Unesco - Mouton Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1968 Book condition, Etat : Très bon hardcover, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 437 pages
1st edition was 1963 Contents, Chapitres : Preface - 1. Introduction : Bert F. Hoselitz : Main concepts in the analysis of the social implications of technical change - Neil J. Smelser : Mechanisms of change and adjustment to change - 2. Entrepreneurship and innovation : W. Thomas Easterbrook : The entrepreunerial function in relation to technological and economic change - David C. McClelland : The achievement motive in economic growth - 3. Consumption, savings and investment : Simon Kuznets : Consumption, industrialization and urbanization - Richard D. Lambert : The social and psychological determinants of savings and investments in developing societies - 4. Government and public administration : David E. Apter : System, process, and politics of economic development - S.N. Eisenstadt : Problems of emerging bureaucracies in developing areas and new states - George I. Blanksten : Transference of social and political loyalties - 5. Urbanization, population and family : Philip M. Hauser : The social, economic, technological problems of rapid urbanization - Nathan Keyfitz : The impact of technological change on demographic patterns - William J. Goode : Industrialization and family change - 6. Education and communication : C. Arnold Anderson : The impact of the educational system on technological change and modernization - Ithiel de Sola Pool : The role of communication in the process of modernization and technological change - 7. Summary of substantive findings : Wilbert E. Moore : Industrialization and social change - Appendixes very small spot on the front-cloth, otherwise fine copy