12 books for « jaeger werner »Edit

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Reference : 36415


‎Paideia. Die Formung des griechischen Menschen. 3 Bde. - [RESTORING 20TH CENTURY EUROPE WITH THE IDEALS OF ANCIENT GREECE]‎

‎Berlin & Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1934, 1944 & 1947. Lex 8vo. 3 original blue full cloth w. gilt lettering to spines and to front board of volume one.Spines a bit sunned, hinges of volume one weak, hinges of volumes two and three restored w. new endpapers A nice and clean copy. (8), 513, (3) (8), 418" (8), 462 pp.‎

‎The first edition (of all three volumes) of Jaeger's seminal ""three-volume history of the Greek mind"" (his own words), which came to hugely influence the study of Greek culture and civilization as well as modern philosophy and political thought. Few other modern works within the field of classics and philology have had an impact comparable to this classic of the twentieth century.The German-born classicist Werner Wilhelm Jaeger (1888-1961) was educated at the Universities of Marburg and Berlin, and from the latter he received a Ph.D. for his dissertation on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, a work which landed him the professorship and Nietzsche's chair at the University of Basel, -without having written his Habilitationsschrift! In 1921, Jaeger settled in Berlin, which he had to leave in 1936 because of Hitler, and he immigrated to America, where he stayed for the rest of his life. Here he became professor, first at the University of Chicago, and in 1939 at Harvard University. Jaeger had written and published the first volume of his main work ""Paideia, The Idols of Greek Culture"" a couple of years before he left Germany, and in America he finished the last two volumes of this massive philosophical and political work on education, culture and the ideals that formed Greek civilization in ancient Greece. Under the name of ""Paideia"", the cultural nature of education is traced from Homer to Demosthenes in the hope of giving back the values of the ancient Greeks to 20th century Europe, which according to Jaeger was dominated by decadence and cultural decline. After the appearance of Jeager's work, the concept of ""Paideia"" became hugely influential among critics of educational systems, and the work in general has moulded the way that modern man understood the culture of the ancient Greeks as well as his own. The work has had a deep impact on several fields, ranging from philosophy and politics to sociology, classics etc. It is rare to find all three volumes together in first editions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )


Reference : 35687


‎Aristoteles. Grundlegung einer Geschichte seiner Entwicklung. - [TURNING ARISTOTLE UPSIDE DOWN]‎

‎Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlund, 1923. Lex 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. Front wrapper and spine intact and in fine condition, back wrapper partly missing, -only ab. the middle third part is present. Uncut and internally nice and clean. A tear to front hinge and a few repairs to spine. (8), 438 pp.‎

‎The not common first edition of Jaeger's seminal work, which fundamentally changed Aristotle scholarship in the 20th century.With the publication of his first major work, ""Aristoteles"", Jaeger became an academic sensation, and no student of Aristotle can be unaware of the huge impact this highly untraditional work on the history of the development of Aristotle had within academic circles. The work is epochal and revolutionary, and though it has been heavily criticized an scholded by especially later scholars, there can be no doubt that the book raises several now inevitable questions that previously had been almost completely neglected.Being very thorough in his investigations and using everything he could find from the hand of Aristotle, Jaeger constructs a picture of Aristotle's development through time that was to revolutionize the study of Aristotle. By seeking parallels in works that are not internally consistent, Jaeger turns the hitherto established chronology of the writings of Aristotle upside down and demonstrates his increasing independence from Plato. After the publication of this work the genetic and developmental question came to dominate Aristotle scholarship, and nothing could be written about Aristotle without taking these questions into consideration. Probably no other work can be said to have influenced the study of the greatest philosopher of all times to such a degree as this one.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,800.00 (€509.66 )


Reference : 32373


‎Humanistische Reden und Vorträge.‎

‎Berlin, W. de Gruyter & Co., 1960. 8vo. Orig. full cloth in orig. dust jacket. In fine condition. VII,336 pp.‎

‎Second augmented edition.Werner Jaeger (1888-1961) is perhaps best known for his work 'Paideia' (which is Greek for 'education'/'Bildung'), an extensive consideration of both the earliest practices and later philosophical reflections on the cultural nature of education in Ancient Greece, which he hoped would restore a decadent early 20th century Europe to the values of its Hellenic origins. In 'Humanistische Reden und Vorträge' one finds a collection of essays, mostly based on lectures, in both German and English, which gives a priviledged insight into the development of one of the major exponents for an educated humanism as a counterpart to the totalitarianism and other terrors of our century. The essays bears titles such as 'Der Humanismus als Tradition und Erlebnis', 'Antike und Humanismus', 'Stat und Kultur' and 'Humanism and Theology'.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK475.00 (€63.71 )

