, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, lviii + 211 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Greek, English. ISBN 9782503604473.
Summary The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most creative and interesting Byzantine poets. The poems deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., Byzantine emperors, historical figures and events, saints, relics, iconographic types, theological and philosophical matters, ancient authors) and reflect the cultural and historical developments of tenth-century Byzantium. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Ioannes Geometres: Life and Works 2. Iambic Poems: Content and Function 3. Metrical Analysis 4. The Manuscript tradition 5. Previous Editions 6. Principles of the Edition TEXTVS INDICES Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae Index fontium et locorum parallelorum Index nominum Index uerborum notabilium