119 books for « jennings h s »Edit

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Reference : 47646


‎Studies on Reactions to Stimuli in Unicellar Organisms. IX. - On the Behavior of Fixed Infusoria (Stentor and Vorticella), with Special Reference to the Modifiability of Protozoan Reactions. - [PRESENTATION COPY]‎

‎[No place], 1902. Royal8vo. In the original printed wrapper. Uncut. Offprint from ""The American Journal of Physiology"", Vol. VIII, October 1, No. 1, 1902. With authors presentation inscription to top of front wrapper: ""With compliments of / H. S. Jennings"". A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 23-60.‎

‎Scarce offprint with author's presentation inscription of this important paper on the stimuli of unicellar organisms. Jennings observed with with Max Verworn that the ciliated protozoan, Paramecium - oriented and swam toward the cathode in an electric current when it was already swimming, but did not respond in this way, and seemed not to respond at all, if it was quietly in contact with a solid object when the current was turned on.""""Herbert Spencer Jennings was widely recognized and greatly respected not only as a pioneering biological investigator but also as a thinker, philosopher, and educator . He was a master of the art of setting forth simply, clearly, and vividly, in print and in public lectures, the current state of genetics and general biology and of recognizing and pointing out their implications for the general public and for specialists in various disciplines. ""Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,600.00 (€348.72 )

‎edited by Johan Veeckman ; with Sarah Jennings ... [et al.] = / onder redactie van Johan Veeckman ; met Sarah Jennings ... [et al.] = / edite par Johan Veeckman ; avec Sarah Jennings ... [et al.].‎

Reference : 24461

‎Majolica and glass from Italy to Antwerp and beyond the transfer of technology in the 16th and early 17th century /// Majolica en glas van Italie naar Antwerpen en verder : de overdracht van technologie in de 16de-begin 17de eeuw /- Majolique et verre de l'Italie a Anvers et au-dela : la diffusion de la technologie au XVIe et au debut du XVIIe siecle. ‎

‎Antwerp, Stad, 2002 Hardbound, 494 pp. illustrated, new condition TEXT IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. ISBN 9789080291560.‎

‎Includes bibliographical references. Dutch , Essays in English and French. Dumortier, Claire: La majolique anversoise. p. 39-49 Oost, Tony; Veeckman, Johan: Majolica in Antwerp. p. 51-68 Veeckman, Johan; Dumortier, Claire: La production de verres a Anvers. p. 69-78 Veeckman, Johan: Production and consumption of glass in 16th and early 17th century Antwerp. ? p. 79-93 De Raedt, Ine; Janssens, Koen; Veeckman, Johan: On the distinction between 16th and 17th century Venetian and 'facon de Venise' glass. p. 95-121 Pleguezuelo Hernandez, Alfonso: Jan Floris (c. 1520 - 1567), a Flemish tile maker in Spain / Alfonso Pleguezuelo. ? p. 123-144 - Baart, Jan M.: Sixteenth century majolica from the North Netherlands. ? p. 145-154 Henkes, Harold E.: The influence of Antwerp on the development of glass production in the 16th and 17th centuries in the Northern Netherlands. ? p. 155-159 -Baart, Jan M.: The "facon de venise" glass of Amsterdam. p. 161-171 -Edwards, Julie; Stephenson, Roy: Production and use of tin-glazed wares in late 16th and early 17th century London. p. 173-185 Willmott, Hugh: Glass in London and England. p. 187-200 Velde, Bruce: Sixteenth and 17th century drinking glasses in France. p. 201-214 Hughes, Michael J.; Gaimster, David R. M.: Neutron activation analyses of majolica by the British Museum. p. 215-241 Page, Jutta-Annette: The 'Catalogue Colinet'. p. 243-262 Mendera, Marja: Glass production in Tuscany 13th to 16th century. p. 263-294 Blonde, Bruno: Tableware and changing consumer patterns. p. 295-311 Hurst, John Gilbert: Distribution and consumption of majolica in Britain. p. 313-331 Rosen, Jean: Diffusion de la technique et production de majolique en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siecles. p. 333-344 Ravoire, Fabienne: Distribution et consommation de la majolique d'origine francaise, italienne et des Pays-Bas en France a la Renaissance (du debut du XVIe siecle au debut du XVIIe siecle). ? p. 347-370 Falk, Alfred; Gaimster, David R. M.: Majolica in the Baltic c. 1350 - 1650. ? p. 371-390 In de 16de eeuw speelde Antwerpen een cruciale rol bij de verspreiding van nieuwe technologieen in de Nederlanden en daarbuiten, bijvoorbeeld wat betreft luxueus tafelgoed in majolica of glas. Dit onderwerp was het thema van een internationaal colloquium georganiseerd door de Afdeling Archeologie van de stad Antwerpen. De akten van dit colloquium bevatten alle lezingen, evenals posters die tijdens het colloquium gepresenteerd werden en kunnen beschouwd worden als een status quaestionis van dit onderwerp. Alle artikels zijn in het Engels of het Frans geschreven.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )


