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Reference : 44787


‎Recherches thermo-chimique (Extrait du Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Academie imperiale des Sciences de Saint-petersbourg, tome VII) (+) Recherches thermochimiques" (Suite du Mémoire imprimé dans les Annales...tome LXXV). (+) Recherches thermoch...‎

‎Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1840 a. 1842. No wrappers. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 2me Series - Tome 75 a. 3e Series - Tome 4.. With titlepage to Tome 75 and orig. printed wrappers to the issue (Septembre issue). Pp. 1-112 a. 1 engraved plate (entire issue offered). With titlepage to Tome 4. Pp. 129-256 (entire Fevrier issue) and pp. 257-384 (entire Mars issue). Hess' papers: pp. 80-103 (tome 75), pp. 211-229 (tome 4), pp. 290-316 (tome 4).‎

‎First appearance in France of Hess' two fundamental laws in thermodynamic 1: ""the law of heat formation"" (1840), anticipating a specific example of the ""LAW OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY"", 2 years before Julius Robert Mayer elucidated the more general principle in 1842 - claiming that ""the heat developed in chemical change is constant, whether the change occurs directly or indirectly in several stages""and 2: ""the law of thermoneutrality"" (1842), stating, that when neutral salts exchange acids and bases in solution, the heat of the reaction is zero. - These papers were published at the same time in France and in Russia. Germain Henri Hess is noted today for two fundamental principles of thermochemistry: the law of constant summation of heat (known simply as Hess's law) and the law of thermoneutrality. These discoveries were remarkable in that they were postulated without any supporting theoretical framework and took place in a field of study almost totally neglected by his contemporaries. Hess's law is of immense practical importance and is used to this day to determine heats of reaction when their direct measurements are difficult or impossible. (Chemistry Encyclopedia).""Numerous men, notably Lavoisier and Laplace had measured the heats evolved in various reactions, but thermochemistry received its first importent advance at the hands ofgermain Henri Hess, who showed that the heat evolved in a reaction is the same regardless of whether the reaction is carried out directly or in a number of steps. This generalization, known now as ""Hess's Law"", makes possible the calculation of heats for many reactions where direct measurement are impracticable.""(Leicester & Klickstein, A Source Book..., p329.""The thermochemical work of Hess was continued extensively in the second half of the nineteenth century through the studies of Thomsen and Berthelot. Both Berthelot’s principle of maximum work and the thermodynamic theories of affinity which came to prevail were clearly foreshadowed in the work of Hess. In addition to his internationally known research in thermochemistry, Hess was very influential in the development of chemistry in Russia. His text Osnovania chistoy khimii (Fundamentals of Pure Chemistry) went through seven editions and did much to establish the chemical nomenclature of the Russian language. He was always interested in technological questions, and many of his students later contributed to Russia’s industrial development."" (DSB).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1840 C. - Leicester & Klickstein, A Source Book, p 329. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )


Reference : 49070


‎Recherches thermo-chimique" (Extrait du Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Academie imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg, tome VII)‎

‎Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1840. Contemp. hcloth. Gilt lettering to spine. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 2me Series - Tome 75. 447,(1) pp. a. 1 plate. (Entire volume offered). Hess's paper: pp. 80-103. The first and last leaves somewhat brownspotted.‎

‎First edition in French of Hess' first fundamental law in thermodynamic: ""the law of heat formation"" (1840), anticipating a specific example of the ""LAW OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY"", 2 years before Julius Robert Mayer elucidated the more general principle in 1842 - claiming that ""the heat developed in chemical change is constant, whether the change occurs directly or indirectly in several stages""Germain Henri Hess is noted today for two fundamental principles of thermochemistry: the law of constant summation of heat (known simply as Hess's law) and the law of thermoneutrality. These discoveries were remarkable in that they were postulated without any supporting theoretical framework and took place in a field of study almost totally neglected by his contemporaries. Hess's law is of immense practical importance and is used to this day to determine heats of reaction when their direct measurements are difficult or impossible. (Chemistry Encyclopedia).""Numerous men, notably Lavoisier and Laplace had measured the heats evolved in various reactions, but thermochemistry received its first importent advance at the hands ofgermain Henri Hess, who showed that the heat evolved in a reaction is the same regardless of whether the reaction is carried out directly or in a number of steps. This generalization, known now as ""Hess's Law"", makes possible the calculation of heats for many reactions where direct measurement are impracticable.""(Leicester & Klickstein, A Source Book..., p329.""The thermochemical work of Hess was continued extensively in the second half of the nineteenth century through the studies of Thomsen and Berthelot. Both Berthelot’s principle of maximum work and the thermodynamic theories of affinity which came to prevail were clearly foreshadowed in the work of Hess. In addition to his internationally known research in thermochemistry, Hess was very influential in the development of chemistry in Russia. His text Osnovania chistoy khimii (Fundamentals of Pure Chemistry) went through seven editions and did much to establish the chemical nomenclature of the Russian language. He was always interested in technological questions, and many of his students later contributed to Russia’s industrial development."" (DSB).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1840 C. - Leicester & Klickstein, A Source Book, p 329. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )

‎Hess Tom‎

Reference : 100119203


ISBN : 9782912185457

‎Laisse aller mon peuple‎

‎Emeth éditions 2006 in8. 2006. Broché. 191 pages. Très bon état‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Hess Barbara‎

Reference : 100107724


ISBN : 9783836505161

‎Expressionnisme Abstrait‎

‎Taschen America Llc 2016 21 6x26 3x1 6cm. 2016. Relié jaquette. 96 pages. Très bon état‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Hess Remi‎

Reference : 100102290


‎Centre et périphérie / introduction à l'analyse institutionnelle‎

‎Privat 1978 in8. 1978. broché. 227 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Reinhardt Hess‎

Reference : 160308


‎La météorologie au fil du temps‎

‎Images 1993 in8. 1993. Reliure editeur. 128 pages. Très Bon Etat‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR14.70 (€14.70 )

‎Hess Moses Boyer Alain‎

Reference : 169086


ISBN : 9782226011879

‎Rome et Jérusalem‎

‎Albin Michel 1981 in8. 1981. Broché. 288 pages. envois en suivi pour la france et l'etranger Bon Etat intérieur propre sans rousseurs couverture jaunie‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )

‎"HESS, V. F.‎

Reference : 46932


‎Uber Beobachtungen der durchdringenden Strahlung bei sieben Freiballonfahrten. - [THE DISCOVERY OF COSMIC RAYS]‎

‎Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1912. Royal8vo. Bound in two contemporary half cloth with white paper title label to spine. In ""Physikalische Zeitschrift"" Vol. 13, 1912. Library stamp to title pages. Otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 1084-91. [Entire volume 1: XXV, (1), 576 pp + XXII plates"" Pp. 577-1228 + XXXV plates.‎

‎First printing of Hess's paper in which the discovery of cosmic rays first was introduced. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1936.At the start of the 1900's, French physicist Henri Becquerel discovered that certain elements are unstable, and would transmute into other elements, and in the process, emit what appeared to be particles. These ""particles"" were given the name ""radiation"", and the process itself referred to as ""radioactive decay.""To study the source of this background, Austrian physicist Victor. F. Hess made measurements of radiation levels at different altitudes with electroscopes aboard a balloon. The motivation for this study was to distance the electroscopes from radiation sources in the Earth. Hess went as high as 17,500 feet in his balloon without oxygen tanks. Surprisingly, he found that the radiation levels increased with altitude. Hess interpreted this result to mean that radiation is entering the atmosphere from outer space. He gave this phenomenon the name ""Cosmic Radiation"", which later evolved to ""Cosmic Rays"". Hess was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1936 for his discovery of cosmic rays""""Hess took up the problem stated by Wulf in 1911. He first verified the rate of absorption of gamma rays and then, with the help of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Aeroclub, made ten difficult and daring balloon ascensions, collecting data with improved instrumentation. He reached a height of 5,350 meters, with striking results. He was able to establish that to a height of approximately 150 meters above sea level, radiation decreased according to known laws, while at greater heights radiation increased steadily, following approximately the same laws. He found radiation at 5,000 meters to be several times greater than that at sea level, and also that radiation at all levels was the same night or day, and therefore not the result of the direct rays of the sun. He was thus able to conclude that the radiation he recorded at high altitudes entered the atmosphere from above and was, in fact, of cosmic origin. His results were verified in an extension of his experiments made by W. Kohlhörster in1913-Kohlhörster reached a height of 9,300 meters, and recorded radiation of twelve times that at sea level-but were not acknowledged by other physicists for a number of years. (""Cosmic rays"" were so named by R. A. Millikan in 1925.) In 1913 Hess himself equipped the meteorological station on Hoch Obir (2,141 meters) in Carinthia to accommodate further studies of cosmic radiation" these experiments, however, were brought to a halt by World War I.University, and the University of Innsbruck the Ernst Abbe prize of the Carl Zeiss Foundation (1932)" and the Austrian Medal for Science and Arts (1959). The most important honor, however, was the Nobel Prize in physics, which he shared with C.D. Anderson in 1936, on which occasion he lectured on ""Unsolved Problems in Physics: Tasks for the Immediate Future in Cosmic Ray Studies."" The discovery of cosmic radiation was one of the keys to the study of elementary particles in general, leading to the discovery of the positron, by Anderson in 1932, and of the ? meson by F. Neddermayer (in 1937)."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,500.00 (€737.67 )


