Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1983 136 pages 14 4x1 2x22 8cm. 1983. Broché. 136 pages.
qques rousseurs en tête intérieur propre bonne tenue
München, Piper & Co, (1958). Lex 8vo. Original blue full cloth binding with original dust-jacket in red and black with white and grey lettering. Dust-jacket with nicks and tears to extremities. A few underlinings to the first leaves. With the bookplate of the famous American educator Paul Arthur Schilpp. 506, (6, -advertisements). Inscribed by the author to front free end-paper: ""Herrn College Schilpp/ in alter Dankbarkeit/ Karl Jaspers"". And with the inscription ""Basel, den 7. August 1958"" underneath.
First edition, presentation-copy, of Jasper's main work in political philosophy, ""The Atom Bomb and the Future of Man"", in which Jaspers outlines his humanist doctrine. It is in this work that we find most explicitly expressed his ideas on the importance of the social and collective conditions of human integrity. The work became greatly influential. The German philosopher and psychiatrist Karl Theodor Jaspers (1883-1969) was one of the main exponents of existentialism in Germany and he had an enormous impact on theology, psychiatry and philosophy of his time. Later on, his works in political philosophy came to exersize an even greater influence upon 20th century thought. ""Karl Jaspers (1883 - 1969) began his academic career working as a psychiatrist and, after a period of transition, he converted to philosophy in the early 1920s. Throughout the middle decades of the twentieth century he exercised considerable influence on a number of areas of philosophical inquiry: especially on epistemology, the philosophy of religion, and political theory. His philosophy has its foundation in a subjective-experiential transformation of Kantian philosophy, which reconstructs Kantian transcendentalism as a doctrine of particular experience and spontaneous freedom, and emphasizes the constitutive importance of lived existence for authentic knowledge. Jaspers obtained his widest influence, not through his philosophy, but through his writings on governmental conditions in Germany, and after the collapse of National Socialist regime he emerged as a powerful spokesperson for moral-democratic education and reorientation in the Federal Republic of Germany."" (SEP).Paul Arthur Schilpp (1897 - 1993) was famous an American educator. He was born in Germany and immigrated to the United States prior to World War I. Schilpp taught at Northwestern University, University of the Pacific and spent the last years of his professional career teaching undergraduate philosophy courses at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He was considered a serious and driven teacher of moral decision and thought, often controversial. He was known for his passionate teaching methods and highly energetic delivery. For many years he was the editor of the Library of Living Philosophers. As editor he was able to convince people like Albert Einstein to contribute to the library.
München, Piper & Co., (1950). 8vo. Original orange full cloth with gilt lettering. Original dust-jacket. Dust-jacket with some tears to extremities and lacking ab. 2 cm. at lower capital. Internally very nice and clean. With the bookplate of the famous American educator Paul Arthur Schilpp. 349, (1), (1, -advertisement) pp. Inscribed by the author to front free end-paper: ""Für Paul Schilpp/ Herzlich/ Karl Jaspers"".
First edition, later issue (8th.-11th. thousand), presentation-copy for Paul Schilpp, of one of Jaspers' most important works within political philosophy. The German philosopher and psychiatrist Karl Theodor Jaspers (1883-1969) was one of the main exponents of existentialism in Germany and he had an enormous impact on theology, psychiatry and philosophy of his time. Later on, his works in political philosophy came to exersize an even greater influence upon 20th century thought. ""Karl Jaspers (1883 - 1969) began his academic career working as a psychiatrist and, after a period of transition, he converted to philosophy in the early 1920s. Throughout the middle decades of the twentieth century he exercised considerable influence on a number of areas of philosophical inquiry: especially on epistemology, the philosophy of religion, and political theory. His philosophy has its foundation in a subjective-experiential transformation of Kantian philosophy, which reconstructs Kantian transcendentalism as a doctrine of particular experience and spontaneous freedom, and emphasizes the constitutive importance of lived existence for authentic knowledge. Jaspers obtained his widest influence, not through his philosophy, but through his writings on governmental conditions in Germany, and after the collapse of National Socialist regime he emerged as a powerful spokesperson for moral-democratic education and reorientation in the Federal Republic of Germany."" (SEP).
Paris, Seuil. Coll. Esprit., 1949, Broché, 399 pages. Bon état.
Générique Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1951 150 pages
Payot Payot, 1996, 1042 p., cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette, environ 23x14cm. Bord supérieur de la jaquette un peu froissé avec quelques petites fentes, dos de la même insolé, bon état pour le reste et intérieur très propre.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
10 X 18 1965 1965. Karl Jaspers: Introduction à la philosphie/ 10-18 1965 . Karl Jaspers: Introduction à la philosphie/ 10-18 1965
Etat correct
1974 1974. Karl Jaspers: Introduction à la philosophie/ 10-18 1974 . Karl Jaspers: Introduction à la philosophie/ 10-18 1974
Bon état
, vantilt uitgeverij, 2013 paperback, 13,5 x 21 cm, 128 pagina?s, nieuw !. ISBN 9789460041310.
