[Vittore Carpaccio] - Humfrey, Peter
Reference : 120495
ISBN : 9780300254471
Humfrey, Peter: Vittore Carpaccio. Master Storyteller of the Renaissance. Exhibition: Venice, Palazzo Ducale and Washington, National Gallery of Art, 2022. 352 pages, 301 colour illustrations. Hardback. 29 x 24cms.
[s.l., Paris], Gallimard, 1997 1 volume 24,5 x 28,5cm Cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette au 1er plat illustré couleurs. XIIp., 1feuillet, 192p., 1feuillet; 1carte, 163 illustrations in texte, vignettes et pleines pages, en noir et en couleurs. Très bon état.
Traduction, par Ann SAUTIER-GREENING et Béatrice de BRIMONT, de "Lorenzo Lotto", publié en 1997 par Peter HUMFREY, où l'historien d'art britannique voulait "fournir une introduction à l'une des personnalités les plus attachantes et les plus singulières de la Renaissance italienne [(1483?-1556)], en prenant tout particulèrement en compte les recherches [...] des quinze dernières années": un ouvrage "délibérément sélectif" qui "se concentre sur les réalisations les plus belles et les plus caractéristiques" de l'artiste; repères biographiques; notes et références; documents d'époque en annexes (lettre, extraits du Livre de comptes et testament de Lorenzo LOTTO); index; bibliographie; 163 reproductions en noir et en couleurs. Exemplaire bien complet de sa jaquette.
Paris Bordas 1993 1 vol. broché in-8 (210 x 155 mm), broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, 159 pp., nombreuses reproductions en noir et en couleurs, index, bibliographie. Edition de 1992. Petite ride au dos, sinon très bon état.
Humfrey, Peter and Mauro Lucco: Dosso Dossi. Pittore di Corte a Ferrara nel Rinascimento. Exhibition: Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti, 1998. 311pp with 99 colour and 93 monochrome illustrations. Soft covers. 30.5x23cms. Catalogue of the paintings and portraits by Dosso Dossi at the court of Ferrara, including some works by Battista Dossi, with essays on his reception and techniques. Text in Italian.
Catalogue of the paintings and portraits by Dosso Dossi at the court of Ferrara, including some works by Battista Dossi, with essays on his reception and techniques. Text in Italian
Firenze, Cantini, 1991, in-8, br., couv. ill. à rabat, 160 pp., 55 illustrations en noir et en couleurs, index, bibliographie. (GK27A)
Catalogue complet des peintures. Texte italien. Collection I Gigli dell'arte, n° 16.
Ghent, Belgium, Ludion Editions NV 2007, 2007 Hardcover, 408 pages , 350 illustrations, 330 in colour, English text 325 x 260 mm, fine condition ISBN 9789055446889.
Tiziano Vecellio (c.1488/90-1576) - known in English simply as Titian - was a remarkably versatile painter, equally comfortable with a wide range of genres and subjects. Unlike many artists from history whose work has been appreciated only after their death, Titian enjoyed fame and success throughout his career, which spanned over seven decades. Based in Venice, Titian received commissions from many local patrons and the Venetian government, as well as many distinguished figures from further afield, such as the Pope, the German emperor and the King of Spain. Titian's contemporary biographer, Giorgio Vasari, praised his skill as a colourist; the artist's careful modelling and depth of colour, shown to especially good effect in mythological works such as 'Bacchus and Ariadne' (1520-3) and 'Tarquin and Lucretia' (1569-71), continue to impress viewers in the twenty-first century.
Luisa Attardi, Margaret Binotto, Roberto Contini, Miguel Falomir, Peter Humfrey,
Reference : 61305
, Silvana Editorale, 2013 Paperback with flaps / SIZE23 x 28 cm / PAGES264 / 113 colour illustrations / English./ Very Good Condition ! ISBN 9788836625857.
