1904-1911 Numerous pages and plates. Slightly later buckram with gilt title on spine. Original printed wrappers bound in and with the preliminary index to parts I-III. Original wrappers rather tattered (some repaired) due to paper quality. Text and plates good, uncut. Leonard Axel Jägerskiöld (1867-1945) travelled for eight months (December 1900 - July 1901) through Egypt and up along the White Nile together with two students, Teodor Odhner and Ivar Trägardh. The zoological results were published in 34 papers, of which no less than 17 are on Insecta, arachnids and myriapodes, with the descriptions of many new species by several specialists. A fifth part (on non insect invertebrates only), was published much later, in 1928, and is not included. Topics are Termites, Coleoptera (Dystidae & Hydrophilidae), Coleoptera (other groups), Lepidoptera, Formiciden, Hymenoptera, Acariden, Hydrachniden, Apteygoten, Arachnides, Myriopoden.