68 books for « hong kong »Edit

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Reference : 8294

‎A Hong Kong Sketch Book‎

‎Hong Kong, Ye Olde Printerie Limited, 1931. 1 large volume in-4, 21 pp., rebound in modern leather, endpapers with double maps (Aerial View of Hong Kong and the New Territories), illustrated with a coloured Frontispice (Dragon Boat Festival in Aberdeen) and 13 full page drawings and 29 small drawings in the text, a very good copy. ‎

‎A rare copy of this charming Sketch Book on Hong Kong. "This book is not a Guide to Hong Kong in the accepted sense of the term. It gives no more than a few glimpses of Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories but I have endeavored to make the glimpses as illuminating and representative as possible." (Extract from the Preface by Sweet). Contents cover: Hong Kong from the Clouds - Roads and Rickshaws - Bathing and Beaches - Over the Hills - In the Old City - A Heath Robinson Hut - Junks and Sampans - Typhoons and Umbrellas - In the New City. ‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR480.00 (€480.00 )

‎STERICKER (John and Veronica) - [HONG KONG] ‎

Reference : 6923

‎The Hong Kong Gift Book‎

‎Published by the Authors, Hong Kong, 1954, first edition. Photogravure by Jarrold & Sons Ltd , Norwich, England - Colour Printing and Binding by Chung Hwa Book Co., Hong Kong. 1 volume in folio, 52 pp., with thirty-nine photographs in photogravure and twelve colour Plates, with an indexed commentary of photographs, rebound in full leather, without the four large colour prints of Hong Kong in 1846, a very good copy.‎

‎By John and Veronica Sterickers, long time Hong Kong residents and authors of the famous Hong Kong in Picture and Story (1953). Un témoignage photographique sur Hong Kong des années 50, empreint de nostalgie, maintenant que cette ville s'est métamorphosée en une mégalopole moderne et sans âme.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : 10209

‎Le Journal de Hong Kong - Bulletin des Etudiants et Amis de l'Alliance française de Hong Kong - 1972‎

‎Hong Kong, imprimé par The Green Pagoda Press, 1972. 1 volume in-4, cartonnage vert, environ 48 pages, très bon état. Enrichi de photographies et d'annonces publicitaires de cette époque.‎

‎Ensemble de 6 numéros du Journal de Hong Kong, publié par l'Alliance Française de Hong Kong, du Numéro 1 (Troisième Année) de Janvier 1972 au Numéro 6 de Juin 1972. Rare publication de l'Alliance Française de Hong Kong voici un demi-siècle.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : 10210

‎Le Journal de Hong Kong - Bulletin des Etudiants et Amis de l'Alliance française de Hong Kong - 1970-1972‎

‎Hong Kong, imprimé par The Green Pagoda Press, 197o-1972. 1 volume in-4, cartonnage vert, environ 160 pages, très bon état. Enrichi de photographies et d'annonces publicitaires de cette époque.‎

‎Ensemble des 18 premiers numéros du Journal de Hong Kong, publié par l'Alliance Française de Hong Kong, du Numéro 1 (Première Année) de Décembre 1970 au Numéro 6 de Juin 1972. Rare publication de l'Alliance Française de Hong Kong voici un demi-siècle.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )


Reference : 10246

‎Buildings of To-day and To-morrow - A Review of Modern Construction - An Illustrated Review‎

‎Trollope & Colls Ltd, London, 1924. 1 volume folio, modern burgundy leather covers, 38*25 cm, 78 pp., with many full page photographic plates of buildings built by Trollops and Calls, all over the world, a very good copy. A very large (105 x 38 cm) folding panorama of "The Bund - Shanghai", large folding map (55 x 51 cm) of Some of the Buildings Erected by Trollope & Colls in the City of London, occasional spot of foxing, all text pages and plates present and attached in sound, tight binding, no tears.‎

