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‎Johann Heinrich LAMBERT‎

Reference : AUB-1176


‎"Schriften zur Perspektive herausgeben und eingeleitet von Max Steck mit einem unveröffentlichenManuskript " Anlage zur Perspektive" und den ersten Originalzeichnungen Lamberts zur Perspektive aus dem Jahre 1752. Richement illustré (21 planches hors texte, figures) et documenté.‎

‎Dr Georg Lüttke Verlag, Berlin 1943. Exemplaire relié, reliure demi toile d'éd., in-4 (30 x 22), XVIII + 496 pages avec présentation, table, figures et annexes + planches. Texte en allemand.‎

CHF90.00 (€96.47 )


Reference : 38981


‎Mémoire sur quelques Propriétés remarquable des Quantités transcendentes circulaires et logarithmiques. - [LAMBERT'S CONTINUED FRACTIONS AND IRRATIONALITY OF ""N""]‎

‎(Berlin, Haue et Spener, 1768). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XVII, pp. 265-322 and 1 folded engraved plate.‎

‎First edition, journal issue. ""One of Lambert's most famous results is the proof of the irrationality of ""N"" and e. It was based on the continued fractions, and two such fractions still bear his name.""(DSB).""Euler's work on continued fractions was used by Johann Heinrich Lambert.....to prove that if x is a rational number (not 0), then ex and tan x cannot be rational. He thereby proved not only that ex for positive integral x is irrational, but that all rational numbers have irrational natural (base e) logarithms.From the result of tan x, it follows tha, since tan (n/4)= 1, that neither n/4 nor n can be rational.Lambert actually proved the convergencee ofthe continued fraction expansion for tan x. (Morris Kline). - Struik, A Source Book, Chapter V, No 17).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )

‎LAMBERT (Johann Heinrich)‎

Reference : 12307


‎Système du monde traduit de l'allemand de Lambert, par J. B. Merian.‎

‎A Bouillon, Société typographique 1770 In-12 plein veau brun, dos lisse orné, pièce de titre, filets sur les plats, roulettes en contreplats, tranches dorées, VI-188 pp. Dos passé. Bon exemplaire.‎

‎Très rare première édition en français des Lettres Cosmologiques du mathématicien et astronome alsacien Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777). La loi qui porte son nom permet de mesurer l’éloignement d’après la force du rayonnement lumineux. Ses Lettres cosmologiques, célèbres parmi les astronomes, sont composées à l’académie de Berlin fondée par Frédéric le Grand. Sa «machine du monde» se compose de systèmes de plus en plus vastes en rotation les uns autours des autres (on ignorait, alors, l’étendue de la Voie lactée). Il envisage notamment les populations de l’univers. Rare. Bon état d’occasion Livres anciens‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR409.00 (€409.00 )


Reference : 41450


‎Observations sur quelques dimensions du monde intellectual.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spencer, 1770). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", tome XIX. Pp. 421-438. Very nice and clean.‎

‎The rare first printing of one of the few of Lambert's philosophical works that appeared within his life-time. This is one of the three philosophical papers that he published in ""Nova acta Eruditorum"", which are of varying philosophical content.The present work played a significant role in the rediscovery within philosophy of the concept of the ""sublime"", the foundational concept which was so famously treated by Kant in his third Critique (of Judgment). Neither the idea of the beautiful nor of the sublime was novel in the 18th century, as the distinction between the two had already been made in ancient philosophy. However, for several centuries, aesthetics had been dominated by the question of the beautiful, and it was only around Kant's and Lambert's time that the sublime had become a topic of interest again - this time primarily as the sublime in nature. When Lambert thus discusses the sublime in the present article, it is probable that his conception of it can have influenced Kant and his exposition in the ""Critique of Judgment"", which appeared a couple of decades later. ""Kant himself recognized Lambert as a philosopher of the highest qualities;"" and he expected much from his critical attitude. He had drafted a dedication of the """"Critique of Pure Reason"""" to Lambert, but Lambert's untimely death prevented its inclusion.Lambert's place in the history of philosophy, however, should not be seen only in its relation to Kant. The genesis of his philosophical ideas dates from a time when Kant's major works had yet to be conceived. It was the philosophical doctrines of Leibniz, Christian Wolff, and Locke that exerted the more important influence - insofar as one can speak of influence with a self-taught and wayward man such as Lambert... The two main aspects of Lambert's philosophy, the analytic and the constructive were both strongly shaped by mathematical notions"";"" hence logic played an important part in his philosophical writing. Following Leibnitz' ideas, Lambert early tried to create and """"ars characteristic conbinatoria"""", or a logical or conceptual calculus. He investigated the conditions to which scientific knowledge must be subjected if it is to enjoy the same degree of exactness and evidence as mathematical knowledge..."""" (D.S.B. VII:597). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )


Reference : 31785


‎Observations Trigonometriques. - [FORESHADOWING NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY]‎

‎(Berlin, Haude & Spener, 1770). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", tome XXIV, pp. 327-354 and 1 engraved plates.‎

‎First edition. Lambert's work on non-Euclidean geometry is among the most important in the field. Carl Boyer writes ""No one else came so close to the truth without actually discovering non-Euclidean geomtry."" (History of Mathematics, pp. 504). Lambert wrote his famous book 'Theorie der Parallellinien' in 1766, but it was not published until 1786 (nearly a decade after his death). Lambert originally set out to prove Euclid's parallel postulate in a similar way to that which Saccheri had used in his 'Euclides Vindicatus', but in contrast he did not interpret the consequences of non-Euclidean geometry as absurd. The offered paper ('Observations Trigonometriques') is the only work by Lambert on non-Euclidean geometry which was published during his life-time. Here he made the important discovery of the duality between spherical and hyperbolic geometry, i.e., that hyperbolic trigonometries can be deduced from spherical trigonometries by using imaginary angles (and consequently he introduced the hyperbolic functions, for the first time). By illustrating this duality Lambert gave strong evidence of the consistency of non-Euclidean geometries. (See Kline's Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, pp. 404 & 868).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK30,000.00 (€4,023.66 )


Reference : 35779


‎Mémoire su la Résistance des Fluides avec la Solution du Probleme balistique.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1767). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XXI, pp.102-188.‎

‎First edition. Together with Lambert's work is a mémoir by Johann Friedrich Meckel: Observations anatomiques sur la Glande Pineale, sur la Cloison transparante, et sur L'origine du Nerf de la septieme paire."" pp. 91-100, and 2 folded engraved plates. (1767). Meckel is known for his description of ""Meckel's Ganglion"" and ""Meckel's Cave"".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 39082


‎Sur les Porte-Lumieres appliques a la Lampe. (And same author:) Observations sur l'Encre & le Papier.‎

‎(Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1772). 4to. Without wrappers, extracted from ""Nouveau Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et belles-Lettres"", Année 1770, pp. 51-57 and pp. 58-67.‎

‎Both papers first edition. In the first paper the design of a new lamp is presented, modelled after Lambert's previous studies on the ""porte-voix"". The second deals with ink and paperdegeneration. Because a lot of Lambert's manuscripts became unreadable through water damage during the time they were stored in Switzerland before being transported to Berlin, Lambert goes into the causes of ink and paper degeneration. Through experimentation he arrives at the kind of ink and paper that withstand humidity best.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 38579


‎Experiences sur le Poid du sel et gravité spécifique des saumures faites et analysées.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XVIII, pp. 27-65., 1 folded engraved plate.‎

‎First edition. Lambert describes his experiences on solutions of salt in water. Solutions of minerals in water and the behaviour of this solution under increased heat seems to have been an importent theme for Lambert during years.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK950.00 (€127.42 )


Reference : 39081


‎Solution générale et absolue du problème de Trois Corps, moyennant des suite infinies. - [THE THREE BODY PROBLEM]‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XXIII. Pp. 353-364.‎

