( Erotisme - Photographie - Pin-Up ) - Susanne Lloyd - Harold Lloyd - Robert Wagner - Charles R. Johnson.
Reference : 31192
Editions Place des Victoires 2004 / Collection Marges 1980. In-4 cartonnage éditeur carré de 154 pages au format 26 x 26 cm. Couverture illustrée. Dos rond avec titre. Plats et intérieur frais. Préface de Robert Wagner. Photographies couleurs de Pin-Up par Harold Lloyd, imprimées en 3D. Textes de Charles R. Johnson, traduits par Nathalie Vailhen. Livre dirigé par Susanne Lloyd. Trage sur couché de ces magnifiques photographies de Pin-Up. Complet des lunettes 3D, glissées sous une enveloppe collée au verso du 1er plat. Etat superbe. Edition originale.
Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
[No place], The American Economic Association, 1955. Lex8vo. In the original printed wrappers. In ""The American Economic Review"", Vol. VII, December, No. 5. Entire issue offered. Light wear to extremities, otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 1052-69. [Entire issue: (5), 996-1258 pp. + advertisement].
First printing of Averch and Johnson's seminal paper in which they introduced in what was to become known as the ""Averch-Johnson effect"". The paper was one of the most cited and influential papers in microeconmocs during the 60ies. ""The Averch-Johnson effect is produced when fair rate of return regulation encourages a firm to invest more than is consistent with the minimization of its costs. This can happen when the allowed rate of return exceeds the cost of capital, since the difference between the two represents pure profit. Detailed descriptions of actual regulatory processes may be useful in suggesting guides for action, since actual outcomes depend as much on political and bureaucratic necessity as they do on economic analysis and 'rational' benefit-cost estimates."" (The New Palgrave).""Averch and Johnson's famous paper from the early 1960s asks the simple question: If we assume that regulation acts to instantaneously adjust prices so as to maintain a constant target return on a firm's capital stock, what incentives does the firm have to choose an efficient combination of inputs? Averch and Johnson show, using fairly straightforward maths, that if the regulator sets the regulatory rate of return above the firm's true cost of capital, the regulated firm has an incentive to choose too much capital relative to labour - that is, there will be an inefficient capital-labour ratio. This observation sparked off a large empirical and theoretical literature exploring what came to be known as the 'Averch-Johnson' or 'A-J' effect.The Averch-Johnson model assumed an extreme form of what is known as 'rate of return' or 'cost of service' regulation in which prices are continuously and rapidly adjusted so as to yield the desired return on capital stock. In reality, rate of return regulation as it was historically practiced in the US always involved an element of 'regulatory lag' - that is, a period of time before prices were adjusted to reflect changes in costs. This regulatory lag gives rise to some desirable incentives, as discussed furtherbelow. Even in 1962 it was recognised that allowing higher ex post rates of return was necessary to induce desirable incentives. Averch and Johnson note: ""We have been told by representatives in both the industry and in regulatory agencies that justification exists for allowing a return in excess of cost to give firms an incentive to develop and adopt cost-saving techniques. If the firm is left only indifferent as among a wide range of activities it has no positive incentive to minimize costs for any given activity.""Averch and Johnson's paper was, for a while at least, very widely cited, often incorrectly. The A-J effect later came to be synonymous with 'gold-plating' and with general inefficiency of the regulated firm. But these ideas cannot be strictly attributed to Averch and Johnson. Averch and Johnson only highlighted a potential tendency towards an inefficient mix of capital and labour - but they made no mention of the tendency to simply spend too much on all inputs - so-called 'x-inefficiency' as discussed further below."" (biggar, The Fifty Most Important Papers in the Economics of Regulation).
Nathan 1974 in4. 1974. Relié jaquette. 288 pages. Très bon état
Peinture à l'huile sur toile. Sans date. Cadre américain. Dim: 685 x 380 mm.
Johnson Spencer Bernard Jean-Pascal
Reference : 100107064
ISBN : 9782840985983
Michel Lafon Editions 2000 14 5x22 4x1 7cm. 2000. Relié. 104 pages. Bon état (BE) interieur propre
Robert Laffont 1985 in8. 1985. Broché. 414 pages. Bon Etat
Johnson Eric Arthur Beslon Christophe Dauzat Pierre-Emmanuel
Reference : 100055048
ISBN : 2702867588
Le Grand livre du mois 2001 in8. 2001. Broché. 583 pages. Très bon état
Xs Books 1975 21x28x2cm. 1975. Relié jaquette. 144 pages. Bon état
Éditions Tchou 1971 15x22x4cm. 1971. reliure editeur. 281 pages. Très bon état
Editions de La Différence 1991 17x22x4cm. 1991. Broché avec sa jaquette. 482 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre jaquette légèrement frottée sur ses bords
Gallmeister 2012 12x18x3cm. 2012. Broché. 375 pages. Bon état (BE) interieur propre
Viking Books 2004 15x21x3cm. 2004. Broché. 276 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
1977 21x15. 1977. agrafé. 30 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Fleuve noir / collection feu 1965 poche. 1965. broché. Etat Correct intérieur propre couverture frottée sur ses bords
J'ai Lu 1999 poche. 1999. Broché. 252 pages. Bon Etat
Nathan 1976 in4. 1976. Reliure editeur sans jaquette. 144 pages. Bon Etat