‎JAEGER (Werner).‎

Reference : 121983


‎Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture. Volume I: Archaic Greece ; The Mind of Athens.‎

‎ New York, Oxford University Press, 1967, pt in-8°, xxix-510 pp, notes, index, broché, marge inf. des premiers feuillets lég. tachée, bon état. Texte en anglais‎

‎Ce volume retrace l'histoire de la Paideia depuis l'époque homérique jusqu'à la défaite d'Athènes, à la fin du Ve siècle. La voix de la Grèce archaïque est celle que nous fait entendre Homère, celle de toute une société en quête de l'exploit qui confère la noblesse. La première partie de l'histoire de la civilisation hellénique est dominée par la grande figure d'Achille. Avec l'apparition des cités, le désir de l'ordre et celui de l'égalité deviennent une passion et une raison de vivre. Les débats soulevés à cette occasion ont trouvé leur écho dans les poèmes de Solon et de Tyrtée. De même, les penseurs ioniens essaient d'expliquer le cosmos comme un Tout régi par une loi unique. Cette recherche des normes universelles sera désormais l'une des marques distinctives du génie grec. Puis, à partir de la seconde moitié du Ve siècle, Athènes va occuper seule le devant de la scène. Les grands tragiques, les sophistes, la réflexion sur l'histoire, tout cela fait d'elle "l'école de la Grèce" : pour la première fois, un véritable idéal culturel est proposé au monde. En raison de sa perspective originale, de la profondeur de la pensée de Werner Jaeger, Paideia est, depuis sa parution, considéré comme un classique. ‎


Phone number : 01 43 54 43 61

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎JAEGER (Werner)‎

Reference : 601581


‎Paideia. La formation de l'homme grec - I. La Grèce archaïque. Le génie d'Athènes. Traduction de André et Simonne Devyver autorisée et revue par l'auteur.‎

‎ Paris, NRF-Gallimard, 1964. Fort in-8 broché, 580 pp., notes. Discrets ex-libris manuscrits et cachet. ‎

‎Collection : Bibliothiothèque des Idées. Dos jauni, bon ex. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎JAEGER (Werner).‎

Reference : 115433

‎Demostenes. La agonía de Grecia.‎

‎México, 1945. 1 feuillet. 307 pages. 3 feuillets. (22x14,5 Cm). Broché. Couverture de l'éditeur imprimée en couleur. Couverture un peu salie. Papier un peu bruni. Exemplaire bien conservé. ‎

Ultimo Capitulo S.L. - Barcelona

Phone number : +33 973 037 007

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 50158


‎Paideia. Die Formung des griechischen Menschen. 3 Bde. (Vierte u. Dritte Aufl.).‎

‎Berlin, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1959 Lex 8vo. 3 original blue full cloth w. gilt lettering to spines and to front board of volume one. (8), 513, (3) (8), 418 (8), 462 pp. Clean and fine.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 50265


‎The Theology of the early Greek Philosophers. The Gifford Lectures 1936.‎

‎Oxford, The Clarendon Press, (1960). Orig. full cloth with d/j. VII,259 pp.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )

‎Jaeger, Werner.‎

Reference : 94038

‎Paideia. La formation de l’homme grec. Collection Tel.‎

‎ Paris, Gallimard 1988, 190x125mm, 580pages, broché. Bon état. ‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎JAEGER, Werner.‎

Reference : 54378

‎Gregor von Nyssa’s Lehre vom Heiligen Geist. Aus dem Nachlass Hrsg. von H. Dörries.‎

‎ 245x160mm, X- 153Seiten, Verlegereinband. Schönes Exemplar.‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )

‎Werner Jaeger‎

Reference : 100093510


Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )

‎Werner Jaeger‎

Reference : 67235


‎Paideia. La formation de l'homme grec. I. La Grèce archaïque. Le génie d'Athènes.‎

‎Paris, Gallimard. , Bibliothèque des Idées, 1964, in-8, Broché., 580 pages. Exemplaire défraichi. Solide. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )
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