‎First edition. In this paper Lambert shows that one can solve the classic three body problem by the use of infinite series. This allows numerical approximations, but Lambert notes that nearly nothing in the problem (excepts for the classic easier cases) allows for shortcuts in these calcualtions. More even, approximations of neighboured streches of the orbit to be calculated may even require different approximatuion series, so as to renderr even tables more or less or at least rather ineffective.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 39089


‎Essai D'Hygrométrie ou sur la Mesure de L'Humidité. (And:) Suite de L'Essai D'Hygrométrie. 2 vols. - [INVENTION OF THE HYGROMETER]‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1771 and Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1774) 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", tome XXV, pp. 68-127 with 3 folded plate, and ""Nouveau Mémoires Année 1772"", pp. 65-102 and 2 engraved plates.‎

‎First edition of Lambert's importent work which laid the foundation of the science of Hygrometry and coined the word ""Hygrometer"". The first instrument was build by the instrumentmaker G.F. Brander after Lambert's description. It consisted of a cat-gut string, the expansion and construction of which was transferred to a wheel-work, and shown on a scale divided by 360 gr.. This was afterward adopted by Saussure. - The second paper ""Suite de..."" is devoted to a discussion of the different hygrometers.The principles and construction were later published in his famous book ""Hygrometrie"" Augsburg 1774-75. - Poggendorff I:1356 - Rosenthal, Litteratur der Technologie P. 263. - Attached is two other memoires (Gledisch: Correction caracteristique succinte du Genre de L'Albuca et de L'Alethris de Linné. pp. 57-67 and Beguelin: Extrait des Observations Météorologiques faites a Berlin par Orde de Academie dans les Années 1768. et 1769. pp. 128-164.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 45526


‎Extrait de différentes Lettres de Mr. D'Alembert á Mr. de la Grange (+) Suite de L'Extrait...(+) Suite de L'Extrait...(3 Parts) - Obserbations sur les Diviseurs des Ëquations d'un Degré quelconque qui peuvent etre trouvés indépendamment de la Sol...‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1770). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", L'Année 1763, tome XIX, , pp. 235-254 + pp. 255-266 + pp. 267-291. Lambert's paper: pp. 292-310.‎

‎First printing of all 4 papers. D'Alemberts letters to Lagrange deals with the mathematical treatment of a problem that taxed the minds of the major mathematicians of the day, discussing Bernouilli's and Eulers solutions on the vibrating string. D'Alembert had introduced the wave-equation in physics for the first time in in 1747.Lambert made importent contributions to the theory of equations.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 46430


‎Sur la Figure de L'Océan.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XXIII, 1767, pp., 1 folded engraved worldmap in the Lambert projection.‎

‎First appearance of the paper in which Lambert set forth his theory of how ocean Waves devellops.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )


Reference : 32594


‎Sur quelques Instrumens Acoustiques.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1770). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Memoires de L'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", tome XIX, 1763. pp.87-124 and 2 folded engraved plates.‎

‎First edition of one of Lambert's importent papers on the acoustics and sounds in relation to musical instruments. Lambert performs basic experiments with the instruments and gives the results in a generalized mathematical form.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 39080


‎Sur la Densité de L'Air.‎

‎(Berlin, Chretien Frederic Voss, 1774. 4to. Uncut, without wrappers extracted from ""Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", Année 1772., pp. 103-140 and 1 engraved plate.‎

‎First edition, the journal form. This work is an investigation that connects Lambert's studies on hygrometry - he actualy invented the Hygrometer - and on ballistics and friction.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 39083


‎Sur la Fluidité du Sable, de la Terre et d'autres Corps Mous, relativement aux loi de l'Hydrodynamique.‎

‎(Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1774). 4to. Uncut without wrappers as eXtracted from ""Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", Annee 1772, pp. 33-64 and 1 engraved plate.‎

‎First edition. In this paper Lambert extends his theory of friction and tries to describe the fluidity of various semi-fluid substances according to the laws of Hydrodybamics.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 39086


