, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, cxxxii + 376 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:6 tables b/w., Language(s):Latin, English. ISBN 9782503607252.
Summary This is the first critical edition of a major theological work by a Cistercian from a medieval university: the questions on book I of the Sentences by James of Eltville (Jacobus de Altavilla, d. 1392), monk and later abbot of the majestic Eberbach Abbey, the filming location of many of the scenes in The Name of the Rose. The product of bachelor lectures delivered in 1369-1370 at the magnificent Bernardins in Paris just south of Notre-Dame across the Seine, James' Lectura in libros Sententiarum survives in almost two dozen manuscripts. Based on a complete collation of all the witnesses, the editio princeps provides access to a text that illuminates a relatively dark period in the history of scholasticism, portrays the status quaestionis on many issues in philosophical theology between the Black Death and the Great Schism, and illustrates the importance of later-medieval Cistercian theologians and their symbiotic relationship with the Augustinian Hermits who dominated the field from the 1330s to the 1370s. Through the exodus of German scholars from Paris after the outbreak of the Schism, James of Eltville's ideas spread to the new faculties of theology founded in Germanic lands where they exerted a profound influence. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction I. Biographical Note II. Context of the Edition III. Sigla of the Manuscripts IV. Description of the Manuscripts V. Tabula quaestionum VI. Chart of Manuscripts and Questions of Book I VII. Stemmatic Discussion and ratio edendi Bibliography Abbreviations Primary Sources Secondary Literature Iacobi de Altavilla Lectura In Libros Sententiarum Principium: Utrum Deus ad quamlibet speciem entis creabilis se habens distanter infinite in aliqua specie intellectuali a nobis nominari possit quidditative Questio 1 (Questio 1 Prologi): Utrum veritates theologice scientie contrarientur seu repugnent veritatibus principiorum naturalis luminis et sensualis experientie Questio 2 (Questio 2 Prologi): Utrum studens in Sacra Scriptura non credens sicut sancta credit Ecclesia erret Questio 3 (Questio 1 distinctionis 1 libri 1): Utrum pro studio sacre theologie ex caritate procedente debeatur pro mercede visio Dei et eius fruitio Questio 4 (Questio 2 distinctionis 1 libri 1): Utrum inter creature totius usum et Dei solius fruitionem licitum sit rationali creature facere aliquo modo commutationem Questio 5 (Questio un. distinctionis 2 libri 1): Utrum creatura rationalis viatrix vel beata infallibilem habere possit notitiam de divina essentia Questio 6 (Questio 1 distinctionum 2-3 libri 1): Utrum in entibus fore unum primum seu Deum unicum possit a viatore efficaciter esse scitum Indices Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae Index fontium