Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1887. 8vo. Original half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Library stamp to verso of title-page. In Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Neue Folge, Band XXXI. Pp. 421-448 + 1 plate Pp. 543-544" Pp. 983-1000 + 1 plate. [Entire volume: VII, 1048 pp. + 7 plates]. Wear to capitals and two nicks (resulting in small holes and loss of paper) to back board. Internally nice and clean.
First edition of Hertz's seminal paper on electromagnetic waves in which he empirically demonstrates Maxwell's equations. This discovery and its demonstration led directly to the invention radio of communication, television and Radar.Hertz demonstrates what Maxwell had predicted that electromagnetic waves radiated in space with the speed of light. Hertz determined these waves to be of greater length than light and that they could be reflected.""Experimental proof by Hertz of the Faraday-Maxwell hypothesis that electrical waves can be projected through space was begun in 1887, eight years after Maxwell's death. The two main requirements were (a) a method of producing the waves, supposing that they existed, and (b) a method of detecting them once they were produced."" (PMM, 377.). In the present paper Hertz ""describes the apparatus that he had devised for the detection and measurement of electromagnetic waves, the key to his later success. To prove that electromagnetic waves can be projected through space it was necessary to devise a means of both producing the waves and, more difficult at the time, of detecting them once produced."" (Norman Library, No. 1123).""Hertz's researches on electrical waves vindicated the Helmholtz ideal of the physicist as one whose competences embraced both experiment and mathematics. Hertz entered physics at the right time for one of his abilities to make a critical contribution"" because the outstanding problem of physics was the disorderly condition of electrodynamics, what was needed was someone with the theoretical power to analyze the competing theories and with the experimental judgment to produce the evidence that would persuade the physical community that a decision between the theories had been reached."" (DSB, VI, 348b.)In ""Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung"" Hertz describes for the first time in history the phenomenon that the sparking distances between two electrodes is increased when ultra-violet light falls on the negative conductor. ""In the early 1890's the young inventor Guglielmo Marconi read of Hertz's electric wave experiments in an Italian electrical journal and began considering the Possibility of communication by wireless waves. Hertz's work initiated a technological development as momentous as it physical counterpart."" (DSB, VI, 349a.).The present volume also contains the following articles of interest: Bunsen, R. ""Ueber das Dampfcalorimeter"", 1-14 p.Planck, M. ""Ueber das Princip der Vermehrung der Entropie Zweite Abhandlund: Gesetze der Dissociation gasförmiger Verbindung"", 189-203 p. Hertz, H. ""Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung über sehr Schnelle electrische Schwingungen"", 543-544 p. Hertz, H. ""Ueber einen Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die electrische Entladung"", 983-1000 p.Röntgen, W. C. & J. Schneider. ""Ueber die Compressibilität von verdünnten Salzlösungen und die des festen Chlornatriums"", 1000-1005 p.See: The Barchas Collection No. 982" The Haskell F. Normann Library No. 1123 Dibner, Heralds of Science No. 71 The Richard Green Library 204 p Printing and the Mind of Man p. 227 (PMM 370 being Hertz' 1892 book).
Reference : 44842
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1887. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Bd. 31, 7. Heft. With the titlepage to vol. 31. Pp. 337-544 a. 2 folded plates, (entire issue offered ""Heft"" 7). Hertz's paper: pp. 421-448 A. PP. 543-544. A Stamp on titlepage and verso of. Clean and fine.
First edition of Hertz's seminal paper on electromagnetic waves in which he empirically demonstrates Maxwell's equations. This discovery and its demonstration led directly to the invention radio of communication, television and Radar. The paper is the ""ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE PRODUCTION BY ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE OF WAVES WHICH HAVE THE PROPERTY OF VERY LONG WAVES""(H.M. Evans).Hertz demonstrates what Maxwell had predicted that electromagnetic waves radiated in space with the speed of light. Hertz determined these waves to be of greater length than light and that they could be reflected.""Experimental proof by Hertz of the Faraday-Maxwell hypothesis that electrical waves can be projected through space was begun in 1887, eight years after Maxwell's death. The two main requirements were (a) a method of producing the waves, supposing that they existed, and (b) a method of detecting them once they were produced."" (PMM, 377.). In the present paper Hertz ""describes the apparatus that he had devised for the detection and measurement of electromagnetic waves, the key to his later success. To prove that electromagnetic waves can be projected through space it was necessary to devise a means of both producing the waves and, more difficult at the time, of detecting them once produced."" (Norman Library, No. 1123).""Hertz's researches on electrical waves vindicated the Helmholtz ideal of the physicist as one whose competences embraced both experiment and mathematics. Hertz entered physics at the right time for one of his abilities to make a critical contribution"" because the outstanding problem of physics was the disorderly condition of electrodynamics, what was needed was someone with the theoretical power to analyze the competing theories and with the experimental judgment to produce the evidence that would persuade the physical community that a decision between the theories had been reached."" (DSB, VI, 348b.)""In the early 1890's the young inventor Guglielmo Marconi read of Hertz's electric wave experiments in an Italian electrical journal and began considering the Possibility of communication by wireless waves. Hertz's work initiated a technological development as momentous as it physical counterpart."" (DSB, VI, 349a.).
Reference : 43172
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1884. Contemp.hcalf. