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‎J.P. Filedt Kok ‎

Reference : 66363

‎dans om het Gouden Kalf van Lucas van Leyden‎

‎, Nieuw Amsterdam / Rijksmuseum, 2008 Softcovern 68 pagina's, illustraties, 24 (hoogte) x 17. ISBN 9789086890354.‎

‎Op de tentoonstelling Vroege Hollanders, Schilderkunst van de late Middeleeuwen in Museum Boijmans van Beuningen (tot 25 mei 2008) is het triptiek De Dans om het gouden kalf een van de topstukken. Jan Piet Filedt Kok is onbetwist de kenner van dit schilderij: al jarenlang is hij erdoor gefascineerd en nog steeds vertelt hij er vol passie over. Over hoe het in de jaren vijftig werd teruggevonden in een duister Parijs' appartement en hoe onlangs de zeventiende-eeuwse, fraai gedecoreerde ebbenhouten lijst werd teruggevonden waarin het toen moet hebben gezeten maar toen werd vervangen door een nagemaakte zestiende-eeuwse lijst. Na restauratie van de ebbenhouten lijst is het schilderij nu in zijn volle glorie in Rotterdam te bewonderen. De achtergronden van het schilderij die in het boek wordt gegeven en de vele detailafbeeldingen, voegen veel toe aan de beleving ervan. Lucas van Leyden (1494-1533) betekende voor zijn tijd wat Rembrandt was voor de Gouden Eeuw. Met veel succes introduceerde hij de renaissance in Holland. Zijn schilderijen zijn levendig, kleurrijk en verhalend en zijn prenten verfijnd en speels. Een van de bekendste schilderijen van de kunstenaar is het drieluik met de Dans om het gouden kalf uit circa 1530, dat zich in de collectie van het Rijksmuseum bevindt. Met zichtbaar plezier verbeeldt Van Leyden het oudtestamentische verhaal. Niet de dans zelf en Mozes die de tafelen met tien geboden woedend kapot smijt staan centraal in het drieluik, maar het volk dat zich overgeeft aan zondig gedrag. Jan Piet Filedt Kok beschrijft het werk van Lucas van Leyden en zijn Dans in het bijzonder. Hij laat ook de tekening zien die zich nder de verflaag bevindt en verschaft inzicht in Lucas' werkwijze en tekentalent.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎J. P. Filedt - Kok, W. Gibson‎

Reference : 44606

‎Cornelis Engebrechtsz (c. 1460-1527) A Sixteenth-Century Leiden Artist and his Workshop.‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2014 Hardback, IV 316 p., 221 b/w ill. 224 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, Languages: English. Fine copy. Including an index. Illustrated. ISBN 9782503542232.‎

‎Cornelis Engebrechtsz (c. 1460/62-1527) was the first major Leiden painter to whom works can be attributed with certainty. They include a Lamentation Triptych from c. 1508 and a Crucifixion Triptych that was probably executed a decade later, both of which were made for the Marienpoel Convent near Leiden and are now in Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden. These monumental triptychs display the influence of the dynamic style and palette of the Antwerp Mannerists, including splendid gold brocades. On the basis of the documented works by Engebrechtsz, no more than a dozen paintings and some fragments can be attributed to him personally, but many more can be connected to his workshop, which specialized in devotional works. Engebrechtsz?s pupils included his three sons Pieter (c. 1490-1560/61), Cornelis (c. 1493-1546) and Lucas (c. 1495-before July 1552). Although they must have played an important role in the workshop, it has so far proved difficult to associate specific paintings with them.<br>Taking Walter Gibson?s 1977 dissertation on Engebrechtsz and his workshop as its point of departure, the present volume also draws upon the subsequent technical investigation of many of the paintings. The spectacular underdrawings revealed with infrared reflectography has given better insight into the working methods of the artist and his workshop. Moreover, the study of the gold-brocaded velvets by Esther van Duijn clarifies his use of a variety of patterns, while Peter Klein?s dendrochronological examination of the panels helps determine a chronology of the oeuvre. All this makes it possible to characterize more clearly Engebrechtsz?s stylistic development, his workshop production and the different hands involved. The new findings are presented in different chapters, which are complemented by a complete catalogue of the paintings and drawings by Engebrechtsz and his workshop.<br>In addition, a complete survey of the monogrammed and/or dated drawings by Pieter Cornelisz, Engebrechtsz?s eldest son, is presented here for the first time, providing a firmer basis for the attribution of some paintings to him. Finally, the present volume is enhanced by documented biographies of Cornelis Engebrechtsz and his sons Pieter, Cornelis and Lucas. The known archival documents are complemented by an abundance of unpublished documents, richly enhancing our knowledge of the lives, careers and personalities of this family of artists.<br>Jan Piet Filedt Kok (1943) studied art history at the University of Amsterdam. His publications cover early Netherlandish and seventeenth-century Dutch paintings and drawings, as well as fifteenth to twentieth-century printmaking, collecting history and restoration issues.<br>Walter S. Gibson (1932) is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities Emeritus at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He has published extensively on the late medieval and early Renaissance art of the Low Countries.<br>Yvette Bruijnen (1967) received her doctorate at the Free University Amsterdam. Her articles and lectures are mainly on early Netherlandish and Dutch seventeenth-century painters.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR149.00 (€149.00 )

‎Frits Scholten, Jan-Piet Filedt Kok, Reinier Baarsen, Bart Cornelis, Wouter Kloek‎

