisher Fred,Russel Bob,Cahn Sammy,Hammerstein Oscar,Silvers Phil,Drake Ervin,Webster Paul Francis,Anka Paul,Thibaut Gilles,Webb Jimmy,Mac Cartney Paul,Lennon John,Sondheim Stephen,Mc Kuen Rod,Shaper Hal,Croce Jim,Miller Ronald,Caldwell Gayle,Johnston Bruce,Howard Bart,Gates David,Harrison George
Reference : 95620
Victoria Music 1934
Bon état Format Américain Piano