".: Antverpiae (Antwerpen), Ex Architypographia Plantiniana, 1795, in-8°, 21 x 14 cm, title with engraved vignet + engraved frontispiece + (28) nn pp + 474 pp + cxl pp ; last pages have been exchanged against several 19th-century addenda , with 9 full page engraved ills., entirely printed in red & black. Contemporary full black roan (binding with some use and scratches), a.e.g..."
.: Parisis (Paris), apud Rusand, Bibliopolam Ecclesiasticum, via dicta du Pot-de Fer, 1829, in-12°, 12,5 x 8cm, xxxvi + 524 + ccxlvii + (22) pp, contemporary full black roan, smooth decorated back, a.e.g. Ex-library, small stamp on verso title.