Reference : 45102


‎Diverse Ideals and Divergent Conclusions in the Study of Behavior in Lower Organisms.‎

‎[Unknown printer], 1910. 8vo. Offprint in the original printed wrappers. Reprinted from ""American Journal of Psychology, July, 1910, Vol. XXI, pp. 349-370"". Previous owner's name written to top right corner of front wrapper. A very fine and clean copy. (2), 22 pp.‎

‎First printing of Jennings paper on the behavior of the lowest organisms. Jennings ""published an important essay in 1910 [the present], in which he set forth his methodological credo regarding the then prevailing trends in the study of animal behavior."" (Cordeschi, The discovery of the artificial: behavior, mind, and machines, p. 17).Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 48006


‎Heredity, Variation and Evolution in Protozoa. I. The Fate of New Structural Characters in Paramecium, in Connection with the Problem of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters in Unicellular Organisms.‎

‎Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company, 1908. Royal8vo. Offprint, uncut, unopened in the original printed wrappers. Reprinted from ""The Journal of Experimental Zoölogy"", Vol. V [5], No. 4. Light miscolouring to front wrapper, otherwise a very fine and clean copy. 577-632 pp.‎

‎Scarce offprint of Jennings' important work in which he published the results of his investigations of heredity and selection in Paramecium. ""Most of this lons paper was devoted to a study of the effects of environment and growth upon the sizes of Paramecium, both effects were found to be quite large. (Provine, The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics, P. 100)""Herbert Spencer Jennings was widely recognized and greatly respected not only as a pioneering biological investigator but also as a thinker, philosopher, and educator . He was a master of the art of setting forth simply, clearly, and vividly, in print and in public lectures, the current state of genetics and general biology and of recognizing and pointing out their implications for the general public and for specialists in various disciplines. ""Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,400.00 (€321.89 )


Reference : 45134


‎The Interpretation of the Behavior of the Lower Organisms.‎

‎[No place], 1908. 8vo. Original wrappers, stapled. Previous owner's name stamped to top of front wrapper. Edges chipped. 13 pp.‎

‎Rare offprint [""Reprinted from Science, N. S., Vol. XXVII., No. 969, Pages 698-710, May 1, 1908""] of Jennings' paper on the behavior of the lower organisms. The paper is a response to the criticism of his volume ""Behavior of the Lower Organisms"". Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 45135


‎Experimental Evidence on the Effectiveness of Selection.‎

‎New York, 1910. 8vo. Original printed wrappers, unopened. Previous owner's name to top right corner of front wrapper. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 136-145.‎

‎Offprint [""Reprinted, without change of printing, from ""American Naturalist""] of Jennings' paper on the effects of selection of pure lines of Paramecia. Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 48004


‎The Method of Regulation in Behavior and in Other Fields.‎

‎Baltimore, 1905. Royal8vo. Offprint in the original printed wrappers. Uncut. Reprinted from ""The Journal of Experimental Zoölogy"", Vol. II [2], No. 4. A very fine and clean copy. 473-494 pp.‎

‎Offprint of Jennings' paper in which he gives a general outline of the method of regulation shown in the behavior of the lower organisms.Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )

‎Jennings Ivor Grande-Bretagne Central office of information‎

Reference : DZE81AP


‎Magna carta : And its influence in the world to day by Sir Ivor Jennings‎

‎H.M. Stationery office Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1965 48 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Ann Jennings‎

Reference : 400108123


‎L'étrange regard du Dr krir barker Indomptable lucindaharlequin‎

‎ 1991 1991. Ann Jennings: L'étrange regard du Dr Krir- Barker: Indomptable Lucinda/ Harlequin 1991 . Ann Jennings: L'étrange regard du Dr Krir- Barker: Indomptable Lucinda/ Harlequin 1991‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR2.00 (€2.00 )

‎JENNINGS, Helen;‎

Reference : 37897

‎New African Fashion,‎

‎UK, Prestel, 2011 Hardback, 270x195mm, 288p, 250 colour illustrations. English edition. ISBN 9783791346960.‎

