Isaac, David: Mad about Mezzotint: at the Court of George III. 2022. 148 pages. Over 75 illustrations. Paperback. 27x22cms. An exploration of mezzotint prints produced during the reign of King George III. Includes a catalogue of 60 works each illustrated and described in detail. Followed by indexes of artists and persons depicted. Features work by Joshua Reynolds, Richard Cosway and Thomas Gainsborough.
An exploration of mezzotint prints produced during the reign of King George III. Includes a catalogue of 60 works each illustrated and described in detail. Followed by indexes of artists and persons depicted. Features work by Joshua Reynolds, Richard Cosway and Thomas Gainsborough. Text in English
(Teplitz), Gedruckt mit Schriften der Normalschulbuchdruckerey durch Matth. Adam Schmadl. 14. August 1783. 8°. Porträtforntispiz, 31 S. Broschur der Zeit mit Kleisterpapierbezügen.
VD18 15324680 - Sehr seltene 55 Jahr nach dem Tode Newtons verfasste Biographie eines Schülers des Stiftes Tepl. "So gross der ruhm ist, den sich Newton durch seine Schriften erworben, und so bekannt er immer als ein grosser Mathematiker swey mag, so halte ich doch mit Grund dafür, dass ihn die wenigsten nach allen seinen Umständen und Verhältnissen, als den Bürger und Privatmann kennen " - Das schöne Porträt "Gravé d'après la Medaille Ic" gestochen von von Gre. Balzer, Prag. - Von uns nur ein Exemplar in der BSB nachweisbar.
Etats-Unis, Boston, Houghton Mifflin 1986. In-8 cartonnage éditeur de 194 pages au format 21,5 x 14,5 cm. Plats et intérieur frais. Complet de la superbe jaquette illustrée, avec belle caricature de l'auteur par David Levine. Recueil d'essais scientifiques. Magnifique état de fraicheur, proche du neuf. Edition originale américaine. Précieux exemplaire avec rare et cordiale dédicace autographe, datée et signée, de Isaac Asimov.
Site Internet : Http:// exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
D'après l'Oeuvre de Isaac ASIMOV : David Brin ( traduction de Dominique Haas)
Reference : 24017
MacAdam (David), ed. - Plato - Aristotle - Isaac Newton- George Palmer - Thomas Young - Hermann Günter Grassmann - James Clerk Maxwell - Herman von Helmholtz - Johannes von Kries - Frederic Eugene Ives - Erwin Schrödinger - John Guild - Lewis Fry Richardson - Stephen Polyak - Sir Wilfried E. Le Gros Clark
Reference : 101511
The MIT Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1970 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's pink printed dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 292 pages
a few black and white text-figures 1st edition, 1970 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Preface, x, Text, 282 pages - Plato : Timaeus - Aristotle : On the soul ii - Sense and the sensible 2 - Meteorologica iii - Isaac Newton : New theory about light and colors - Opticks - George Palmer : Theory of colors and vision - Theory of light - Thomas Young : On the theory of light and colors - Hermann Günter Grassmann : Theory of compound colors - James Clerk Maxwell : Theory of the perception of colors - The diagram of colors - Theory of compound colors, and the relations of the colors of the spectrum - On color vision - Herman von Helmholtz : Physiological optics - Johannes von Kries : Contribution to the physiology of visual sensations - Chromatic adaptation - Influence of adaptation on the effects produced by luminous stimuli - Frederic Eugene Ives : The optics of trichromatic photography - Erwin Schrödinger : Outline of a theory of color measurement of daylight vision - Thresholds of color differences - John Guild : Some problems of visual perception - Interpretation of quantitative data in visual problems - Lewis Fry Richardson : Measurability of sensations of hue, brightness, or saturation - Stephen Polyak : Retinal structure and color vision - Sir Wilfried E. Le Gros Clark : Laminar pattern of the lateral geniculate nucleus considered in relation to color vision near fine copy, minor wear on the top of the dust-jacket, with very small missing of paper on the top of the spine, the D-J remains nearly complete and fine, inside is fine, no markings
Oxoniae (Oxford), E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1702. Folio. Contemporary full calf, raised bands, rectangular blindtooled frames and central panel ""mirror"" on covers, Cambridge-style binding. leather at joints cracked, but cords intact so that covers not loose. Corners a bit bumped. Light wear to spine ends. Spine a bit rubbed. Pastedowns and flyleaves with browning. Title-page with large engraved vignette (Sheldon Theater). (12),494,(2) pp. With numerous textdiagrams. Very light browning to titlepage and a few marginal brownspots to last leaf, a fine clean copy, printed on good paper with wide margins.On the verso of the title-page is pasted the book plate of Sir William Baird of Newbaith. He habitually pasted his armorial bookplate on the verso of the title-pages of the books in his large and fine library.
