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Reference : 23026

‎Kontsy i nachala. S predisloviem avtora.‎

‎Norrkoeping, Eric Biornström, (below, on printed cover: En Commission - Londres, Trübner & Co), 1863. (2), iv, (2, blank), 96 pp. 8vo. Modern boards, original covers preserved. Anderson 302; Kilgour 436; Zaleski 197. First separate edition: Herzen's letters to Turgenev, which first appeared in My Past and Thoughts, published here with a new introduction. 'Herzen's renewed interest in Russia's past and future was closely linked to his bitter disappointment in the "old world". He was a discerning critic of bourgeois society, even if his strictures were not always fair. The modern reader is struck especially by certain far-sighted observations, that seem to anticipate criticism of a complex phenomenon we have come to refer to as "mass culture". Herzen's most interesting comments in this respect are to be found in a series of articles entitled Ends and Beginnings, in which he conducted a polemic with Ivan Turgenev, who had become the moral authority for liberal Westernizers in Russia' (Andrzej Walicki, A History of Russian Thought, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980, p. 170). Alexander Herzen (1812-70) was a prominent nineteenth-century Russian social thinker and is known as the 'father of Russian socialism.' Early in his intellectual development, Herzen was influenced by German idealist thinkers such as Schiller and Schelling. He believed in the autonomy and dignity of the individual and opposed forces, such as family and state, that oppressed the individual. Later, under the influence of French socialist thinkers such as Charles Fourier, Herzen's thought became more radical. Herzen projected his earlier concern for the oppressed individual onto society at large and he became a supporter of socialism. The socialism he envisioned was a loose federation of self-governing communes. Only in such a system could the ideal society be achieved- according to Herzen that society would be a free association of individuals which provided for the full flowering of each personality. Herzen initially placed his hopes for this future order in the European socialist movement. After the failure of the 1848 revolutions to achieve socialist principles, however, Herzen became disillusioned about European prospects and turned his attention to Russia. Herzen argued that socialist transformation would actually come first to Russia because communal institutions such as the peasant commune survived and bourgeois attitudes hadn't yet emerged. This sense of the advantages of Russian 'backwardness' was influential among the Populists in the 1870s. Herzen has been called a 'gentry revolutionary.' The illegitimate son of a wealthy landowner, Herzen viewed the gentry as a progressive class. The revolution he envisioned was for the people but not necessarily by them. Also, his socialism was a national destiny rather than a class one, and because he promoted the value of individualism in collectivist form--in other words, the full flowering of the individual could best be realized in a socialist order. Among Herzen's works are From the Other Shore (1848-50) and The Russian People and Socialism and his autobiography, My Past and Thoughts.He founded a periodical, the famous Kolokol, in whose pages the free word first appeared in the Russian language, unhampered by censor or police, exposing the government's secrets, criticizing bureaucratic abuses, approving the good intentions of the czar, the 'liberator', and trying to dictate to him a reform program. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )


Reference : 23027

‎Kontsy i nachala. S predisloviem avtora.‎

‎Norrkoeping, Eric Biornström, (below, on printed cover: En Commission - Londres, Trübner & Co), 1863. (2), iv, (2, blank), 96 pp. 8vo. Sewn in the original yellow printed covers. Anderson 302; Kilgour 436; Zaleski 197. First separate edition: Herzen's letters to Turgenev, which first appeared in My Past and Thoughts, published here with a new introduction. 'Herzen's renewed interest in Russia's past and future was closely linked to his bitter disappointment in the "old world". He was a discerning critic of bourgeois society, even if his strictures were not always fair. The modern reader is struck especially by certain far-sighted observations, that seem to anticipate criticism of a complex phenomenon we have come to refer to as "mass culture". Herzen's most interesting comments in this respect are to be found in a series of articles entitled Ends and Beginnings, in which he conducted a polemic with Ivan Turgenev, who had become the moral authority for liberal Westernizers in Russia' (Andrzej Walicki, A History of Russian Thought, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980, p. 170). Alexander Herzen (1812-70) was a prominent nineteenth-century Russian social thinker and is known as the 'father of Russian socialism.' Early in his intellectual development, Herzen was influenced by German idealist thinkers such as Schiller and Schelling. He believed in the autonomy and dignity of the individual and opposed forces, such as family and state, that oppressed the individual. Later, under the influence of French socialist thinkers such as Charles Fourier, Herzen's thought became more radical. Herzen projected his earlier concern for the oppressed individual onto society at large and he became a supporter of socialism. The socialism he envisioned was a loose federation of self-governing communes. Only in such a system could the ideal society be achieved- according to Herzen that society would be a free association of individuals which provided for the full flowering of each personality. Herzen initially placed his hopes for this future order in the European socialist movement. After the failure of the 1848 revolutions to achieve socialist principles, however, Herzen became disillusioned about European prospects and turned his attention to Russia. Herzen argued that socialist transformation would actually come first to Russia because communal institutions such as the peasant commune survived and bourgeois attitudes hadn't yet emerged. This sense of the advantages of Russian 'backwardness' was influential among the Populists in the 1870s. Herzen has been called a 'gentry revolutionary.' The illegitimate son of a wealthy landowner, Herzen viewed the gentry as a progressive class. The revolution he envisioned was for the people but not necessarily by them. Also, his socialism was a national destiny rather than a class one, and because he promoted the value of individualism in collectivist form--in other words, the full flowering of the individual could best be realized in a socialist order. Among Herzen's works are From the Other Shore (1848-50) and The Russian People and Socialism and his autobiography, My Past and Thoughts.He founded a periodical, the famous Kolokol, in whose pages the free word first appeared in the Russian language, unhampered by censor or police, exposing the government's secrets, criticizing bureaucratic abuses, approving the good intentions of the czar, the 'liberator', and trying to dictate to him a reform program. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )


