WEST STOCKBRIDGE 1998 Thornwillow Press Hardcover
Hardcover, 29 x 20 cm, English, book condition: As NewrnOne hundred and eighty-five copies of these Last Poems by James Merrill have been typeset by Michael & Winifred Bixler in Monotype Garamond, a face derived from the types designed by the French punchcutter Claude Garamond (1499- 1561).rnThe text was printed letterpress directly from the type on paper handmade especially for this edition at The Cardinal Mill in Moravia.rnThe portrait of James Merrill was photographed by Mariana Cook on April 3rd, 1992. in New York City. The endpapers were designed by Irena Martens.rnThe edition is limited to 185 copies and was designed and produced under the direction of Luke Ives Pontifell.rnThis copy is number: 47rnsigned by : J. D. McClatchy, Marina Cook and Luke Ives PontifellrnTHORNWILLOW PRESS, LTD.rnNEW YORK WEST STOCKBRIDGE PRAGUE ARS OMNIA TUETURrn
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