JC Lattès, 2011, in-8°, 382 pp, traduit de l'anglais, notes, sources, broché, bon état
En recrutant les musulmans soviétiques pour combattre Staline, Hitler n'imaginait pas que cette alliance se répercuterait jusqu'aux événements du 11 Septembre. Car, après la guerre, les services secrets américains et ouest-allemands vont à leur tour s'appuyer sur les mêmes réseaux et les mêmes hommes pour lutter contre le communisme durant la guerre froide. A travers cette enquête passionnante, Ian Johnson reconstitue l'accumulation de maladresses stratégiques et politiques qui permit à l'islam radical d'installer sa première tête de pont en Occident. Et comment de la paisible mosquée de Munich, une communauté musulmane influente et impénétrable a pu organiser ses futures actions. Ian Johnson dresse le portrait des principaux acteurs de cette histoire méconnue, notamment celui de Gerhard Von Mende, ancien nazi qui dirigea un bureau de propagande ouest-allemand et celui de Said Ramadan – le père de Tariq –, principal dirigeant en exil des Frères musulmans, lié de près aux services secrets occidentaux. "Une mosquée à Munich", qui analyse avec une lucidité rare la rencontre désastreuse entre l'Occident et l'islam radical, se révèle aussi captivant qu'indispensable pour comprendre les erreurs commises hier et aujourd'hui vis-à-vis des islamistes. — "Lorsque la nouvelle se répandit que les pirates de l’air du 11 Septembre avaient vécu en Europe, le journaliste Ian Johnson se demanda comment des partisans d’un islam radical avaient pu s’implanter en Occident. La plupart des explications avancées jusqu’ici font état du soutien des États-Unis aux combattants islamistes d’Afghanistan, vingt ans plus tôt. Ian Johnson, lui, s’est penché sur le début de la Guerre froide en racontant l’histoire méconnue de musulmans soviétiques passés dans le camp allemand pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En devenant de par la volonté des agents nazis un outil de propagande antisoviétique, ils établirent à leur insu un lien ténu, dont nul n’aurait alors imaginé les conséquences, entre l’islam politique et l’Occident. Pendant que les agents des services de renseignement ouest-allemands et américains luttaient en vue de s’assurer le contrôle de cette communauté musulmane influente mais impénétrable – dont le combat clandestin s’organisait depuis la paisible mosquée de Munich – l’islam radical installa sa première tête de pont en Occident. En s’appuyant sur un nombre impressionnant de sources (dont certaines accessibles depuis peu seulement aux chercheurs), Une Mosquée à Munich s’attache à un érudit nazi ayant pris la tête d’un réseau d’espions dans l’après-guerre, à des dirigeants musulmans du monde entier, dont certains, membres des Frères Musulmans, et à des agents de la CIA naïfs résolus à employer une nouvelle arme contre le communisme : l’islam. Une Mosquée à Munich – une analyse d’une lucidité rare de l’espionnage en temps de Guerre froide, doublée d’un récit révélateur de la rencontre désastreuse entre l’Occident et l’islam radical – s’avère aussi captivant qu’indispensable si l’on souhaite comprendre les erreurs encore commises vis-à-vis des islamistes aujourd’hui."
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 418 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:25 b/w, 2 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503593555.
Summary The essays in this book bring to light and analyse the continuities and shifts in daily religious practices across Europe ? from Portugal to Hungary and from Italy to the British Isles ? in the transition from the Middle Ages to the early modern period. While some of these changes, such as the increasing use of rosaries and the resort to Ars Moriendi, were the consequence of the rise of a more personal and interiorized faith, other changes had different causes. These included the spreading of the Reformation over Europe, the expulsion or compulsory conversion of the Jews in the Iberian Peninsula, and the conquest of large portions of eastern Christianity by the Turks ? all of which forced people, who suddenly found that they had become religious minorities, to adopt new ways of living and new strategies for expressing their religiosity. By recovering and analysing the cultural dynamics and connections between religious power, knowledge, culture, and practices, this collection reconsiders and enriches our understanding of one of the most critical phases of Europe's cultural history. At the same time, it challenges existing narratives of the development of (early) modern identities that still, all too often, dominate the self-understanding of contemporary European society. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Interpreting Changes in Daily Religious Practice and Changes of Interpretation in the 'Long Fifteenth Century' ? IAN JOHNSON AND ANA MARIA S. A. RODRIGUES Religious Practices and Everyday Life: The Monastic Experience Religious Practices of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in the Czech Lands: The Statutes of Roudnice ? ADÉLA EBERSONOVÁ The Devotional Book in Context and Use: Catalan Poor Clares and English Birgittines: Spaces, Performance, and Memory ? BLANCA GARÍ, NÚRIA JORNET-BENITO, AND DAVID CARRILLO-RANGEL Literacy, Books, and the Community: Textual Evidence from a Portuguese Dominican Nunnery ? GILBERTO CORALEJO MOITEIRO Religious Practices and Everyday Life: The Laity Change and Continuity in Lay Devotion as Evidenced by Prayer Beads in Medieval Poland and Central Europe ? MONIKA SACZY?SKA-VERCAMER A Daily Devotion of the Long Fifteenth Century: Italian Literature on the Rosary ? ERMINIA ARDISSINO The Prayer Book of George of Pod?brady and Books of Private Devotion in Post-Hussite Bohemia ? JAN DIENSTBIER The 'Goostly Chaffare' of Reginald Pecock: Everyday Craft, Commerce, and Custom Meet Syllogistic Polemic in Fifteenth-Century London ? IAN JOHNSON The Reformation and the First Book in the Lithuanian Language ? DALIA MARIJA STAN?IENE Preparing for Death and the Afterlife 'The Kingdom of Heaven cannot be denied to you justly because you have fought correctly': Tracing the Evolution of Ars moriendi Literature in the Fifteenth Century ? JOOST ROBBE Caxton and the Reception of the Artes moriendi ? DELPHINE MERCUZOT Death Multiplied: The Legend of the Three Living and the Three Dead in Bohemian Art in the Context of Late Medieval Religious Practice ? DANIELA RYWIKOVÁ De praeparatione ad mortem: The Dying and Death of Charles V (1500-1558) ? NIKOLA SAMARD?I? Continuity and Change in Religious Practices: Christianity and Islam The Phenomenon of Crypto-Christianity in the Balkans during the Sixteenth Century ? VLADIMIR ABRAMOVI? AND HARIS DAJ? Traditions and Transitions: Examples of Parallel Practices in a Sixteenth-Century Central European Region ? MARCELL SEB?K Continuity and Discontinuity in Everyday Religious Life in Southern Hungary before 1526 in the Light of Supplications to the Holy See ? MELINA ROKAI Conclusion Books and Objects Supporting Quotidian Devotion: Conclusions and Prospects for Investigating Daily Religious Practices during the 'Long Fifteenth Century' ? GÉRALDINE VEYSSEYRE *** Index
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 275 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503601779.
Summary This volume brings together medievalist and early modernist specialists, whose research fields are traditionally divided by the jubilee year of 1500, in order to concentrate on the role of the laity (and those in holy orders) in the religious transformations characterizing the 'long fifteenth century' from the flourishing of the Devotio Moderna to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Recent historiography has described the Christian church of the fifteenth century as a world of 'multiple options', in which the laity was engaged with the clergy in a process of communication and negotiation leading to the emergence of hybrid forms of religious life. The religious manifestations of such 'new communities of interpretation' appear in an array of biblical and religious texts which widely circulated in manuscript before benefiting from the new print media. This collection casts a spectrum of new yet profoundly historical light on themes of seminal relevance to present-day European society by analysing patterns of inclusion and exclusion, and examining shifts in hierarchic and non-hierarchic relations articulated through religious practices, texts, and other phenomena featuring in the lives of groups and individuals. The academic team assembled for this collection is internationally European as well as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in its methodology. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Contributors Introduction: Investigating and Reconsidering Medieval and Early Modern Divides and Connections ? IAN JOHNSON Lay and Clerical Cultures in Heaven and on Earth: Divides, Interactions, and Negotiations Gertrude More's 'Confessiones Amantis' and the Contemplative Identity of the Cambrai Benedictine Community? MARLEEN CRÉ Helper Saints and their Critics in the Long Fifteenth Century? OTTÓ GECSER Censoring Popular Devotion in French Protestant Propaganda: The Reformer Pierre Viret, the Rosary, and the Question of the Proper Honouring of the Virgin Mary? DANIELA SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCCI Lay Literacy and the Press: Forms and Transformations of Religious Writing and Rewriting Changes in the Grammar of Legibility: Influences on the Development of 'New Communities of Interpretation'? ? MARCO MOSTERT Biblical Genres through the Long Sixteenth Century: Italy as a Case Study? ERMINIA ARDISSINO Vernacular Culture and Ecclesiastical Censorship Printed Italian Vernacular Biblical Literature: Religious Transformation from the Beginnings of the Printing Press to the Mid-Seventeenth Century? ÉLISE BOILLET Communities of Interpretation of the Bible along the European Margins: Hussite Teachings, the Hussite Bible, and the Bogomils, from the South of Hungary to the Periphery of Eastern Europe in the Long Fifteenth Century? MELINA ROKAI Political and Religious Cultures Language as a Weapon: Hilarius of Litom??ice and the Use of Latin and the Vernacular Language in Religious Polemics in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia? VÁCLAV ??REK The Legitimacy of Making Alliances between Christians and Infidels: Arguments of Polish Jurists in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century? WOJCIECH ?WIEBODA Confessional Coexistence, Conversion, and Confusion Peasants and 'Sectarians': On the Ineffectiveness of Evangelical Persuasion in Sixteenth-Century Poland? WALDEMAR KOWALSKI Religious Transformation on the Early Modern Periphery: Law and Gospel: Image, Place, and Communication in the Multi-Confessional Community of Sixteenth-Century Moravian Ostrava? DANIELA RYWIKOVÁ Index of Persons and Places