Reference : 16346

‎Lettres de France et d'Italie (1847-1852). Traduit du Russe par Mme N(atalie) H(erzen). Édition des enfants de l'auteur.‎

‎Genève, 1871. xvi, 311, (1) pp. 8vo. Modern half morocco, original covers preserved. Zaleski 79; not in Catalogue Russica. First French edition. Alexander Herzen (1812-70) was a prominent nineteenth-century Russian social thinker and is known as the 'father of Russian socialism.' Early in his intellectual development, Herzen was influenced by German idealist thinkers such as Schiller and Schelling. He believed in the autonomy and dignity of the individual and opposed forces, such as family and state, that oppressed the individual. Later, under the influence of French socialist thinkers such as Charles Fourier, Herzen's thought became more radical. Herzen projected his earlier concern for the oppressed individual onto society at large and he became a supporter of socialism. The socialism he envisioned was a loose federation of self-governing communes. Only in such a system could the ideal society be achieved- according to Herzen that society would be a free association of individuals which provided for the full flowering of each personality. Herzen initially placed his hopes for this future order in the European socialist movement. After the failure of the 1848 revolutions to achieve socialist principles, however, Herzen became disillusioned about European prospects and turned his attention to Russia. Herzen argued that socialist transformation would actually come first to Russia because communal institutions such as the peasant commune survived and bourgeois attitudes hadn't yet emerged. This sense of the advantages of Russian 'backwardness' was influential among the Populists in the 1870s. Herzen has been called a 'gentry revolutionary.' The illegitimate son of a wealthy landowner, Herzen viewed the gentry as a progressive class. The revolution he envisioned was for the people but not necessarily by them. Also, his socialism was a national destiny rather than a class one, and because he promoted the value of individualism in collectivist form--in other words, the full flowering of the individual could best be realized in a socialist order. Among Herzen's works are From the Other Shore (1848-50) and The Russian People and Socialism and his autobiography, My Past and Thoughts.He founded a periodical, the famous Kolokol, in whose pages the free word first appeared in the Russian language, unhampered by censor or police, exposing the government's secrets, criticizing bureaucratic abuses, approving the good intentions of the czar, the 'liberator', and trying to dictate to him a reform program. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR225.00 (€225.00 )

‎Herzen (Alexandre Ivanovitch)‎

Reference : 87268


‎Textes philosophiques choisis‎

‎Editions en Langues Etrangères, Moscou Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1956 Book condition, Etat : Bon relié, cartonnage éditeur pleine percaline, bordeaux et blanc, illustré d'un portrait de A. Herzen en médaillon fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 663 pages‎

