Médecine Science Publications (1/1998)
Delhi, 1994, in-8, 304pp, reliure éditeur jaquette illustrée, Très bel exemplaire! 304pp
Profile Publications. Non daté. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 10 pages augmentées de nombeuses photos en noir et blanc, dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile
Classification Dewey : 629.2-Automobile
0 Un billet manuscrit de 1 page en langue anglaise par William Hooker, datée: Dec. 20 1850, adressée à : '' Sir Conan Rogers? '', non signé. Feuillet de papier vergé de format: 180mm x 110mm. Lettre de compliments. Sir William Jackson Hooker, Norwich 1785 - Londres 1865, botaniste britannique
Très bon Pas de couverture Signé par l'auteur
London, Printed, For Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, Poultry ; and W. Miller, Albemarle-Street, by J. Keymer, Yarmouth, 1811, 1 volume in-8 de 215x135 mm environ, 2ff. blancs, faux-titre, frontispice en couleurs, titre, lxii-496 pages, 4 ff. (index), 2 ff. blancs, demi reliure à coins en veau fauve, titres dorés sur dos lisse orné de motifs à froid et filets dorés, tranches mouchetées. Des rousseurs, cuir et cartonnage frotté, une coiffe ébréchée, ex-libris manuscrits sur la page de faux-titre et page de titre, début de fente sur les mors mais structure solide, sinon bon état. Edition originale complète du frontispice et des 3 hors-texte (dont 2 dépliants).
Sir William Jackson Hooker, né le 6 juillet 1785 à Norwich et mort le 12 août 1865 à Londres, dans les Jardins botaniques royaux de Kew, est un botaniste britannique. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Kate Jackson Chad Allen Susan Blakely Keith Szarabajka William R. Moses Olivia Burnette Calvin DeVault David Allen Brooks DeeDee Rescher Sean Moran Julian Chojnacki Verzweifelt - Eine Mutter schöpft Verdacht / A Mother's Testimony ( ) A Mother's Testimony Verzweifelt - Eine Mutter schöpft Verdacht Kate Jackson
Reference : 500123082
ISBN : 3700173200654
Tommy Lee Jones Beg Kingsley Anne Archer William Friedkin Tommy Lee Jones Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson Guy Pearce
Reference : 89849
ISBN : 3333973128943
Paramount Pictures 2015 18x14x1cm. 2015. DVD.
FRENCH édition : zone 2 Europe - - en bon état de lecture - Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
.: 3. Cambridge (MA), The Belkap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967, large in-8°, 236 pp, publisher's cloth with dust jacket .A fine copy..
Reference : RO20273641
ISBN : 0723409145
LABORATOIRES UNICET FILIALE DE SCHERING PLOUGH CORPORZTION. 1988. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 125 pages - nombreuses photos couleur, dans et hors texte - tampon en page de garde. . . . Classification Dewey : 618-Autres branches de la médecine
Classification Dewey : 618-Autres branches de la médecine
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, (1812-) 1816 4to. Bound in a fine contemp. full calf with broad rectangular gilt borders on covers. Inner gilt borders. Professionally re-backed to style and spine richly gilt. Fine repairs along edges and to corners. Engraved frontispiece-portrait of Hooker. (28) incl.htitle,20 pp., (2) pp. of Index. Unnumbered leaves with descriptions to each plate. Complete with 88 fine hand-coloured engraved plates (Numb. I-LXXXIV and Supplementplates I-IV (bound first). Portrait with some brownspots, some offsetting from portrait to title. Inner margins of portrait and title-page with 2 larger brownspots, not reaching the text or the engraving. Otherwise a fine clean copy with broad margins, printed on good paper. Exquisite handcolouring.
Interesting presentation-copy of the scarce first edition of Hooker's first botanical work, which is not only considered his most beautiful, but which is also the work that established hepaticology (the science of liverworts) as an independent entity and cemented Hooker's reputation. Presented on half-title: ""To Francis Boott, Esq./ of Boston, N. America,/ as a testimony of the affectionate/ regard & esteem of/ The Author/ Halesworth Aug. 5.th 1818."" Underneath the dedication in Francis Boott's hand: ""Mr. Hooker in a letter to me from Halesworth of Aug 5. - says of this copy - ""It will serve as a specimen of Country binding, printing and engraving - every thing in short belonging to it being executed in this neighbourhood.""/ signed ""F.B."". When Hooker returned from his botanical excursions, first to Iceland, then to France, Switzerland and Northern Italy, he devoted himself to the formation of his ""Herbarium"", which became of worldwide renown among botanists. In 1841 he was appointed director of the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew, where he founded the first museum of economic botany.""Hooker spent twelve years at Halesworth, during which he produced his British Jungermanniae, with his own illustrations, widely considered to be his most beautiful work. This book established hepaticology as an independent entity and made Hooker's reputation."" (Mea Allan in DSB).Francis Boott (1792-1863), to whom this copy was given, was a friend of Hooker. He had studied botany in America and medicine in London, where he practiced medicine and also gave lectures in botany, - he was also secretary to the Linnean Society. Pritzel: 4208 - BMC(NH) II.870 - Nissen: 916 - Staffleu & Covan: No 2987.
Cheapside, Hurst Robinson & Co., 1819. Schabkunstblatt (Brustbild) von James Walker. Bildgrösse: 22,5 x 18,5 cm. Blattgrösse: 27 x 19 cm.
Walker, James (1748-1808): Engl. Kupferstecher. Bis knapp zum Bildrand beschnitten. Angestaubt u. minim stockfleckig.