First edition of the first text book of astronomy based on Newtonian principles. Apart from its importance in the remodeling of astronomy in conformity with physical theory, the work is of the utmost importance as a source book - it contains the FIRST PRINTING OF NEWTON'S PAPER ON LUNAR THEORY (""Lunae Theoria Newtoniana"", pp. 332-336) as well as the FIRST EXPOSITION OF NEWTON'S CLASSICAL SCHOLIA, which Newton himself considered an important part of his philosophy.Gregory, a Scottish mathematician, who taught at Edinburgh and Oxford, was one of Newton's closest friends and associates. Newton thought highly of his work and communicated for insertion it in his Lunar Theory. He also permitted Gregory to use the material of that which is known as his ""Classical Scholia"", which are incorporated into Gregory's preface. ""Newtonian scholars have long been aware of a set of draft Scholia to Propositions IV to IX of Book III of the ""Principia"". These were composed in the 1690's, as part of an unimplemented plan for a second edition of the work. Since they describe supposed anticipation of Newton's doctrines in the thought of Greco-Roman antiquity, they have been known as the 'classical' Scholia..... Newton's thoughts on these matters were not, however, kept completely concealed. HE PERMITTED DAVID GREGORY TO USE THE MATERIAL EXTENSIVELY in a long historical preface to his ""Astronomiae Physicae & Geometricae Elementa"" (1702), IF WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION. (It was also available to Maclaurin for his much later work)."" (McGuire & Rattansi in ""Newton and the Pipes of Pan"", 1966).""It was the first textbook composed on gravitational principles, and remodeling astronomy in conformity with physical theory. Newton thought highly of it, and communicated for insertion in it (p. 332)) his 'lunar theory', long the guide of practical astronomers in determining the Moon's motions. The discussion in the preface, in which the doctrine of gravitation was brought into credit on the score of its antiquity, likewise emanated from Newton."" (DNB).""His thick folio text on foundations of astronomy, Astronomiae...elementa (1702) is a well-documented but unimaginative attempt to graft the gravitational synthesis propounded in the first book and especially the third book of Newton's Principia onto the findings of traditional astronomy. While respected as a source book it is now chiefly remembered for the remarks by Newton on the prisca sapientia of the ancients and their ""knowledge"" of the inverse-square law of universal gravitation and for the Latin version of Newton's short paper on lunar theory which it reproduces."" (DSB).Babson No. 71. - Houzeau & Lancaster 9240.
[J.P. Migne] - Collectif ; Abraham Calov ; Johannes Piscator ; Jean Calvin ; Jacques Tirinus ; Saint Jérôme ; Willem Hessels Estius (Van Est) ; Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmuller ; Hugo Grotius ; Nicolas de Lyre ; Cornelius a Lapide ; François Watebled (Vatable) ; Augustin Calmet ; Sébastien Castalio ; Isidore Clario (Clarius) ; Jacques Cappel ; Lud. Cappellus ; Juan Maldonat ; Sébastien Munster ; Duclot ; Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy ; Gaspard Sanctius ; Jean-Etienne Menochius ; Juan de Mariana ; Johannes Drusius ; David Kimchi (Kimhi) ; Sébastien Castellion ; John Pearson ; Richard Pearson
Reference : 40790
Ex. commentariis omnium perfectissimis ubique habitis, et a magna parte episcoporum necnon theologorum europe catholicae, universim ad hoc interrogatorum, designatis, unicè conflatus, plurimis annotantibus presbyteris ad docendo levitas pascendove populos altè positis. Annotavit vero simul et edidit J.P. Migne, 1 vol. in-4 reliure demi-basane bordeaux, Apud Editores, 1841, 1028 pp. Contient : Tome 19 : In Jeremiam , in Baruch et in Ezechielem commentarium. Vatablus : In Jeremiam commentarium ; Joannes et Richardus Pearson : Critici sacri, sive Badvelli, Castellionis, Clarii, et Grotii commentaria in Baruch ; Maldonatus : In Ezechielem commentarium ; Hieronymus - Cornelius a Lapide - Bible de Vence, Praefationes, instructiones, epinicia et doxologiae ; Duclot - Rosenmüller - Calmet - Sacy - Synopsis - Anglicanae annotationes - cornelius a Lapide - Lyranus - Sanctius - Tirinus - Munsterus - Menochius - Mariana - Estius - Clarius - Maldonatus - Drusius - Castelio - Calovius - Piscator - Calvinus - Grotius : Variae annotationes
Tome 19 seul. Agréable exemplaire de bibliothèque (anciens cachets d'institution religieuse et étiquette de cote en garde, bon exemplaire par ailleurs).
Cerf Cerf, 2017. In-8 broché de 261 pages. Très bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
EDITIONS CLAUDE LEFRANCQ. 1991. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 185 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors texte, par Eric LOUTTE.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Traduit de l'américain par Paul COUTURIAU. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine