Points 2010 2010. James Church - Un mort à l'hôtel Koryo / Points 2010
Bon état
Church Wardens Saint James Church Antwerp ( editors - publishers ) - Kerkmeesters van de Sint-Jakobskerk te Antwerpen - [ ] LIEDEKENS :
Reference : 47832
".: S.l. ( Antwerpen ) , no printer ( Gilles van den Rade ) , 1574, in-8°, 88 unnumbered pp, bound in full leather with blindtooling on both covers, raised spine, leather with some use, interior fine. With a ( contemporary ?) manuscript ex-libris of an Antwerp monastery. The title page contains a manuscript number within a typographical border. The publication served as a lottery ticket. The title page has also in the lower margin a diamond shaped blindstamp. Nice copy of a very rare publication with texts of the chambers of rethoric of the Southern Netherlands published by the church wardens to finance the finishing of their new church in ''Late Gothic Style''. F. Kossmann gives a detailed description of the few remaining copies of this lottery ticket in the form of a book (De Guld. Passer, 1924, pp. 1-18 - periodical published by the ''Antwerpsche Bibliophilen''). He describes 9 copies in Dutch collections. The USTC (2017) describes 7 copies. Our copy belongs to the ''Group I''. This group has no printer's name and no quire signatures. Most known copies have each a different composition. The rethorical texts ( songs ) are answers to 9 propositions made by the wardens. We give here the texts of our copy as listed by Kossmann. I (1,5,4,). II (2,1,) III (3,4,1,2,5,6,7,8,). IV (7,8,9,10,11,12,). V (1,2,). VI (2,1,). VII (4,5,). VIII (4,5,). Our copy contains thus 4 songs with printed score. It is complete with the title, the dedication , the table with the propositions, the full page woodcut of the arms of Philip II , and Salomons Gebed, bound in at the end. This makes it the only complete copy of group I ( compared with items LR , Sch , H , A , W , which all lack one or another item) (;sixteenth century printed music;songs;poetry;dutch;literature;lottery;)."
2010 Paris, Seuil - Policiers, 2010 14x22.5cm, 336pp Etat neuf car service de presse
CHURCH James (traduit de l'anglais (U.S.) par Vincent Delezoide)
Reference : 48547
2008 in-8 broché - 2008 - 332 pages - Ed. Editions du Seuil / Policiers
bon état
Editions de Seuil. 2011. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos plié, Papier jauni. 364 pages, exemplaire de bibliothèque, couverture plastifiée, tampons et étiquettes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Collection Seuil Policiers. Traduit de l'américain par Marie-France de Paloméra. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Calmann-Lévy. 2012. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 315 pages, exemplaire de bibliothèque, couverture plastifiée, tampons et étiquettes - Quelques rousseurs sur les contreplats, la page de garde et les tranches.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Traduit de l'anglais par Vincent Delezoide. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Reinhold Pub. Corp.. 1963. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 392 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans le texte. Jaquette fortement défraîchie.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
2nd edition. Now up-dated and Expanded. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Ecclesia Catholica - Roman Catholic Church of England - James SMITH ( preface) - Right Hon. John the Sixteenth Earl of Shrewbury ( frontispiece portrait ) :
Reference : 45838
".: 4. London, T. Jones 63 Paternoster Row....., 1854, in-8°, frontispiece (steelengraved portrait Earl of Shrewsbury) + IV pp + 220 pp + (44)nn pp ( publicity). Bound in cream coloured silk, gilt papal supra libro on both covers (tiara and the two crossed keys), all edges gilt. The silk of the binding is dustsoiled, more so at the back cover. Still a reasonably good copy. This publication gathers an enormous amount of information on the Roman Catholic Church in England such as Roman catholic schools, names of the clergy etc. ; but also a memoir on the Earl of Shrewsbury, . It contains an interesting section with advertisements. Most of the items offered here do agree with the publication. E.g. booksellers with religious publications, organs, harmoniums, wax candles, ecclesiastical architectural artefacts etc. . But also false moustaches and whiskers, Woodcock's Wind Pills, Rowlands's Kalydor oil for a beautiful complexion...."