.: Antwerpen-Gent, de Nederlandsche Boekhandel, (januari 1915), In-8°, pp. 186-194 + 20 pp (bibliografie van Max Rooses)., met portret in héliogravure. Gebonden in half perkamenten bandje, omslag bewaard. Mooi exemplaar. E. De Bom was hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift ''Het Boek''. Dit exemplaar bevat een autograaf ex-dono aan Prosper Verheyden.(datum 1 juni 1915) Extra bijgevoegd ( achteraan ingebonden) : copie van het getijpte antwoord van Prosper Verheyden. Verheyden kan niet nalaten E.De Bom aan te manen om een even gunstig ''In Memoriam'' te schrijven over Frans Van Kuyck : de niet onomstreden Antwerpse stadsgenoot en Kalmthoutse dorpsgenoot. Van Kuyck overleed één dag voor Verheyden zijn brief schreef. Interessant inkijkje in het Antwerpse cultuur-en boekleven uit het begin van de 20e eeuw.
Verheyden - Christelle Verheyden Et Eric Boschman
Reference : 500062066
ISBN : 9782874271069
Le Progrès 2004 2004. Relié.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
Pieter d'Hoine, Geert Roskam, Stefan Schorn, Joseph Verheyden (eds)
Reference : 64950
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 528 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596884.
Summary Disagreement, rivalry and dispute are essential to any intellectual development. This holds true for ancient cultures no less than for us today. From the classical period to the Hellenistic age and to Late Antiquity, competition and polemics have shaped the course of intellectual history in Antiquity. Polemical encounters and controversies are often linked to group identities and intellectual networks such as philosophical schools, textual traditions, artistic circles and religious communities. This collection of studies sprang from the ambition to study the interplay between polemics and intellectual networks from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The volume gathers fifteen case studies by leading scholars and young researchers alike. They address a wide range of topics, from the Old Academy and the Hellenistic schools to the Neoplatonic commentators of Late Antiquity, from biographical literature to literary criticism, from artistic manuals to scientific treatises, and from pagans to Christians. As multi-sided as the picture that emerges from these case studies may be, they all testify to the fact that implicit and explicit polemics are ubiquitous in ancient Greek and Roman literature and have served as triggers of intellectual progress across times and disciplinary boundaries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Polemic, Networking and Their Interplay. Some Preliminary Comments (Pieter d'Hoine, Geert Roskam, Stefan Schorn & Joseph Verheyden) Part 1. Philosophical Schools and Traditions Polemics in the Pseudoplatonica. The Academy's Agenda and the Renaissance of Socratic Dialogue (Marco Donato) Graeculus et adsentator. Philodemus' Defence of Epicurean Friendship and Frank Speech in Roman Society (Wim Nijs) Replying to Stoics as the Basis of True Aristotelianism. The Significance of Polemics in Alexander of Aphrodisias' Commentaries and Treatises (Chiara Militello) Part 2. Biographical Literature Hermogenes' Life. Stylistic Debates and Circles in Philostratus' Lives of the Sophists (Olivier Demerre) Polemic, Personality and the Iamblichan Circle in Eunapius' Lives of Philosophers and Sophists (VPS) (Han Baltussen) Biography as Implicit Philosophical Polemics. Porphyry's Life of Plotinus and Iamblichus' Pythagorean Life (Corentin Tresnie) Part 3. Grammarians and Rhetoricians Comparison and Competition. Cicero, Virgil and the Authority of the Interpreter (Ute Tischer) (Mis)Reading the Poet. A Networking Strategy in Ancient Criticism (Joshua M. Smith) Recommendation in Late Antique Epistolographers in the Context of Personal Networks. The Example of Libanius and Other Fourth-Century Letter Writers (Bruno Marien) Part 4. Arts and Sciences Competing (in) Art. Rivalry among Greek Artists and its Reception in the Imperial Age (Eva Falaschi) Rival or Ally? Competition, Controversy and Polemics in Ancient Technical Discourse. Case Studies on Ethnicity and Religious Affiliation (Thorsten F gen) Platonic Teachings and Astronomers' Hypotheses in the Proemium of Proclus' Hypotyposis Astronomicarum Positionum. Between Opposition and Agreement (Argyro Lithari) Part 5. Christian and Anti-Christian Polemic Subtle Battles or: Platonic Exegesis as Polemical Strategy in Porphyry (Irmgard M nnlein-Robert) The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies and the Art of 'Fake News'. Deceptions and Dissimulations Aimed at the 'Gentile' Audience (Benjamin De Vos) Polemics and Networking in Fourth-Century Trinitarian Debates. Athanasius' Writings from His Third Exile Revisited (Peter Gemeinhardt) Index nominum Index locorum
Gideon Boie, Sofie De Caigny, Fredie Flor , Vjera Sleutel, Thomas Vanderveken, Heleen Verheyden and Erik Wie rs. Photography by Kurt Deruyte
Reference : 61572
, VAI : VLAAMS ARCHITECTUUR INSTITUUT, 2023 HB, 305 x 220 mm, 160 pages, NL edition. ISBN 9789492567307.