Titian (c. 1490?1576) is the artist who best illustrates the revolution and triumph of color, and hence the very art of the 16th century and beyond. His work represents the point of arrival for a whole pictorial tradition: his early emphasis on color developed into the art of a mature and then elderly painter seeking to explore night and darkness, to dim hues, and to push the use of liquid and dusky tones to the very limit. A prolific painter and the head of a well?organized workshop, Titian was at the same time capable of perfectly meeting new tastes. By renewing and setting the standard for the official images and aesthetics of the ruling class of his day, he became the first truly European artist, praised to high heaven by his admirers. Particularly revealing is Ludovico Dolce?s panegyric: ?the greatness and the power of Michelangelo, the sweetness and beauty of Raphael and the very colors of Nature herself.? Highly sought after by collectors, disputed by royal courts and pontiffs, the master from Cadore created works that are now on display in museums across the world. This volume exceptionally brings together some of Titian?s greatest masterpieces, including his large altarpieces, in such a way as to illustrate the whole span of his career.
2007 Ludion Hardcover Fine
Titien : Tout l'oeuvre peint hard cover avec jacquette, 320 x 260 mm, 408 pp, état superieur
New York, The Metropolitain museum of Art, 1998. In-4, 312 pp., cartonnage éditeur de toile verte, jaquette originale illustrée (petits frottements).
Catalogue de l'exposition itinérante consacrée au peintre Dosso Dossi et qui s'est tenue au Metropolitain museum of Art de New York du 14 janvier au 28 mars 1999. Il est abondamment illustré de reproductions en couleurs et contient plusieurs essais sur l'art et la vie du peintre ferrarais. Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s) * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
Adam Biro 1996 In-8 broché 21 cm sur 15. 318 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Francesco Caglioti, Rosario Coppel, Jeremy Howard, Peter Humfrey, Peter Marino, Jeremy Warren.
Reference : 59739
, Marsilio / Colnaghi, 2021 Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 310 x 250 mm, in New state, with pagefull illustrations in colour. ISBN 9788829714193.
Last November, audiences had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience rare and newly discovered masterworks by some of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance, including Donatello, Tintoretto, Antonio Lombardo, and Benedetto da Rovezzano, in a special exhibition at Colnaghi New York. Featuring five exquisite sculptures? including a recently rediscovered terracotta bust by Donatello?alongside a newly attributed portrait painting by the great Venetian master Jacopo Tintoretto, the exhibition marked a rare occasion in which such a significant number of museum-quality works from the Italian Renaissance appeared on the market at one time.
Cantini 1990 25x34x3cm. 1990. Cartonné. iconographie en noir et blanc et en couleurs
Bon état jaquette défraîchie (qques accrocs sur les bords intérieur propre
Paris, Corréard, 1845. Folio. (49 x 32 cm.). Original printed boards. Later clothbacked. 14,(2) pp., 4 large folded lithographed plans (5 on 4). Scattered brownspots.
Klaus Jordan,1732.
1975 351 p., 19 figs, 32 col. pls, hardbound. Library stamps, else a good copy.
1975 351 p., 19 figs, 32 col. pls, hardbound (dust jacket). A very good copy.
COLLINS. 1975. In-8. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 351 pages. Jaquette illustrée en couleurs. Planches de photos en couleurs et quelques illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. Texte en anglais. Jaquette légèrement abîmée.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 594-Mollusques
Classification Dewey : 594-Mollusques
BORDAS. Fév. 1992. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 112 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et quelques-unes en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors-texte. 2nd plat de couverture absent.. . . . Classification Dewey : 150-Psychologie
"Collection ""Les Fleurons de l'Art"". Classification Dewey : 150-Psychologie"
Skira 1997 24x28. 1997. Broché. 236 pages. Très bon état
Firenze, Cantini, 1990. In-4 rel. d'éditeur pleine toile bleue sous jaq. ill. en coul. et étui cartonné, 222 pp, nb. ill. en n. et bl. in-texte, plusieurs en coul. hors-texte, bibliographie. Texte en italien.
Etui cartonné insolé, livre en très bonne condition par ailleurs. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
(Collectif) Jean-Pierre Otte, Cécile Miguel, André Miguel, Marc-Édouard Nabe, Belinda Humfrey, Elmar Schenkel, Sven-Erik Täckmark, Charles Lock, Ben Jones, Glen Cavaliero, Thomas J. Diffey, Paul Roberts, Penny Smith, Michaël Ballin, Diane de Margerie, A. Thomas Southwick, Peter Easingwood, Richard Maxwell, Peter G. Christensen, John Cowper Powys
Reference : f19640
Plein Chant, Bassac, automne 1988. In-8 broché, 270 p. Cahier rassemblé par Benjamin Stassen. Dos passé, sinon bon état.