Éditions G.P. Saint-Ouen impr. G. Maillet et Cie 1966 252 pages 1966. 252 pages.
BOUSQUET E. - BEUSCHER PAUL. NON DATE. In-8. En feuillets. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. fascicule de 2 pages de partition et paroles - plats illustrés - 1 tampon sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
Chaix. 1976. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 151 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 795.4-Jeux de cartes
Préface de Emmanuel Jeannin-Naltet. Classification Dewey : 795.4-Jeux de cartes
BOUSQUET E. et BEUSCHER Paul. Non daté. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 4 pages, dont 2 de partitions accompagnées des paroles.. . . . Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
THE RAINBOW PRESS. non daté. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Non paginé, environ 10 pages. Ouvrage tiré en 100 exemplaire.. . . . Classification Dewey : 795-Jeux de hasard
Classification Dewey : 795-Jeux de hasard
N.C.. 1980. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 841 pages pour les deux volumes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Weber Olivier Teulé Jean Dumas Alexandre Lapierre Alexandra
Reference : 100058724
Albin michel / Plon / Julliard / Phébus 2006 in8. 2006. Broché. 4 volume(s).
Bon état général qq ternissures sur couvertures mais intérieurs frais dos ridés sur l'Excessive et Le Chevalier de Saint-Hermine
Copédit. 1989. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 174 pages. Nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc. Couverture contre pliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 908.447-Régionalisme : Aquitaine
Classification Dewey : 908.447-Régionalisme : Aquitaine
Evelyn Waugh. Trad. par Jean Dumas-Simart
Reference : 25844
ISBN : 9782264006530
Paris, 10/18, 1984, Broché, 285 pages. Bon état.
NB. Les commandes sont traitées endéans 2-3 jours et seront expédiées à partir du 10 février. Merci.
CARDONNEL, DUBARLE, JOLIF (Révérends Pères), BOSC Jean, DUMAS André (Pasteurs), GARAUDY Roger et alii
Reference : 49386
Paris/Genève, La Palatine, 1964. 12 x 19, 269 pp., broché, bon état (couverture légèrement défraîchie).
"semaines de la pensée marxiste; confrontations et débats."
1997 / 464 pages. Broché. Editions Atlantica.
Très bon état.
Dumas (Jean-Baptiste), Stas (Jean Servais) et Boussingault (Jean-Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné)
Reference : 100537
Armand Colin , Les Classiques de la Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1930 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur verte, titre en bleu, plastifiée In-8 1 vol. - 104 pages
4 planches hors-texte dépliantes (reproduction des planches originales, complet) 1ere édition, 1930 Contents, Chapitres : Avertissement, Notices biographiques sur Dumas, Stas et Boussingault - 1. Dumas et Boussingault : Recherches sur la véritable constitution de l'air atmosphérique - 2. Dumas et Stas : Recherches sur le véritable poids atomique du carbone - 3. Stas : Recherches nouvelles sur le véritable poids atomique du carbone - 4. Dumas : Recherches sur la composition de l'eau - 1. Jean Baptiste André Dumas, né à Alès (Gard) le 14 juillet 1800 et mort à Cannes le 11 avril 1884, est un chimiste, pharmacien et homme politique français. Il formula les principes fondamentaux de la chimie générale, mesura de nombreuses densités de vapeur, détermina de façon précise la composition de l'air, de l'eau et du dioxyde de carbone (anciennement gaz carbonique). Dumas travailla notamment sur la chimie organique. Il découvrit les amines et l'anthracène. Il établit la théorie des substitutions, en démontrant la possibilité de substituer l'hydrogène par du chlore dans les composés organiques. Il définit la fonction alcool et donna la composition des éthers. Il s'intéressa notamment au poids atomique du carbone. 2. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné Boussingault, né à Paris le 1er février 1801 et mort à Paris le 11 mai 1887, est un chimiste, botaniste et agronome français, connu pour ses travaux de chimie agricole et pour la mise au point des premiers aciers au chrome. Il va être le fondateur de la chimie agricole moderne. Il est devenu célèbre par ses découvertes sur la dynamique de l'azote, le métabolisme des graisses, le rendement de la photosynthèse mais aussi la métallurgie des aciers et métaux précieux. Il fait des recherches sur la composition exacte de l'air atmosphérique, en collaboration avec Dumas, sur la composition en végétaux de l'alimentation des herbivores, sur la détection de l'arsenic. Il découvre plusieurs corps chimiques - 3. Jean Servais Stas, né à Louvain le 21 août 1813 et mort à Bruxelles le 13 décembre 1891, est un médecin et chimiste analytique belge. Il est principalement connu pour ses travaux sur la masse atomique des éléments chimiques qui ont participé à la création du tableau périodique des éléments. Jean Servais Stas entreprend des études de médecine à l'Université d'État de Louvain en 1832 et obtient son diplôme de docteur en 1835. C'est durant sa formation qu'il commence à faire de la chimie comme préparateur dans le laboratoire de Jean-Baptiste Van Mons. Il approfondit ses connaissances en chimie en France à l'École polytechnique de Paris sous la direction de Jean-Baptiste Dumas, avec qui il établit la masse atomique du carbone. (source : Wikipedia) couverture plastifiée sinon en bon état, bords des plats un peu jaunis, intérieur sinon frais et propre, papier légèrement jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire, bien complet des 4 planches hors-texte dépliantes
Reference : 45032
(Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1840). 8vo. Without wrappers. Extracted from 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', 2e Series, tome 73. Pp. 73-103 (incl. Note de Liebig pp. 100-103) and pp. 113-166. Some scattered brownspots.
This paper, which was published at the same year in ""Comptes Rendues"" (3 Fevrier), is the most importent on the theory of structural types and the nomenclature of organic compounds, refuting the electrochemical theory of Berzelius. ""The development of this idea (type organique) into what is sometimes called the ""Older Type Theory"", as distinguished from Gerhardt's Type heory, is contained in Dumas' importent memoir on the substitution and the theory of types, presented on 3 febriary 1840.""(Partington IV, p. 365). In the second paper Stas and Dumas record the first use of 'potash-lime', the precursor of soda-lime, an invaluable reagent in organic chemistry.""Jean Baptiste Dumas advances a theory that the chemical properties of an organic compound are determined by its structure and not, as seems to be the case with inorganic compounds, by its electrical properties. he illustrates the concept with the example that the basic qualitative properties of acetic acid are retained even after replacing three fourths of the hydrogen by chlorine. As a consequence, he calls for a revision of chemical nomenclature for organic compounds, basing terms on common features, not on elemental composition.""(Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C).
Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1840. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with gilt lettering spine and five raised bands. The original wrappers withbound in the back. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", tome 73. Entire volume offered. Paper label pasted on to top of spine. Two stamps to verso of title-page. A few light occassional brownspots, otherwise a fine copy. 73-103 (incl. Note de Liebig pp. 100-103) and pp. 113-166. [Entire volume: 448 pp. + 5 folded plates.
This paper, which was published at the same year in ""Comptes Rendues"" (3 Fevrier), is the most importent on the theory of structural types and the nomenclature of organic compounds, refuting the electrochemical theory of Berzelius. ""The development of this idea (type organique) into what is sometimes called the ""Older Type Theory"", as distinguished from Gerhardt's Type heory, is contained in Dumas' importent memoir on the substitution and the theory of types, presented on 3 febriary 1840.""(Partington IV, p. 365). In the second paper Stas and Dumas record the first use of 'potash-lime', the precursor of soda-lime, an invaluable reagent in organic chemistry. ""Jean Baptiste Dumas advances a theory that the chemical properties of an organic compound are determined by its structure and not, as seems to be the case with inorganic compounds, by its electrical properties. he illustrates the concept with the example that the basic qualitative properties of acetic acid are retained even after replacing three fourths of the hydrogen by chlorine. As a consequence, he calls for a revision of chemical nomenclature for organic compounds, basing terms on common features, not on elemental composition.""(Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C).
Reference : 14079
1983 cartonné entoilé éditeur in-quarto sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs - à rabats imprimés - (editor hard-back percale with dustjacket illustrated in colours in-quarto), toutes tranches lisses (all smooth edges), pages de garde blanches (white endpapers), page de faux-titre (half title page), abondamment illustré (plentifully illustrated) illustrations photographiques de (photographic illustrations of) Christian Bachelier - Beken of Cowes - Jacques Goubert - Jacques Léo - Guy Morice - Michel Piquemal - Thierry Ranou - François Richard - Guy Ribadeau Dumas, 200 pages, 1983 à Paris Editions Acla-Paris,
très bel état (fine condition)
Reference : 44741
(Paris, Crochard, 1823). Without wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, par Gay-Lussac et Arago"", tome 24, Sec. Series, Cahier 2. Pp. 163-191. (Entire issue offered pp. 113-223.
First appearance of Dumas and Pelletier's importent paper in which they analyzed nine alkaloids by combustion and found for the first time the number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in them. Dumas' name is still associated with the two procedures which he devised here, the determination of vapor density and combustion analysis.""The most important problem with which Dumas was concerned throughout his career was the classification of chemical substances. He sought to devise comprehensive classificatory schemes for organic compounds and for the elements. Dumas’s earliest contribution to organic chemistry was his study of nine alkaloids, published in 1823, jointly with Pierre Pelletier.1 He analyzed the elemental constituents of these organic “bases” and attempted to prove that their relative proportions of oxygen followed Dalton’s law of multiple proportions. He had embraced the ideas of the two reigning theories in contemporary chemistry: dualism, with its division of substances into electronegative (acid) and electropositive (alkaline)"" and atomism, which Dalton had used to explain his law. Dumas spent the next few years attempting to create an adequate system of classification of organic compounds based upon these two theories.""(DSB).
Paris, Crochard, 1823. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with gilt lettering spine and five raised bands. The original wrappers withbound in the back. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", tome 24. Entire volume offered. Paper label pasted on to top of spine. Two stamps to verso of title-page and stamos to verso of all plates. A few light occassional brownspots, otherwise a fine copy. Pp. 163-191. [Entire volume: 448 pp. + 4 folded plates.
First appearance of Dumas and Pelletier's importent paper in which they analyzed nine alkaloids by combustion and found for the first time the number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in them. Dumas' name is still associated with the two procedures which he devised here, the determination of vapor density and combustion analysis. ""The most important problem with which Dumas was concerned throughout his career was the classification of chemical substances. He sought to devise comprehensive classificatory schemes for organic compounds and for the elements. Dumas’s earliest contribution to organic chemistry was his study of nine alkaloids, published in 1823, jointly with Pierre Pelletier.1 He analyzed the elemental constituents of these organic “bases” and attempted to prove that their relative proportions of oxygen followed Dalton’s law of multiple proportions. He had embraced the ideas of the two reigning theories in contemporary chemistry: dualism, with its division of substances into electronegative (acid) and electropositive (alkaline)"" and atomism, which Dalton had used to explain his law. Dumas spent the next few years attempting to create an adequate system of classification of organic compounds based upon these two theories.""(DSB). The Present volume also contain papers by Faraday, Becquerel and many other.
Reference : 47109
Paris, Bachelier, 1840 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome X , No 5 (entire issue offered). Pp. (143-) 207. Dumas' paper: pp. 149-178.
First appearance of this paper, which was published the same year in 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', is the most importent on the theory of structural types and the nomenclature of organic compounds, refuting the electrochemical theory of Berzelius. ""The development of this idea (type organique) into what is sometimes called the ""Older Type Theory"", as distinguished from Gerhardt's Type heory, is contained in Dumas' importent memoir on the substitution and the theory of types, presented on 3 febriary 1840.""(Partington IV, p. 365). ""Jean Baptiste Dumas advances a theory that the chemical properties of an organic compound are determined by its structure and not, as seems to be the case with inorganic compounds, by its electrical properties. he illustrates the concept with the example that the basic qualitative properties of acetic acid are retained even after replacing three fourths of the hydrogen by chlorine. As a consequence, he calls for a revision of chemical nomenclature for organic compounds, basing terms on common features, not on elemental composition.""(Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C).
Reference : 51504
Paris, Bachelier, 1840. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome X , No 5 (entire issue offered). Pp. (143-) 207. Dumas' paper: pp. 149-178. With half-title to Tome X.