‎1 photographie de A. Herzen en frontispice 2eme édition, 1956 "Contents, Chapitres : V. Lénine : A la mémoire de A. Herzen - Le dilettantisme dans la science - Lettres sur l'étude de la nature - Extraits du journal - A propos des cours publics de M. Granovski - Les cours publics de M. Le professeur Roulier - De l'autre rive - Le peuple russe et le socialisme, lettre à Jules Michelet - Lettre à Alexandre Tchoumikov - La jeune Moscou, extrait des Mémoires et pensées - Lettres à un adversaire - Lettre à son fils Alexandre Herzen - A un vieux camarade - Notes et index - Alexandre Ivanovitch Herzen, né le 25 mars 1812 (6 avril dans le calendrier grégorien) à Moscou et mort le 9 janvier 1870 (21 janvier dans le calendrier grégorien) à Paris, est un philosophe, écrivain et essayiste politique occidentaliste russe. Connu comme le « père du socialisme populiste russe », il est considéré comme un inspirateur du climat politique qui a mené à l'abolition du servage de 1861. - Il reçoit une éducation aristocratique, développant une sensibilité précoce aux idées révolutionnaires et un caractère impétueux. Le soulèvement des décabristes, en décembre 1825, est un événement-clé dans la vie de Herzen. « Les récits du soulèvement, du procès, de l'épouvante qui régnait à Moscou, me firent une très forte impression ; un monde nouveau m'était révélé, vers lequel convergeait de plus en plus ma vie intérieure. Je ne sais comment cela se fit, mais tout en comprenant peu, ou de façon vague, ce que tout cela signifiait, je sentais que je ne me trouvai pas du côté de la mitraille et de la victoire, de la prison et des chaînes. L'exécution de Pestel et de ses camarades tira définitivement mon âme de son sommeil d'enfant. » Herzen entre à l'université de Moscou en 1830. Arrêté le 9 juillet 1834 (21 juillet dans le calendrier grégorien), il est jugé et subit un bannissement à Perm et à Viatka de 1834 à 1838. En mars 1838, il revient clandestinement à Moscou et, le 9 mai 1838, il épouse Natalie Zakharine. En 1841, il s'installe à Saint-Pétersbourg, où il continue sa carrière de fonctionnaire. Il redevient suspect et se retrouve bientôt à Novgorod avec sa femme et leurs deux enfants ; l'un d'eux Alexandre A. Herzen devient professeur de physiologie à Lausanne. Il passe la frontière russe le 19/31 janvier 1847 et s'installe à Paris, où il collabore avec Proudhon. Il part en Italie en octobre. En février 1848, il est à Rome, où il apprend les événements de 48. Il revient précipitamment à Paris. Outre l'échec politique de la révolution, il vit alors plusieurs épisodes personnels douloureux. D'abord, sa femme Nathalie, délaissée pour la politique, prend comme amant le poète allemand, Georg Herwegh (le couple ne se réconcilie qu'en 1851), puis en 1851, la mère de Herzen et l'un de ses fils se noient dans un naufrage au large des îles de Lérins. Le 2 mai 1852, c'est son épouse qui meurt de tuberculose. Parti de Paris pour Londres, le 25 août 1852, il vit entre Genève, Nice et Paris. Patriote, il s'occupe principalement de combattre le régime tsariste par ses articles dans L'étoile polaire (1857-65). De 1857 à 1865, avec Nikolaï Ogarev, il publie Kolokol (La Cloche), journal d'inspiration socialiste libertaire et visant la cause révolutionnaire russe. L'intellectuelle Malwida von Meysenbug fait connaître au public allemand les travaux d'Alexandre Herzen en tant que militant politique et écrivain. Dans les années 1860, il rencontre à plusieurs reprises l'écrivain Fiodor Dostoïevski, qui le tenait en haute estime. Malgré la censure, ses articles ont un grand impact en Russie, notamment sur Pierre Kropotkine, qui décrit, dans ses mémoires, la lecture de L'Étoile polaire comme un élément l'ayant poussé à la réflexion politique. Mort à Paris le 9 janvier 1870 (21 janvier dans le calendrier grégorien), juste avant la Commune, il repose à Nice au cimetière du château. (source : Wikipedia)" bon exemplaire, frais et propre, papier à peine jauni‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : albc019cf0ec28be7a9

‎Herzen A.I. The Works of A.I. Herzen: A Complete Set of Eleven Books: in Ten Vol‎

‎Herzen A.I. The Works of A.I. Herzen: A Complete Set of Eleven Books: in Ten Volumes with Attachment to a Collection of Postmortem Articles. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Sochineniya A.I. Gertsena: Polnyy komplekt odinnadtsati knig: v desyati tomakh s prilozheniem sbornika posmertnykh statey. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).With a Foreword. Oeuvres dAlexandre Herzen Geneva Basel Lyon: H. Georg Imp. russe A. Troussoff 1875-1879 1904. First collection of essays.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR4,999.00 (€4,999.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : albbc8f292e9300cd11

‎Herzen A.I. Works by A.I. Herzen with a foreword. Volume I. Diary. Dilentantism‎