Reference : 59778

‎Netherlandish art 1600-1700‎

‎, Rijksmuseum / Waanders, 2002 Hardcover, 295 pages, ENG, 300 x 255 mm, the cover has had it's best times with scratches and traces of being used before, the book itself is in very good condition, dozens of illustrations in colour and b/w. ISBN 9780300089387.‎

‎The collections in Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum provide the framework for the unique picture of the art of the Golden Age presented in this book. The art produced in the Dutch Republic in the 17th century is illustrated by a wide variety of works by celebrated and lesser-known artists like Hendrick de Keyser, Paulus van Vianen, Frans Hals, Rembrandt van Rijn, Jan Steen, Artus Quellinus, Johannes Vermeer, Willem Kalf and many others. The book also takes a closer look at the historical context, artistic output and techniques, specialisation in painting, and the changing perception of the art of the Golden Age. The book has been compiled by Jan Piet Filedt Kok, Reinier Baarsen, Bart Cornelis, Wouter Kloek and Frits Scholten, with contributions from other art historians working at the Rijksmuseum.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.50 (€27.50 )

‎FILEDT KOK J.P. (comp.)‎

Reference : S85724


‎Livelier than life. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet or the Housebook Master, ca. 1470-1500‎

‎Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum 1985 308pp.with numerous illustrations in bl/w and some in colour, in-4, softcover, Exhibition catalogue (Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, March 14 June 9, 1985), good condition, S85724‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎FILEDT- KOK J.P. ( editor ) - HAUSBUCH MEESTER , Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet :‎

Reference : 19269

‎'s Levens Felheid de Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet of de Hausbuch-meester ca 1470-1500. (Exhibition catalogue).‎

‎.: Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 1985, in-4°, 304 pp, orig.wrapper, numerous b/w ills, index. Text in Duch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )

‎BROOS C. - L.D. COUPRIE - J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. de JONGH - G. SCHWARTZ - D.P. SNOEP - E. TAVERNE ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47198

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 6 1972/73 Number 1 .‎

‎.: 2. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1972, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, 80 pp. Contains e.g. an article by R. Fuchs on Henri van de Waal. Ilja Markx-Veldman on Maarten van Heemskerck' use of emblem and proverb books. E. Taverne on Salomon de Bray and the Haarlem Guild of St. Luke in 1631.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎BROOS C. - L.D. COUPRIE - J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. de JONGH - G. SCHWARTZ - D.P. SNOEP - E. TAVERNE ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47199

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 6 1972/73 Number 2 .‎

‎.: 2. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1972, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 83-124 pp. Contains e.g. an article by Walter Gibson on the Imitatio Christi by HIeronymus Bosch. Bert Meijer on the music of Niccolo Frangipane. Jochen Becker on Lucas de Heere '' Zur niederländischen Kunstliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎BROOS C. - L.D. COUPRIE - J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. de JONGH - G. SCHWARTZ - D.P. SNOEP - E. TAVERNE ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47201

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 7 1974 Number 2.‎

‎".: 2. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1974, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 67-108 . Contains e.g. an article by H. van Os on Lippo Vanni. Ilja Veldman on Maarten van Heemskerck and St. Luke's medical books; and bookreviews."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎BROOS C. - J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - G. SCHWARTZ - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47202

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 10 1978-79 Number 2.‎

‎.: 2. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1978, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 59-123 . Contains e.g. an article by Eleonor Saunders on iconoclasm prints by Maarten van Heemskerck. John Michael Montias on Delft Painters ( 1613-1680).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - G. SCHWARTZ - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47220

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 11 1980 Number 2.‎

‎.: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1981, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 63-112 . Contains e.g. an article by Thomas Kren on Roeland van Laer's burlesque painting. Evert van Uitert on Van Gogh and Gauguin.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - G. SCHWARTZ - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47221

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 11 1980 Number 3/4‎

‎.: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1981, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 119-229. Contains e.g. an article by E. De Jongh on J.G. van Gelder. Keith Moxey on the Master E.S. . Ilja Veldman on Maarten van Heemskerck prints ..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47302

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 13 1983 Number 3/4‎

‎".: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1983, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 163-241. Contains e.g. an article by Lawrence Nichols on '' Job in distress, newly-discovered painting by Hendrick Goltzius. E. de Jongh on a drawing by Jan de Lairesse; Rob Ruurs on drawings by Simon de Vlieger and Willem van de Velde the Younger.."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47303

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 14 1984 Number 1‎

‎.: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1984, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 1-59. Contains e.g. an article by Jeffrey Hamburger on Bosch's Conjuror. Cynthia Lawrence on the iconology of Rubens's Miraculous draft of fishes.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47329

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 14 1984 Number 2‎

‎.: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1984, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 79-147. Contains e.g. an article by Paul vandenbroeck on Verbeeck's peasant weddings. Peter Hecht on ''the Paragone''.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎J.P. FILEDT KOK - P. HECHT - E. van UITERT - I.M. VELDMAN ( editors ) - [ ] Simiolus :‎

Reference : 47330

‎Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Volume 14 1984 Number 3/4‎

‎.: 2. Maarssen , Gary Schwartz., 1984, small in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, sewn, original issue, as published, pp 163-233. Contains e.g. an article by H.W. Van Helsdingen on lectures by P. De Champagne and S. Bourdon at the Paris Académie in 1668. T. Kodera on Van Gogh's japonisme portraits.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎FILEDT- KOK J.P. ( editor ) - HAUSBUCH MEESTER , Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet :‎

Reference : 48314

‎'s Levens Felheid de Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet of de Hausbuch-meester ca 1470-1500. (Exhibition catalogue).‎

‎.: 2. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 1985, in-4°, 304 pp, orig.wrapper, numerous b/w ills, index. Text in Duch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )
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