Hildburghausen, Verl. d. Bibliographischen Instituts, 1857, in-8vo, Textblättern stockigfleckig + Frontispice „Meyers Thurm“ + 46 (von 48) Tafeln, (Fehlen Dombv. St Gatien in Tours & Schloss Brunn), (mit 2 Schweizer Ans., Graubündten: CHUR / VIAMALA), Halb-Lederband, sehr schönes Exemplar.
with 48 views of which 23 American plates, including 2 of Cuba; 1 of Central America; 1 of Mexico; and Mt. Jefferson; Wall Str.; St. Louis on the Mississippi; The Palisades; Harper's Ferry; St. Charles on the Mississippi; Independence Court House (Missouri); Urkwald-Landschaft am Leigh (PA); Kansas; Cascade Bridge (Erie Railroad); Wa-Ra-Sha Prairie on Mississippi; Prairie am Kansas; Boston LIghthouse; Washington D. C.; Astor House, NY; Missouri; Louisville; and 2 of New York Bay; Hildburghausen & New York: Bibliographischen Institut, 1857
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808