First appearance of this paper, which was published the same year in 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', is the most importent on the theory of structural types and the nomenclature of organic compounds, refuting the electrochemical theory of Berzelius. ""The development of this idea (type organique) into what is sometimes called the ""Older Type Theory"", as distinguished from Gerhardt's Type heory, is contained in Dumas' importent memoir on the substitution and the theory of types, presented on 3 February 1840.""(Partington IV, p. 365). ""Jean Baptiste Dumas advances a theory that the chemical properties of an organic compound are determined by its structure and not, as seems to be the case with inorganic compounds, by its electrical properties. he illustrates the concept with the example that the basic qualitative properties of acetic acid are retained even after replacing three fourths of the hydrogen by chlorine. As a consequence, he calls for a revision of chemical nomenclature for organic compounds, basing terms on common features, not on elemental composition.""(Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C).
PHOTOGRAPHIE] DOISNEAU, RONIS, JAHAN, DUMAS, LANDAU- Jules Romains, André Siegfried, Jean Cassou; Georges Friedman.
Reference : 24265
1951 Billancourt, Régie nationale des usines Renault, 1951. In-4, cartonnage ivoire de l'éditeur, titre doré estampé sur le plat supérieur, 251 pages, étui. Bel album réalisé par Draeger sur la fabrication d'une voiture Renault à Billancourt : 256 photos en premier tirage et en héliogravure par Nora Dumas, Ergy Landau, Robert Doisneau, René Jacques, Pierre Jahan, Willy Ronis, Schall, Steiner, etc. Les textes sont signés par Jules Romains, André Siegfried, Jean Cassou et Georges Friedman. Très bel exemplaire dans son étui.
Londres, 1799, 1 br., sans couverture, exemplaire à relier. in-8, f.t., portrait en frontispice, titre, IV-174 pp., 1 ff. Blanc, 2 et 11 pp. ;
Edition originale. Ouvrage rédigé par le général Matthieu Dumas.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 47237
(Paris, Bachelier), 1837. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome V , No 17. (Entire issue offered). Pp. (567-) 572. Dumas & Liebig's paper: pp. (567-) 572.
First appearance of a historical paper in chemistry. stating a new way to organize organic chemistry.When Liebig visited Paris in 1837, he persuaded Dumas to accept the ethyl theory, and in a joint memoir (written by Liebig) presented on 23 October 1837 to the Paris Academy (the paper offered) they asserted that ""in inorganic chemistry the radicals are simple"" in organic chemistry they are compounds - that is the sole difference. The laws of combination, the laws of reaction, are the same in the two branches of chemistry"" (Partington, vol. IV, p. 351).""In the paper ""Note on the present state of organic chemistry"" .... (Dumas and Liebig)) claim to have found the key to systematically organizing organic chemistry, basing research not on the elements, as in inorganic chemistry, but on the radicals. The radicals in organic chemistry act analogous to the elements in mineral chemistry, with the same general principles of combination and reaction.""(Partington ""Breakthroughs"" 1837 C).
1926 Paris, L'Illustration, 1926. N° 296 de "La Petite Illustration"; Théâtre, N° 167. Une revue de format in 4° de 30 pp. environ; quelques photographies tirées de représentation.
Bon état.
Audouin, Jean-Victor (1797-1841). Brongniart, Adolphe (1801-1876).Dumas, Jean-Baptiste (1800-1884).
Reference : 27147
1824 Paris : Béchet jeune, 1824,in4 broché,couv. bleues imp.- 7 planches lithos en noir,traces de mouillure claires en coin de qques planches
Reference : 2194
Revue trimestrielle de l'Association des Amis du Musée de la Marine, numéro 135, 3e trimestre 1979, format 270x210mm, 60 pages, exemplaire en bon état.
Sommaire : Le Groupe de Recherche archéologique sous-marine post-médiévale de Robert Sténuit par Paul Dumas, Le Witte Leeuw par Robert Sténuit, Les " Vieux souvenirs " ( 1818-1848 ) du Prince de Joinville ( chapitres XI et XII) , Chronique d'uniformologie maritime, A propos de la frégate de 18 se remâtant par Jean Boudriot, Nouvelles du Musée et de l'A.A.M.M., Pirogues océaniennes par Jean Neyret, etc..