‎Herzen A.I. Works by A.I. Herzen with a foreword. Volume I. Diary. Dilentantism in Science. Buddhism in Science. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Sochineniya A.I.Gertsena s predisloviem. Tom I. Dnevnik. Dilentantizm v nauke. Buddizm v nauke.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb8438144a5036ade9

‎Herzen A. I. Works by A. I. Herzen. In 10 volumes. Complete set in 10 bindings.‎

‎Herzen A. I. Works by A. I. Herzen. In 10 volumes. Complete set in 10 bindings. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A. I. Sochineniya A. I. Gertsena. V 10-ti tomakh. Polnyy komplekt v 10-ti perepletakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Plus a collection of posthumous articles. Editions 2. 1874. 4 + 312s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8438144a5036ade9‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR6,999.00 (€6,999.00 )

‎Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich‎

Reference : 6919406

‎A.I.Gertsen ob ateizme, religii i tserkvi. In Russian /A.I.Herzen on Atheism,...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich. A.I.Herzen on Atheism, Religion and the Church. Moscow: Thought, 1976. A.I.Gertsen ob ateizme, religii i tserkvi. In Russian /A.I.Herzen on Atheism, Religion and the Church. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6919406‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb824d973a0cad28bc

‎Herzen A.I. Works by A.I. Herzen and Correspondence with N.A. Zakharyina. In sev‎

‎Herzen A.I. Works by A.I. Herzen and Correspondence with N.A. Zakharyina. In seven volumes. Complete set In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Sochineniya A.I. Gertsena i Perepiska s N.A. Zakharinoy. V semi tomakh. Polnyy komplekt Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).With notes an index and 8 pictures (7 portraits and 1 statue). St. Petersburg: Publishing House of F. Pavlenkova 1905. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb824d973a0cad28bc‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,499.00 (€1,499.00 )

‎Monod-Herzen [ Bertaux / Jacobsen]‎

Reference : 16587

‎Gazette des Beaux-Arts Mars 1914. Contient : Edouard Monod-Herzen : gravure originale : Brèche dans la crête des Félouses (Savoie)‎

‎Gazette des Beaux-Arts Paris, 1914, brochure in-4, pp.173 à 274, 38 illustrations dans le texte et 6 gravures hors-texte dont : Edouard Monod-Herzen : gravure originale au marteau sur argent : Brèche dans la crête des Félouses (Savoie). Tirage sur beau papier vélin. Protégée par une serpente légendée, la gravure est dans un état parfait. Contient : L'oeuvre d'Hubert Robert en Russie par Louis Réau / Fiorenzo di Lorenzo par Jacobsen / La gravure au marteau par Edouard Monod-Herzen / Les fresques romanes de Brinay par André Humbert / Toyokuni et Hiroshighé par Lemoisne / L'exposition espagnole de Londres par Bertaux. Edouard Monod-Herzen (1873-1963), décorateur spécialisé dans les métaux repoussés et martelés et homme de lettres. Ses gravures sont très rares. ‎

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb7dfd32a672c8551c

‎Herzen A. I. Ogaryov N. P. of December 14 1825 and Emperor Nikolai. Published‎

‎Herzen A. I. Ogaryov N. P. of December 14 1825 and Emperor Nikolai. Published by the editors of the North Star. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A. I. Ogarev N. P. 14 dekabrya 1825 goda i imperator Nikolay. Izdano redaktsiey Polyarnoy zvezdy. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).On the Book of Baron Corfe. Iskander A.I. Herzen. London. Trubner 1858. XIV 308 2c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb7dfd32a672c8551c‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,999.00 (€1,999.00 )


Reference : 117896aaf

‎Das Nibelungenlied. Illustrationen von Theodor Herzen.‎

‎ 1993, in-4to, 135 S., reich ill. von Theodor Herzen, signiert von Theodor Herzen, ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb038e3a3284994c5f

‎Herzen A. I. On Atheism Religion and the Church./Gertsen A. I. Ob ateizme reli‎

‎Herzen A. I. On Atheism Religion and the Church./Gertsen A. I. Ob ateizme religii i tserkvi.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb65085b9b56e212b4

‎Herzen A.I. Works. Vol. 3./Gertsen A.I. Sochineniya. Tom 3.‎

‎Herzen A.I. Works. Vol. 3./Gertsen A.I. Sochineniya. Tom 3.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb7b502d2660f91776

‎Herzen A.I. Stories and Stories. Preparation of text and comments by J. Ellsberg‎

‎Herzen A.I. Stories and Stories. Preparation of text and comments by J. Ellsberg./Gertsen A.I. Povesti i rasskazy.Podgotovka teksta i kommentarii Ya. Elsberga.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb631e145e5474af17

