Frankfurt a. M., Jordan's Selbstverlag 1881 xiii + 686pp., 21cm., cloth, marbled edged, G, [German translation with notes; printed in Gothic German], K73197
Frankfurt a.M., Jordan's Selbstverlag 1875 xlii + [2] + 566pp., 19cm., 1st ed., cloth, few foxing, [German translation, printed in Gothic German], K73230
Leipzig, London, Weidmann, Payne, 1802. Bound in 8 contemp. hcalf. Gilt spines.Title- and tomelabels with gilt lettering. Some wear to spines. Internally fine.
An Index-volume was published in 1822 by Graefenhahn. ""This eleborate and truly erudite performance contains only the Iliad, the Greek text of which is exhibited in the first two volumes, and the Latin one in the third, presceded by a catalogue of MSS. and editions:the remaining five volumes comprehend Variae Lectiones, Annotationes, &c. &c. from the principal libraries in Europe. At the end of each book there is a commentary, or excursus.""(Dibdin vol. II, pp. 66-67).
".: Glasguae (Glasgow), in Aedibus Academicis, excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis Academiae Typographi, 1756 - 1758 , bound in 2 folio volumes, 36,5 x 235 cm, half tiltle + title + xi p + 312 pp , half title + title + 336 pp ; half title + title + (4)(2 blank) + 297 pp , halftitle + title + 336 pp (including 2 pp with index scriptorum). Uniform dark green long grain morocco, raised back decorated with thin and thick gilt fillets, gilt title, both covers with gilt rectangle consisting of 8 gilt fillets, all edges gilt, binding signed and dated; ''bound by Zaehnsdorf 1899'', gilt signature on the doublure margin. With the printed ex-libris of C.S. Acherson. Some corners very slightly bumped, a few inappreciable scratches on the covers but a truly magnificent copy in a signed master binding. A stunning book and certainly the highlight of Scottish 18th century typography. (Gaskell 319)."