‎Ever since the late 1960s when Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne presented African-inspired collections, the textiles, details, and colors of Africa have moved into the realm of high fashion. In the past few years, young designers from the continent itself have emerged as people to watch in the fashion world. Helen Jennings, editor of award-winning ARISE magazine, offers in this book a brief history of African fashion, beauty and style, follows its influence on modern designers, and spotlights the best designers, photographers, and models from across the continent and the African diaspora. Profiling popular lines such as Duro Olowu, Jewel by Lisa, Black Coffee, and Eric Raisina, Jennings explores the myriad reasons why African fashion is having its moment in the sun. She shows how designers are looking beyond cliches of the African aesthetic by embracing both traditional and contemporary fabrics and garments, and how the passion for ethically and environmentally conscious clothing is fueling this trend. As colorful and exciting as the fashions it features, this volume will appeal to anyone interested in following the world's most exciting new fashion development. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR26.95 (€26.95 )


Reference : 46520


‎The Work of J. Von Uexkuell on the Physiology of Movements and behavior.‎

‎(No printer), 1909. Royal8vo. Uncut, unopened in the original printed wrappers. Offprint from ""The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology"", Vol. XIX, No. 3, June, 1909. Previous owner's name written to top right corner of front wrapper. A very fine and clean copy. Pp. 313-336.‎

‎Rare offprint issue. Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947), American botanist who was trained at Illinois Normal School and the University of Michigan, then spent a year studying protozoans with Max Verworn at the zoological station in Naples. In the early twentieth century, Jennings began studying inheritance and evolution in protozoans and introduced new experimental methods for laboratory study. By 1920 he had left the laboratory to popularize genetics and harmonize the relationship between biology, religion, and the humanities.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 45798

‎Hors la loi !... La vie d'un outlaw américain, Al Jennings, racontée par lui-même.‎

‎ Traduction et adaptation de l'américain et du slang par Blaise Cendrars. Paris : Grasset, 1936. Un volume 12,2x19cm broché de 332 pages avec un portrait photographique en frontispice. Edition originale sur papier courant : exemplaire du service de presse comprenant le prière d'insérer et la carte imprimée en fac-similé d'autographe : "de la part de Blaise Cendrars actuellement à Hollywood. 1936". Avec une coupure de presse du 9 mai 1936. Exemplaire en bon état. ‎

Le Livre à Venir - Chantelle

Phone number : 06 44 78 76 58

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Lance Armstrong, Sally Jennings, Pierre Girard‎

Reference : RO20270167


ISBN : 222614207X

‎Chaque seconde compte‎

‎ALBIN MICHEL. 2003. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 310 PAGES - légère pliure sur le 1er plat. . . . Classification Dewey : 927-Artistes, sportifs‎

‎Lance Armstrong, Sally Jennings, Pierre Girard (Traduction) Classification Dewey : 927-Artistes, sportifs‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Cendrars, Blaise / Jennings, Al‎

Reference : 18553


‎Hors la loi !..‎

‎Paris Grasset 1936 Paris, Grasset, 1936. 332 [4] pp.. Dos insolé, tache claire sur le premier plat, intérieur bien conservé. ÉDITION ORIGINALE DE LA TRADUCTION ET L'ADAPTATION DE BLAISE CENDRARS. UN DES 21 EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS SUR VÉLIN PUR-FIL, après 6 ex. sur Montval, suivent 62 ex. sur alfa. Cendrars, qui avait rencontré Jenning lors des derniers jours de son séjour à Hollywood, traduit et adapte" de l'américain et du slang" l'ouvrage paru en 1923 sous le titre Through the Shadows with O. Henry. Le texte français paraitra d'abord en feuilletons quotidiens dans Paris-Soir - entre le 12 décembre 1935 et le 2 janvier 1936 - avec cette introduction : "Al Jennings, le roi des outlaws, le plus célèbre des pilleurs de trains américains, la terreur du Territoire indien, dont nous publions aujourd'hui les Mémoires sensationnels, n'est pas un cow-boy de cinéma, ni un personnage conventionnel issu d'un roman policier, ni un héros romantique qui ploie sous le poids de la fatalité. Tout au contraire, c'est un aventurier terriblement sympathique, proche, familier, un batailleur qui lutta toujours avec la destinée, qui sut la vaincre et se refaire une vie. Bref, c'est un homme au grand cur qui nous raconte sa vertigineuse existence simplement, avec bonne humeur et avec fougue certes, mais sans vantardise et sans jamais perdre contact avec la plus profonde humanité. " Couverture souple‎