‎Sur la Méthode du Calcul Intégral.‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome 18, pp. 441-484.‎

‎First edition. In this paper Lambert gives a classification of integrals, with the objective that one could then list or tabulate solutions to the respective classes.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 44755


‎Essai de Taxéométrie ou sur la mesure de l'Ordre.‎

‎Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1772. 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", Annee 1770. With titlepage to 1770 with engraved vignette. Pp. 327-342.‎

‎First appearance of this importent paper in which Lambert established a mathematical theory of order in all sorts of classifications. He treats the problem of order and its measures not only in relation to natural history or any domain of particulars, but abstractly as a problem of epistemology in general. He attempts to create a new mathematics of ordered systems and to measure by a fraction the elements to which any collection of items departed from the ordered system, and he carries his mathematical ideal even into taxonomy and systematics.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 39084


‎Observations Analytiques.‎

‎(Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1772. 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", Annee 1770, pp. 225-244 and 1 engraved plate.‎

‎First edtion. In this paper Lambert starts from a simple problem for a function of 2 variables x and y, then proceeds to expand the method to more difficult differentiations.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 39085


‎Sur le Frottement entant qu'il rallentit le mouvement.‎

‎(Berlin, C.F. Voss, 1774). 4to. Uncut without wrappers as extracted from ""Nouveaus Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", Annee 1772., pp. 9-32 and 1 engraved plate.‎

‎First edition. In this paper Lambert develops a theory of friction and confronts it with experimental results by himself and others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 46558


‎Sur la Vitesse du Son. (+) Memoire sur la Partie Photometrique de L'Art du Peintre. (2 Papers).‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1770). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", Année 1768, tome XXIV, pp. 70-79 a. pp. 80-108 a. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of both papers. In the paper on photometrics Lambert uses his photometric theories on the art of painting, and it has a long, remarkable discussion of the technics used by Leonardi da Vinci. - The first paper deals with the propagation of sound waves in different media.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )

‎LAMBERT (Johann Heinrich)‎

Reference : 13283

‎Beiträge zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung. ‎

‎ Berlin : Buchhandlung der Realschule, 1792, 1770, 1772. 4 parties en 3 volumes, in-8, (16)-488 pp. et 5 pl., (24)-362-(2)-363 à 815-(1)-(118) pp. et 11 pl., (20)-569 pp. et 16 pl., reliure de l'époque demi-veau, dos ornés, tranches rouges (dos fortement frottés, manquent les pièces de titre, petits manques aux coiffes). ‎

‎Edition originale pour les tomes 2 et 3. Deuxième édition, augmentée, pour le tome 1 (édition originale en 1765). Peu courant complet des 32 planches et des 12 tables contrecollées. Lambert, mathématicien alsacien, est considéré comme le père de la cartographie moderne. * Voir photographies / See pictures. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )

‎LAMBERT (Johann Heinrich)‎

Reference : 13313

‎Neues Organon oder Gedanken über die Erforschung und Bezeichnung des Wahren und dessen Unterscheidung vom Irrthum und Schein.‎

‎ 2 volumes in-8, (16)-592 et (6)-3 à 535-(1) pp. (complet), reliure XIXe demi-veau glacé (dos un peu frottés, coiffes frottées, petits manques à 2 coiffes, petit manque à une pièce de tomaison, rousseurs). La table du tome 1 est reliée au début du tome 2. ‎

‎Edition originale de l'oeuvre philosophique capitale de Lambert, où le mot "phénoménologie" apparaît pour la première fois. Complet en 2 tomes. * Voir photographies / See pictures. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR1,400.00 (€1,400.00 )


Reference : 38812


‎Abhandlung Von dem Gebrauche der Mittagslinie Beym Land=und Feldmessen.‎

‎(München, 1863). 4to. Bound in recent hcloth. Issued in ""Abhandlungen der Churfürstlichen Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"", Bd. I, pp. (3-)54, and 1 folded engraved plate. Fine and clean.‎

‎First edition. - Poggendorff I:1357.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )
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