2. Moorslede (Flanders, Belgium), private edition, 2000, in-4°, 389 pp, sewn, original stiff wrapper. Text in Dutch. Constant Lievens S.J. , a jesuit missionary actif as a missionary in Chota Nagpur (Bengal , India) in the 19th century. This text , in Dutch, relates the voyage of the Antwerp Count Henri Le Grelle to India in 1888-89 where he visited Lievens.
2. Moorslede (Flanders, Belgium), private edition, 2001, in-4°, 189 pp, sewn, original stiff wrapper. Text in Dutch. Collection of copies of archival documents, newpaper cuttings etc . on the life of Constant Lievens S.J. , a jesuit missionary active as a missionary in Chota Nagpur (Bengal , India) in the 19th century. Most of the documents are in Dutch.