‎"The object of this book is, in the first place, to review the past and present activities of the firm Trollope & Colls, and at the same time to direct attention to the fact, as will be seen from the following pages, that the scope of the Company's business is not limited to building and public works contracting at home and abroad, but embraces the highest class of decorative work and furnishing, both for ships and for buildings." .Trollope & Colls was one of the premier construction companies of its time, noted for many landmark buildings both in Great Britain and overseas. Some of their London projects were: the Institute of Chartered Accountants (1892), Claridges (1897), the Baltic Exchange (1903), and Lloyds Bank in Lombard Street (1931). They also designed rooms on luxury ocean liners, several of which are illustrated.The section on China is quite impressive, with the large folding panorama of the Bund and 10 additional photographs of significant buildings in Shanghai. The 10 photographs are: Octagonal Hall in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Glen Line Building, Lay-Out of Plant, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Main Banking Hall, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Interior, Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Granite Front Nearing Completion, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, The Completed Building, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Interior, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Another View of Interior, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, The Folding Panorama of the Bund shows the location of these buildings and the Yokohama Specie Bank, which the firm also constructed.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR420.00 (€420.00 )


Reference : 11507

‎Hong Kong ‎

‎Published in France ( 1951?), supplément au No37 de La Revue Française". A magazine of 16 pages of reports and photographs on Hong Kong , many pages of advertisements. Articles in french. Hong Kong aujourd'hui par Robert Douteau. Hong Kong, colonie britannique par Claude Fournier, La Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Pilier de l'Empire Britannique.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 7829

‎Modern Metropolis - Material Culture of Shanghai and Hong Kong‎

‎Hong Kong, Sunshine Press Limited, jointly presented by the Shanghai Administration of Culture Heritage and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong, produced on the occasion of :modern Metropolis: Material Culture of Shanghai and Hong KOng" exhibition held from 29 april to 17th august 2009. 1 volume in-quarto, soft illustrated covers, 176 pp., richly illtrated in color, a very good copy, as new.‎

‎Exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Shaghai History Museum. A large collection of artifacts, visual documents, posters, photographs and objects of all kind.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 10201

‎Hong Kong - Photographed and Depicted by Ellen Thorbecke, with Sketches by Schiff.‎

‎Kelly & Walsh, Hong Kong - Shanghai -Singapore, no date [1940]. 1 square book (18*23 cm), blue illustrated paper boards, 69 pp., 15 color sketches by Schiff and 25 black & white photographs by the author, 2 maps. A very nice copy.‎

‎Ellen Thorbecke was the wife of the former Netherlands Minister in China. She published books on Hong Kong, Shanghai and Peking. Schiff was a famous cartoonist and illustrator in many newspapers and magazines in Shanghai. Schiff was a famous cartoonist and illustrator in many newspapers and magazines. A very charming and rare book on Hong Kong.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR420.00 (€420.00 )


Reference : 10208

‎The Young Companion - Pictorial Weekly‎

‎Hong Kong, Published by The Liang You Book Company, 1962-1963 - Magazines Nos 85 to 102, from July 26th 1962 to February 23rd 1963. 1 large volume, cloth binding, with a set of 18 issues of The Young Companion, a magazine on Hong Kong and China, published in Hong Kong in chinese language. Each issue of around 20 pages with numerous illustrations in black and white and in colour, and numerous advertisements. The full set in perfect condition.‎

‎A testimony of Hong Kong and China in the sixties, with very attractive and sexy covers,‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )


Reference : 4429

‎Royal Hong Kong Police Historical Photographs‎

‎Hong Kong, Royal Hong Kong Police Museum, no date (ca 1980). 1 set of 10 postcards under iluustrated slipcase, being photographic reproductions in black and white of original pictures exhibited in the Hong Kong Royal Police Museum.‎

‎Those postcards are modern reproductions, not original photographs.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 7654

‎Historical Pictures - Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art‎

‎Hong Kong Museum of Art, Published by the Urban Council, second edition, revised, 1994. 1 large volume, soft illustrated covers, 922 pp., with color illustrations of paintings by Havell, Borget, Collins, Captain Johnson, Chinnery on Hong Kong and Macau, a very good copy.‎

‎A nice album containing photographic reproductions of paintings on Hong Kong and Macao.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 11513

‎Affiche émise par le Département du Commerce et d'Industrie d'Hong Kong - Poster issued by the Department of Commerce and Industry of Hong Kong‎

‎No place, no date, around 1930, 1 large poster, linen-backed, size 55*80 cm, in very good condition, depicting Hong Kong as the Center of the World's largest Potential Market, rare and colorful.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎[By the Austrian-Hong Kong Community with some stewardship of Gordian Gaeta]‎

Reference : 12093

‎Servus Hongkong - Austria in and Around the Pearl Of Orient - A Visual Random Walk down History and Memory Lane‎

‎Hong Kong, MCCM Creations, 2004. 1 volume in-4, soft illustrated covers, 171 pp., richly illustrated by color and black and white pictures.‎

‎An illustrated History of the Austria-Hong Kong relationship through people and events. Introduction - During Two Empires - Austria (Hungary) and China- Modern Days - Modern ways - Austrian in Hong Kong - Diplomacy and Bilateral Relations - Trade and Commerce - Culture and Society - Epilogue‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎WHITE (Kenneth) - [HONG KONG] ‎

Reference : 11282

‎Scènes d'un monde flottant - Scenes of a floating world‎

‎Lausanne, Alfred Eibel, Editeur, 1976. Imprimé par Local Property & Printing Co, Hong Kong. Edition limitée à mille exemplaires numérotés, celui-ci No 979. 1 plaquette in-4, couverture souple imprimée rouge, non paginée, cousue à la chinoise, bon état. Edition bilingue, bilingual edition.‎

‎Recueil de 15 poèmes en anglais et en français sur la vie à Hong Kong. Collection of poems in french and english about Hong Kong life.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : 9817

‎Early Prostitution in Hong Kong‎

‎Hong Kong, University Museum and Art Gallery, 2005. 1 volume in-4, 141 pp., reliure cartonnée illustrée, innombrables illustrations hors-texte et à pleine page, état de neuf. Hard boards copy, as new‎

‎Passionnant ouvrage sur l'histoire de la prostitution à Hong Kong du 19e siècle à 1960. Préface et Introduction en chinois et en anglais. Les reproductions photographiques sont également légendées dans les 2 langues.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 9012

‎Hong Kong Streets and Places - The official Guide - Hong Kong Island, Lantau& the Outlying Islands (Volume 1) - Kowloon & The New Territories (Volume 2).‎

‎Hong Kong, Prepared and Published by the Survey Division, Lands Department, Printed by The Government Printer, 1982 (4th edition). 2 volumes, in-12 and in-8, 197 pp. & 237 pp., with numerous color maps, in very good condition.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎[Urban Council of Hong Kong] - ‎ ‎Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology & Paleoanthropology ; Academia Sinica ; Urban Council Hong Kong ; Hong Kong Museum of History‎

Reference : 51262


‎Evolution and Extinction , History of life evidenced by Chinese fossils ( 29th October 1994 - 22nd January 1995 )‎

‎1 vol. 4to. softcover, col. cover, lots of col. illustr., Urban Council of Hong Kong, 1994, 126 pp. Text in both English and Chinese‎

‎Very nice copy for this catalogue of an exhibition produced by the Hong Kong Museum of History. With texts and plates by the Nanjing Institute of Geology & Paleontology‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )


Reference : 4763

‎Supplément No.4 to the Hong Kong Government Gazette, Published by Authority‎

‎Hong Kong, Commerce and Industry Department, Printed and Published by S. Young, Government Printer at the Government Press, Java Road, 23 February 1962 to 24 January 1963. 1 volume 8vo, 314 pp. + 35 pp., hard covers, cloth binding by Yee Lee Company Bookbinders, a very good copy. Many more years for sale at the same price‎

‎This volume contains 12 issues of the Hong Kong Government Gazette from February 1962 to January 1963. Contents cover statistics on different topics, infectious diseases, traffic accidents, vegetable., fish, electricity production and distribution, vehicular traffic statistics, numbers of Arrivals and Departures of Persons, Commercial Cargo Tonnages, Arrivals and Departures of Aircraft, commerce, trade, imports, exports, agriculture, shipping, meteorology, etc. For statistics and numbers lovers only!‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : 9017

