Montreal 1880 In-8, 30p. et f. blanc. Couverture imprimée, titrée : England and Ireland, A lecture for gratuitous distribution, Montreal, 1880.
:: Relié avec 7 brochures du Friends of Irish Freedom, National Bureau of Information, Washington: - Irish Commerce Strangled by England. 1920, 8p.; - Ireland and secession an answer to Lloyd George. 1920, 15p.; - 3 Newsletter, 1920, 8p. (sept 4; oct 30; nov 6); - Irish Electors again Proclaim the Republic, 1920, 7p.; - Irish Independence Advocated, by Jerome K. Jerome, 1920, 4p.; - America and Ireland, an open letter to Mr Garret W. McEnerney, by Rev. P.C. Yorke. San Francisco, Cal., [1918], 62p.; - Report of the British Labor Commission to Ireland. S.l.n.d. 54p. :: Cartonnage récent, toile bleue, titrée : Irish Freedom. :: Cachets des Franciscains, Montréal-Est, au premier et au dernier f. du recueil.