Wat is filosofie? Die vraag beantwoordt de Duitse filosoof Karl Jaspers op een volstrekt eigen, zeer begrijpelijke en toch nooit populariserende wijze in zijn Inleiding in de filosofie. Daarbij mijdt hij elke leerstelligheid, want zijn credo luidt: ?Filosofie betekent: op weg zijn. Haar vragen zijn belangrijker dan haar antwoorden en elk antwoord geeft aanleiding tot een nieuwe vraag.? Jaspers geeft de grondgedachten van de filosofie beknopt weer en laat zien wat haar bronnen zijn en hoe zij is geworteld in het bestaan van de mens. Ook verkent hij hoe de filosofie zich verhoudt tot de wereld, tot wetenschap en geloof, tot grote existentiele thema?s als vrijheid en dood, en tot de geschiedenis. ?De indeling in twaalf korte hoofdstukken maakt Inleiding in de filosofie zeer leesbaar en prima behapbaar. Misschien wel de grootste verdienste van dit boekje is het onvoorwaardelijke vertrouwen in en het aanstekelijke enthousiasme voor de filosofie. Het is een pleidooi voor een open blik, voor leergierigheid en gretig zoeken naar waarheid.
2000 Paris, Le Seuil (Collection "La Couleur des Idées"), 2000, in 8° broché, 399 pages ; couverture illustrée..
Réédition de l'édition de 1947. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Groningen, Batavia, 1935. 8vo. Original printed green wrappers. Light sunning to spine and upper part of front wrapper, otherwise a very fine, fresh and clean copy, also internally. Old owner's name to title-page, dated 1947. (8), 115 pp.
First edition of Jasper's seminal work ""Reason and Existence"", which constitutes one of the most important contributions to the interpretation of the two great existentialists, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, as well as a primary witness to the anti-Nazi philosophy of pre-World War II philosophy and the themes that divided the great philosophers of the era. It is in this work that Jaspers introduces the concept of ""das Umgreifende"".The German philosopher and psychiatrist, Karl Theodor Jaspers (1883-1969) was one of the main exponents of existentialism in Germany and he had an enormous impact on theology, psychiatry and philosophy of his time. The present work constitutes the five lectures on reason and existence that he gave at the University of Groningen in Holland during the spring of 1935, a series of lectures that introduce us to the main themes of the philosophy of the influential thinker.
Bremen. Johs. Storm Verlag. 1949. 8°. 182 S., 1 S., 1 S. Anzeigen. Originalkarton mit Schutzumschlag.
Mit handschriftlicher Widmung und Signatur von Karl Jaspers auf dem Vorsatz. - Schutzumschlag mit kleinen Einrissen und am Rücken gebräunt. Vorsatz mit Abklatsch vom Schutzumschlag.
Paris Editions de Minuit, coll. "Philosophie étrangère" 1948 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, 228 pp. Edition originale française.
1962 New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962 20 x 13,5 cm, viii-126 pp Good condition
A Harvest book, edited by Hannah Arendt, translated by Ralph Manheim, with soft cover.
(Zürich), "Neue Schweizer Rundschau" Dezember 8°. 8 S. Originalbroschur.
"Separatdruck aus der 'Neuen Schweizer Rundschau." - 'Originalausgabe. - Mit handschriftlicher Widmung von Jaspers für "Jenny und Robert (Faesi) in treuer Herzlichkeit" auf dem Vorderdeckel. - Einband lichtrandig.
EDITION 10/18 N°0383. 1970. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 302 pages.Mieux qu'une histoire de la philosophie, cet ouvrage est un dialogue : Jaspers, ici , interroge les grands du passé et son respect sans concessions transforme les obstacles en moyens d' . approfondissement. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
Traduit de l'Allemand par Jeanne Hersch. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
Paris, Desclée de Brouwer 1953 83pp., dans la série "textes et études philosophiques", br.orig., 19cm., bon état, F30176
Würzburg, C.J. Becker 1936 ix + 93pp., in the series "Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und Psychologie der Religion" Heft 37, [Dissertation]
Paris, Seuil 1947 400pp., 1e éd., dans la collection "Esprit", 23cm., nom de propriétaire sur fausse page de titre, bon état
Plon 1960 1960. Karl Jaspers: Introduction à la philosophie/ Plon 1960 . état correct
Etat correct
Aron Raymond,Berl Emmanuel,Billotte Général,Bloch-Michel Jean,Caillois Roger,Deguy Michel,Duveau Georges,Gabor Dennis,Gillès Daniel,Jaspers Karl,Patri Aimé,Pingaud Bernard,Tavernier René,Tillion Germaine
Reference : lu830
Preuves Preuves Revue 1960 Revue grand in-8 (25.5*18.5), dos broché, 2 volumes, 96 + 48pp., vol 1 : Roger Caillois - Dennis Gabor : Science et fantaisie ; Karl Jaspers : Liberté et réunification (1ere partie) ; Daniel Gillès : Tolstoï interroge la mort ; Georges Duveau : Saint-Simon ; Emmanuel Berl - Général Billotte : Discorde et trahison etc... ; vol 2 : L'Algérie devant la conscience française ; bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
Cano Jose Luis,Castellet J.M.,Cela Camilo Jose,Jaspers Karl,Jelenski K.-A.,Marias Julian,Rougemont Denis de,Sastre Alfonso,Walser Robert
Reference : lu835
Preuves Preuves Revue 1961 Revue grand in-8 (25.5*18.5), dos broché, 96pp., Karl Jaspers : Au-delà du procès Eichmann ; Denis de Rougemont : Le carrefour fabuleux ; Robert Walser ; Textes à l'insu du lecteur (présentation de Marthe Robert) ; K.-A. Jelenski : Pologne - L'aigle d'hier, aujourd'hui ; Voix d'Espagne : Camilo Jose Cela, Julian Marias, J.M. Castellet, Alfonso Sastre, Jose Luis Cano, etc... ; bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
Paris Desclée De Brouwer, coll. "Textes et études philosophiques" 1953 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, non coupé, 80 pp. Edition originale française. Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque de Georges Bataille avec tampon à l'encre noire sur le premier feuillet "Bibliothèque de Georges Bataille".