‎Herzen A. I. Byloye and the Duma. In 3 Volumes. Edited by L. B. Kamenev In Russi‎

‎Herzen A. I. Byloye and the Duma. In 3 Volumes. Edited by L. B. Kamenev In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A. I. Byloe i dumy. V 3-kh tomakh. Pod red. L. B. Kameneva. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb92b2c54667dca13f

‎Herzen A.I. (Iskander) From the other side. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gert‎

‎Herzen A.I. (Iskander) From the other side. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. (Iskander) S togo berega. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Second Edition Revised by the Author of London: Trubner Co 1858 XXIII 193c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb92b2c54667dca13f‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,999.00 (€1,999.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alba5600dd968cc86ab

‎Herzen A.I. Robert Owen. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Robert Oue‎

‎Herzen A.I. Robert Owen. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Robert Ouen.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : albb2257e4cce1efe09

‎Herzen A. I. Reflections (Variations on Old Themes). In Russian (ask us if in do‎

‎Herzen A. I. Reflections (Variations on Old Themes). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A. I. Razdume (Raznye variatsii na starye temy). Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).M. Edition E.A. Troyan 1870. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbb2257e4cce1efe09‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,699.00 (€1,699.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : albfa4a2c8c56d5e9f8

‎Herzen A.I. Byloye and the Duma. In 3 Volumes. Design of Dmitrievsky N.P. In Rus‎

‎Herzen A.I. Byloye and the Duma. In 3 Volumes. Design of Dmitrievsky N.P. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gertsen A.I. Byloe i dumy. V 3-kh tomakh.Oformlenie Dmitrievskogo N.P.. E6‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb0776b72dbdc71e4e

‎Iskander Herzen A. France or England. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Iskander G‎

‎Iskander Herzen A. France or England. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Iskander Gertsen A. Frantsiya ili Angliya. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Russian Variations on 14 January 1858 (Translated from French with a new foreword by the author) London Truebner Co. 1858. I-XI 12-37 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb0776b72dbdc71e4e‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,599.00 (€1,599.00 )

‎Herzen Alexander Alexandrovich‎

Reference : alb7c709f7b48cb2f89

‎Iskander Herzen A.I. Prison and exile from Iskander's notes In Russian (ask us‎

‎Iskander Herzen A.I. Prison and exile from Iskander's notes In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Iskander Gertsen A.I. Tyur'ma i ssylka iz zapisok Iskandera Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).London Second Edition: Trubner Co 1858 VI 197 pp. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb7c709f7b48cb2f89‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,599.00 (€1,599.00 )

‎Herzen. - ‎

Reference : 58197aaf

‎Autour d'Alexandre Herzen. Documents inédites. ‘Revolutionnaires et exilés du XIXè siècle. Publ. par M. Vuilleumier / M. Aucouturier / S. Stelling-Michaud / M. Cadot.‎

‎Genève, Droz, 1973, gr. in-8vo, 345 p., brochure originale.‎

‎Joint: Alexandre Herzen (1812-1870) Russe du coeur Européen d'esprit Suisse d'adoption. L'errance d'un témoin prophétique ‘Pro Fribourg’ Nfi 113. riche documentation ill. 120p. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎Meautis G., Monod-Herzen G.‎

Reference : RO30362204


‎Le lotus bleu, la revue théosophique n°6- LVIIe année- Novembre-Décembre 1952-Sommaire: Un initié: René Daumal par G. Meautis- Vies successives et réincarnation par G. Monod-Herzen- Variétés- Livres et périodiques-etc.‎

‎Publications théosophiques. 1952. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. partiel. décollorée, Dos fané, Papier jauni. Paginé de 164 à 191. Quelques rousseurs. Quelques mouillures n'altérant pas la lecture. Couverture jaunie. Agrafes rouillées. Coins frottés.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎

‎Sommaire: Un initié: René Daumal par G. Meautis- Vies successives et réincarnation par G. Monod-Herzen- Variétés- Livres et périodiques-etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎HERZEN (Alexandre).-‎

Reference : 44314

‎Lettres inédites à sa fille Olga. Introduction et notes par Alexandre Zriguilsky.‎

‎ P., Librairie des Cinq Continents, 1970, in 8° broché, 89 pages ; 14 planches hors-texte. ‎

‎Ex dono sur la première garde : "à ma chère belle soeur Denise Ed. Monod-Herzen, en souvenir de notre grand-père Alexandre Herzen..." ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )
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