‎Edition originale ‎

Phone number : 09 88 40 55 75

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )

‎Keith Pledger, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, ...‎

Reference : RO20256670


ISBN : 0435519247

‎Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics M4 - Mechanics 4 + 1 CD ROM‎

‎PEARSON. 2009. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 122 PAGES illustrées de figures en couleur et noir/blanc + 1 CD ROM - EN ANGLAIS. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Keith Pledger, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, Jean Littlewood, Bronwen Moran, Laurence Pateman Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Hinde (G. Jennings) and Holmes (W. Murton) - Linnean Society of London‎

Reference : 38398


‎The Journal of the Linnean Society - Zoology - Vol. XXIV - n°151 - May 23th, 1892‎

‎Linnean Society of London , Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1892 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, original editor's wrappers In-8 1 vol. - 86 pages‎

‎9 plates (complete) Contents, Chapitres : G. Jennings Hinde and W. Murton Holmes : On the Sponge-remains in the Lower Tertiary Strata near Omaru, Otago, New Zealand, communicated by W. Percy Sladen, plates VII to XV - Pages 177 to 262 very small missing on the top of the spine, border of bottom wrapper lightly folded, inside is clean except a very small sprinkle on the margin of the plates (1 mm.)‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 42540


‎Démonstrations Evangéliques. [ Tome 11 ] Tome Onzième contenant les Démonstrations de Bergier, Gerdil, Thomas, Bonnet, Crillon, Euler, Delamare, Caraccioli, Jennings‎

‎1 vol. in-4 relié , rel. d'époque demi-basane beige, dos lisse, texte essentiellement sur 2 col., Petit-Montrouge, chez l'éditeur, 1843, 1228 pp. ou colonnes.‎

‎Etat très satisfaisant (couv. lég. frottée, bon état par ailleurs). Poids de 1,3 Kg‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 34515

‎Le scandale de la FIFA.‎

‎ Broché, 22X14 cm, 2015, 425 pages, éditions du seuil. Couverture avec de petites marques d'usage sans gravité, bon exemplaire.‎

Bouquinerie Latulu - Besançon

Phone number : 33 03 81 81 23 66

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )


Reference : RO60068240



‎Henry Holt & Company. 1935. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos frotté, Mouillures. 486 + 99 pages. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte. Annotations au feutre au dos des plats. 1re page de garde salie.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎3rd and enlarged edition, with 4 new figures by Rush ELLIOTT, Ph.D. With 173 original figures drawn by Louise BURRIDGE JENNINGS. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO60110240



‎Oxford University Press. 1931. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 248 pages. Illustré de nombreuses figures en noir et blanc dans le texte. Dos taché et abîmé, avec un manque. Couverture se détachant légèrement. Annotations au dos des plats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎2nd edition. Part 1 by Major C. Jennings. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎AL JENNINGS [Cendrars].‎

Reference : 130033

‎Hors la loi !... La vie dun outlaw américain racontée par lui-même. Traduction et adaptation de laméricain et du slang par Blaise Cendrars. ‎

‎ Paris, Grasset, 1936. In-12, 332 pp. broché. ‎

‎Avec un portrait photographique. Edition originale sur papier courant (il ne fut tiré que 89 grands papiers). Couverture salie. ‎

Jacques Chaminade - Aix les Bains

Phone number : 06 87 10 26 56

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Jennings (Al), Cendrars (Blaise) (traduction et adaptation de l'américain et du slang par)‎

Reference : 4127


‎Hors la loi !... La vie d'un outlaw américain racontée par lui-même. ‎

‎ 1936 1936 In Sequana, Editions Bernard Grasset, Paris, 1936. Un volume in-8 demi basane rouge, 332 pages. Coiffes frottées, intérieur frais. ‎

‎ La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. ‎


Phone number : 02 31 86 36 38

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782917897485




Bookit! - Genève
EUR51.80 (€51.80 )

‎Jennings, Gary‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9780765323491

‎The Journeyer‎

‎Forge (3/2010)‎


Bookit! - Genève
EUR56.72 (€56.72 )

‎McCarthy, Dennis; Jennings, Sue‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9781849050142

‎Healthy Attachments and Neuro-Dramatic-Play‎

‎Jessica Kingsley Publications (11/2010)‎


Bookit! - Genève
EUR61.76 (€61.76 )
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