‎Béthanie & Nazareth - French Secrets from a British Colony‎

‎Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 2006. 1 large volume in-4, cloth-covered boards with illustrated dust jacket, many illustrations throughout, a very good copy, as new. Very heavy, extra-postage required.‎

‎Béthanie and Nazareth are two of Hong Kongs best-kept secrets. Now for the first time, the fascinating stories of these former French Mission foundations are brought to life by historian Alain Le Pichon. The text is extensively illustrated with previously unpublished historic photographs from the French Mission archives in Paris, and contemporary images by renowned architectural photographer Virgile Simon Bertrand."Béthanie was Hong Kongs first sanatorium. Built by the French Mission in 1875, it operated for a century on a hilltop surrounded by dairy pastures at Pokfulam. Nazareth, its sister building nearby, became the French Missions linguistic and printing headquarters in Asia, publishing thousands of titles in dozens of Asian languages between 1894 and 1956." (from publisher)‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : 9432

‎St John Cathedral‎

‎Hong Kong, Published by St John's Cathedral Office, Printed in Hong Kong, 1976. 1 booklet, in-8, soft illustrated covers, 24 pp., illustrated with colour and black & white images, a very good copy. We add a receipt of Kelly & Walsh Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, dated 22 November 1976, for a 5 HK$ amount.‎

‎A nice historical guide on St John's Cathedral.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 9018

‎Gardening for Hong Kong‎

‎Hong Kong, Ye Olde Printerie Ltd, 1964 (fourth edition). 1 small volume 8-vo, 91pp-iv, green cloth cover, fine copy of this scarce book.‎

‎First published in 1906, "these notes are not intended to be exhaustive in any way, but only of sufficient value to give amateurs an elementary knowledge of gardening in the Colony"(introduction). Everything you want to know on tropical plants and exotic flowers.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 8291

‎The Hong Kong Album - A selection of the museum's historical photographs‎

‎Hong Kong, published by the Urban Council, 1983. 1 volume in-4, soft illustrated covers with 100 pages of photographic illustrations in black and white, with captions in english and chinese, a very good copy.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 8297

‎Observations made at The Hongkong Observatory in the Year 1902‎

‎Hongkong, printed by Noronha & Co., Government Printers, 1903. 1 large volume folio, 127 pp., rebound in modern full leather, original soft covers kept inside, slightly soiled in margins, a very good copy.‎

‎A scarce report by the Director of the Hongkong Observatory W. Doberck. Index: Annual Report for 1902 - Analysis of weather-forecasts - Observations for Pilot Charts - Annual weather-report - Five-day means - Magnetic observations made in 1902 - Monthly Weather Reports for 1902 - Mean Right-Ascensions of Southern Stars observed in 1902.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )


Reference : 7655

‎Adventures and Perils - The First Hundred and Fifty Years of Union Insurance Society of Canton‎

‎Hong Kong, Produced by Ogilvy & Mather Public Relations (Asia) Ltd., 1985. Text by Alan Chalkley, Additional Material by Robin Barrie. 1 large volume in-8, 54 pp., hard covers with a clean pictorial dust jacket, profusely illustrated with period photographs, a very good copy.‎

‎Hong Kong, Produced by Ogilvy & Mather Public Relations (Asia) Ltd., 1985. ‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎[HONG KONG IMPRINT] [Par un Missionnaire de la Congrégation du S. Coeur de Marie du Nord de la Chine]‎

Reference : 12085

‎Seu Chou ou les Quatre Livres‎

‎Hongkong, Imprimerie de la Société des Missions Etrangères, 1916. 1 volume, in-12, 253 pp., reliure moderne plein cuir, couvertures imprimées conservées mais froissées, bon état général.‎

‎Rare ouvrage publié à Hong Kong, où les Missionnaires venaient se reposer et faire imprimer les études, dictionnaires et autres ouvrages savants rédigés pendant leurs séjours et missions dans les différents pays d'Extrême-Orient.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR220.00 (€220.00 )
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