2008 Paris musée Reliure cartonnée éditeur, jaquette, 320p. Très bon état.
Aquarelles et dessins à l'époque de Goethe.Nombreuses reproductions couleurs.
Phone number : 04 76 97 79 28
Sieveking, Hinrich: L'Age d'or du Romantisme allemand: Aquarelles et dessins à l'époque de Goethe. Exhibition: Paris, Musée de la Vie Romantique, 2008. 346pp. Hardback. 25x18cms. Presents a collection of German Romantic watercolours and drawings from landscapes to portraits. With a resource of graphic arts, literature, music and philosophy it celebrates the creativity of the age of Goethe. Text in French.
Presents a collection of German Romantic watercolours and drawings from landscapes to portraits. With a resource of graphic arts, literature, music and philosophy it celebrates the creativity of the age of Goethe. Text in French