Reference : 48910


‎Recherches sur les quantités de chaleur dégagées dans les combinaisons chimiques. (Lettre à M. Arago).‎

‎Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1840. 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Spine gilt and with gilt lettering. Some scratches to spine. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 2e series, tome 74. 448 pp., 1 folded plate. Hess' paper: pp. 325-335. Stamps on verso of titlepage. Internally clean.‎

‎First edition of Hess's most famous paper, in which he outlined his law on thermochemistry. His principle, a progenitor for the first law of thermodynamics, came to be called Hess's law. It states that in a series of chemical reactions, the total energy gained or lost depends only on the initial and final states, regardless of the number or path of the steps. This is also known as the law of constant heat summation. Hess described here his newly discovered law, known as Hess's Law, in form of a letter to Arago. (The letter was also published in Comptes Rendus in a slightly modified form). ""Here thermochemistry received its first importent advance at the hands of Germain Hess, who showed that the heat evolved in a reaction is the same regardless of whether the reaction is carried out directly or in a number of steps..."" (Leicester & Klickstein ""A Source Book in Chemistry"", pp. 329-332). This paper preceded the larger papers also published in ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"" and the original (and larger) paper in ""Bulletin scientifique, Academie impériale des Sciences (St. Petersbourg, 1840)"". The volume contains also papers by Laurent, Biot, Mulder, Melloni etc.Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )

‎HESS, Ludwig - MEYER, Johann Heinrich:‎

Reference : 99667aaf

‎Ludwig Hess, Landschaftsmaler. ‎

‎Zürich, Orell Füssli et Compagnie, 1800, kl. in-8vo, VI (inkl. gest Titelbl. mit Alpen-Ansicht v. J.H. Meyer nach Hess) + 100 S., Ex-Libris ‘Emanuel Stickelberger’ und Buchhändlerticket ‘Librairie Ancienne C.L. van Langenhuysen. Amsterdam’, Halb-Leder der Zeit, obere Ecken leicht gestaucht, kleine Fehlstelle am oberen, hinteren Kapital.‎

‎Ludwig Hess wurde am 16. Oktober 1760 in Zürich als Sohn einer tüchtigen und wohlhabenden Bürgerfamilie geboren. Er lernte zwar das Metzgerhandwerk, es wurden ihm aber immer mehr Reisen ermöglicht,die er auf seine malerischen Studien verwandte. Zuletzt lebte er ganz von seiner Kunst. Ludwig Hess wurde als Maler der helvetischen Alpengegend bekannt. Bereits im Alter von 40 Jahren, am 13. April 1800, ist er verstorben. Von ihm sind u.a. die ‘Sechs radierten Naturprospecte’ kurz vor seinem Tod, 1800, publiziert worden. Mit grösseren Abschnitten der Reise von Hess durch das Schweizerland: „über pfadlose Gebirge und Gletscher auf der Suche nach interessanten Vorlagen für seine Zeichnungen und Malereien.“ Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF550.00 (€589.53 )


Reference : 48828


‎Recherches sur les quantités de chaleur dégagées dans les combinaisons chimiques. Lettre de M. Hess à M. Arago.‎

‎(Paris, Bachelier), 1840. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome X, No. 19. Pp. (721-) 775 (entire issue offered). Hess' paper: pp. 759-763. A few scattered brownspots.‎

‎First apperance of the announcement of Hess' newly discovered law, known as Hess's Law, in form of a letter to Arago. ""Here thermochemistry received its first importent advance at the hands of Germain Hess, who showed that the heat evolved in a reaction is the same regardless of whether the reaction is carried out directly or in a number of steps..."" (Leicester & Klickstein ""A Source Book in Chemistry"", pp. 329-332). This announcement preceded the larger paper published the same year in ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"" and the original (and larger) paper in ""Bulletin scientifique, Academie impériale des Sciences (St. Petersbourg)"". Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1840 C.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )

‎Hess, David:‎

Reference : 57571AB


‎Die Badenfahrt.‎

‎Zürich, bey Orell Füssli und Compagnie. (1818). X S., 1 Bl., 585 S., 1 Bl. Verbesserungen. Mit gestochenem Titel, 15 gansseitigen gestochenen und radierten Tafeln sowie 10 Vignetten von F. Hegi nach D. Hess., L. Ad. Hess, H. Keller und L. Schulthess. und dem mehrfach gefalteten gestochenen Plan der Bäder. Pappband der Zeit mit rotem goldgeprägtem Rückenschild mit etwas Rückenvergoldung.‎

‎Goedeke VI,498,10,6. - Lonchamp 1467. - Hayn-G. I,161. - Erste Ausgabe des berühmtesten Buches von David Hess. - Behandelt ausführlich die Geschichte der Stadt Baden. Daneben findet sich viel anekdotisches über den Badebetrieb im frühen 19. Jahrhundert sowie ein literarischer Anhang mit Gedichten und einer Erzählung. - Vollständiges Exemplar mit dem häufig fehlenden Plan. - Vorsatz mit neuerem handschriftlichem Besitzvermerk. Vorsatz und Titel stärker stockfleckig, sonst bis auf wenige kleine Stockflecken auf den Tafeln sauber. Einbandkanten leicht beschabt. - Gutes Exempla.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF200.00 (€214.37 )

‎BRACHOT Isy ( directeur -fondateur) - Yvonne HARVENGT ( directeur ) - Marcel HESS ( provenance ) :‎

Reference : 58295

‎L'Art Belge. Revue du mouvement artistique franco-belge. Numéro jubilaire 1933. Exemplaire hors-commerce N° LXII avec 20 gravures originales.‎

‎.: Bruxelles, Éditions ''Art Belge '' , 1934, grande in-4°, 31 x 24,5 cm, épaisseur 7 cm, ca. 300 pp nn, avec nombr. illustrations noir/blanc et plusieurs ills. en couleur, contient 20 gravures originales, la pluspart signée au crayon par l'artiste. Reliure plein cuir d'éditeur, tête dorée.tranche sup. dorée, Bel exemplaire. Exemplaire hors-commerce numéro LXII V imprimé et composé pour M. Marcel Hess . L'exemplaire est truffé de 20 gravures originales (aquatint, mezzotint, eaux-fortes...) reliées parmi le texte avec une serpente. Parmi les graveurs: Opsomer, Logelain, Pierre Paulus, Louis Buisseret, Rassenfosse, Marc Meunier, Marcel Jefferys , Oleffe, Armand Apol, Henry Thomas, Kurt Peiser , Gustave Flasschoen, Maurice Flament . On joint une invitation imprimée à M. & Mad. Hess. Marcel Hess 1878 - 1948) était un peintre belge.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR854.00 (€854.00 )

‎Hess Johnny,Spell Betty - Hess Johnny - Laurent Jean‎

Reference : 6293


‎Partition de la chanson : ça fait sport ! ‎

‎ Selmer 1943‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎[Gérard Noel Guy ] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Vandair Maurice‎

Reference : 3269


‎Partition de la chanson : Colombe ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1942‎

‎ Très bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Martelier Maurice‎

Reference : 3271


‎Partition de la chanson : Il est rythmé ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1941‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎[ Harcourt] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Solar Jean‎

Reference : 3275


‎Partition de la chanson : Mettez vous dans l'ambiance ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1943‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Martelier Maurice‎

Reference : 3279


‎Partition de la chanson : Rythme ‎

‎Partitions sur le Train Beuscher Paul 1941‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Gonnet Géo‎

Reference : 3268


‎Partition de la chanson : Coco le corsaire Papier fragilisé ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1941‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎[Gérard Noel Guy ] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Vandair Maurice‎

Reference : 3273


‎Partition de la chanson : J'ai sauté la barrière ‎

‎ Ray Ventura 1939‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Martelier Maurice‎

Reference : 3272


‎Partition de la chanson : Ils sont zazous Exemplaire bleu - Tampon sur couverture ‎

‎Partitions sur la Mode et accessoires Paris Monde 1942‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Solar Jean‎

Reference : 3280


‎Partition de la chanson : Sentimental ! ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1942‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎[Ginst Sarah ] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Larue Jacques‎

Reference : 3281


‎Partition de la chanson : Soyez bref ! ‎

‎ Salabert 1946‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎[ Harcourt] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Vandair Maurice,Bernié Georges‎

Reference : 3282


‎Partition de la chanson : Tic ! Tac ! ‎

‎ Paris Monde 1941‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎[ Harcourt] - ‎ ‎Hess Johnny - Hess Johnny - Boyer Jean‎

Reference : 3283


‎Partition de la chanson : Toujours vous ! Exemplaire rouge ‎

‎ Ray Ventura 1940‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )
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