, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 157 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:100 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788028001889.
Summary This thematic issue draws on the papers presented at the conference ?Radical Turn? Subversions, Conversions, and Mutations in the Postclassical World (3rd-8th c.)? that took place last autumn in Brno, Czech Republic. Its aim is to contribute to the rehabilitation of the period of ?Late Antiquity?, which has often been neglected in scholarly circles as a mere transitional period between the classical past and the medieval future. Individual papers reflect on the cultural production of this period from the perspectives of different disciplines (art history, classical philology, archaeology, and history), offering new insights on various aspects of late antique. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Ivan Foletti, Marie Ok ?ov & Adrien Palladino, A Radical Turn? "Late Antique" Anxiety, Rupture, and Creative Continuity Articles Ivan Foletti & Marie Ok ?ov , An Age of Fragmentation. Evidence from Late Antique Literary, Visual, and Material Cultures Jana Mikulov , The Variability of Late Latin Authors' Means for Marking Direct Discourse Chiara Croci, ?Abbreviated? Depictions? Questions on the Earliest Christian Images Alberto Virdis, Fragmentation as a Visual Principle: From Cloisonn to Early Stained Glass Katharina Meinecke, Ornamental Surfaces. A ?Global Trend? in Late Antique Afro-Eurasia Chronicles & debates Marco Aimone, Two Byzantine Capitals ?with Pine Cones at Their Corners? and Their Monograms. Technical, Stylistic, and Historical Observations Renate Johanna Pillinger, Wunder Jesu auf ausgew hlten (r mischen) Zwischengoldgl sern