Monnikenheide in Zoersel is een woonzorg centrum voor personen met een verstandelijke beperking. Een bijzondere plek voor bijzondere mensen, die in dit boek voor het eerst wordt bekeken vanuit een architecturaal perspectief. In de vijftigjarige bouwgeschiedenis van Monnikenheide gingen telkens andere archi tecten op zoek naar de ruimtelijke mogelijk heden binnen het leidmotief van de inclusie. Zo ontstond een uniek landschap dat de gren zen van de zorgarchitectuur ruim overstijgt. Monnikenheide is een krachtig architecturaal statement over de plaats van zorgbehoevende mensen in onze samenleving. Met bijdragen van Gideon Boie, Sofie De Caigny, Fredie Flor , Vjera Sleutel, Thomas Vanderveken, Heleen Verheyden en Erik Wie rs Artistieke fotografie door Kurt Deruyter Met ontwerpen van Luc Van den Broeck, Bruno Boulanger, Mark Depreeuw, b0b Van Reeth (AWG), Maarten Van Severen, Architectuurgroep Jo Peeters, Huiswerk architecten, Vermeiren De Coster Architecten, Richard Venlet, 51N4E, UR architects, FELT architecture & design
Reference : 50426
.: 2. Antwerpen, Nederlandsche Boekhandel, in-4°, met frontispiece portret + 338 pp, genaaid, originele omslag, met lijst van intekenaren, gedrukt op 400 genummerde exemplaren. Feestbundel van de kunsthistoricus P.Verheyden met bijdragen van o.a .E. de Bom, Prof. Axters, Dr. Van Mierlo, Dr. Gessler, Prims, Bakelmans, Denucé, Uytterhoeven, met een bibliografie van zijn publicaties.
2004 2004. Christelle Verheyden & Eric Boschman: L'Afrique/ Le Monde à Table 2004
Très bon état
"Charles Autrand Jean-François Bory Pierre Boujut Stanislas Defize Pierre Gallissaires Jose Goemaere Marie-Claire Gouat Horus Robert Kayser Theodore Koenig Jean-Marie Le Sidaner Lucifer André Miguel Jean-Claude Moineau André Morlain Nefertiti Pierre-Yves Christian Prigent La Tatane à Toutune Albin Tzaut Michel Vachey Jean-Pierre Verheggen Nicole Verheyden"
Reference : 100074883
"Bruxelles. 20 cm x 21 cm. 1969. Broché. 42 pages. Bruxelles Éditions n°4 octobre 1969. Broché 20 cm x 21 cm 42 pages illustrations noir & blanc in et hors-texte. Texte et illustrations de Charles Autrand Jean-François Bory Pierre Boujut Stanislas Defize Pierre Gallissaires Jose Goemaere Marie-Claire Gouat Horus Robert Kayser Theodore Koenig Jean-Marie Le Sidaner Lucifer André Miguel Jean-Claude Moineau André Morlain Nefertiti Pierre-Yves Christian Prigent La Tatane à Toutune Albin Tzaut Michel Vachey Jean-Pierre Verheggen Nicole Verheyden. Très bon état" "Très bon état"
, Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1988., softcover , in-4? , 285pp.
Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten, van Belgie. Klasse der Letteren, Jaargang 50, Nr 127 Als nieuw!!!
, Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1988., Gebrocheerd, originele uitgeversomslag, 18x26cm, 285 p. ISBN 906569398X.
Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Klasse der Menswetenschappen, n? 127.
Reference : 13384
, Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1992, Paperback, original wrappers, 26x18cm, 717pp, als nieuw/ as new!!!!
Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Collectanea Biblica et Religiosa Antiqua III.
, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017 Hardcover, 229 pages, text in English. New= fine condition. ISBN 9783525593745.
The present volume contains the proceedings of the fourth symposium of the Novum Testamentum Patristicum project (NTP), an international re-search project on the reception history of the New Testament in the early Church. The symposium was held in October 2012 at the University of Leuven. It was organised by Joseph Verheyden, Tobias Nicklas, and An-dreas Merkt, the coordinators of NTP. The topic of the meeting was the reception of the resurrection and empty tomb stories and the development of the belief in resurrection in the early Church.The belief in the resurrection constitutes the core issue of Christianity and of Christian tradition. The earliest references to the resurrection and witnesses to such a belief are found in the canonical gospels and in the letters of Paul, but the topic obviously remained of the utmost importance all through the early Church. Contributions to this volume offer studies on reception of the resurrection and empty tomb stories and the development of the belief in resurrection in the early Church by examining the most important early references on this topic.
.: x. Antwerpen, Voor de Seven Sinjoren uitgegeven door De Sikkel, 1924, in-8°, 149 pp, genaaid, originele besrukte omslag. Gedrukt in een oplage van 300 genummerde exemplaren. . Titelvignet van Henri van Straten.
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1959 178pp., 26cm., ingebonden in solide gecart. band, roodlinnen rug met titel in goudopdruk, in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren" nr.36, goede staat, B117662
Leuven, Peeters 2021 viii + 319pp., 25cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensum" volume 319, softcover, dustwrapper, New condition, ISBN 978-90-429-4389-6, R116384
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 349 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503609898.
Summary The rich literary production of Gaza in the fifth and sixth centuries AD has received quite some attention in recent scholarship. Yet, the figure and work of Procopius the Sophist, as author of catenae, compiler, and epitomist of patristic exegesis, have remained relatively unknown and under-explored. This collection of essays delves deeply into Procopius' exegetical work. At the outset, a strong case is made that one should distinguish between the famous orator of Gaza and "the Christian sophist" Procopius. A first large section of the book deals with the Genesis Epitome that is studied from three different angles: the limited and as a rule critical use of Origen and his tradition; the importance given to Theodore of Mopsuestia's exegesis of Gen 1-3; and the relations between Procopius' Epitome and John Philoponus' De opificio mundi. The section on the Exodus Epitome studies the specificity of Procopius' work in comparison to the Catena on Exodus, the way the material is organised, and the literary genre of the work. The volume further contains contributions on the connections between the Scholia on Kings attributed to Procopius, the type B catena, and the so-called "Catena Lipsiensis"; the relations between Procopius' Catena on Proverbs and other catenae on this book; the sources of the Isaiah Epitome that show a diligent and able compiler at work; and the comparison between the characteristic features of Procopius' Epitomes and those of the Catena III on Obadiah. As a whole, it offers a wide perspective and significantly advances research on, and our knowledge of, Procopius the Christian sophist, a still somewhat mysterious early Byzantine author and scholar. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Dimitrios Zaganas, Procope compilateur d'ex g ses et Procope sophiste de Gaza : un seul et m me auteur ? Emanuela Prinzivalli, La ricezione di Origene (e dell'origenismo) nell'Epitome in Genesim di Procopio Benjamin Gleede, Procopius' Eclogai in Genesim as a source for reconstructing the lost Genesis commentary by Theodore of Mopsuestia Tiziano F. Ottobrini, I Commentarii in Genesim di Procopio di Gaza e il De opificio mundi di Giovanni Filopono Karin Metzler, Prokop und seine Quellen f r den Exoduskommentar Agn s Lorrain, Compilateur ou ex g te ? Procope et son ouvrage sur l'Exode Reinhart Ceulemans, Prokopios in the Catena Lipsiensis on I-IV Kingdoms and the Margins of MS Munich, BSB, gr. 358 Meredith Danezan, Le nom de Procope dans les cha nes aux Proverbes Dimitrios Zaganas, L' pitom sur Isa e de Procope : l'?uvre et son auteur Tiphaine Lorieux, La cha ne III sur Abdias : similitudes et diff rences avec les pitom s de Procope
Chantecler 2007 16x1 6x22cm. 2007. Broché.
proche du neuf
Robert Laffont 10 novembre 1976, in-8 broché, 302pp; illustré; collection Album énigmes de l’univers - bon état
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1959 178pp., originele omslag, 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren" nr.36, zeer goede staat, B61833
Brussel 1944 Wilco Soft cover 1st Edition
Het Brugsche Martyrolium Softcover, 205 x 145 mm, 81 pp, goede staat
2002 144 p., num. figs, 4to, paperbound. Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper.
Antwerpen, De Sikkel s.d. 56pp.tekst + 32pp.buitentekstills., in de reeks "Steden en Landschappen" nr.2, B38444
Reference : R53048
Leuven, University Press 1992 Complete in 3 volumes: xviii, x, ix, 2668pp., with frontispieces, 24cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium" vol.100 A-B-C, softcover, dustwrapper, fine condition (unread, as new), R53048
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1988 285pp., 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Acadamie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren" Jg.50 nr.127, mooie staat, R58988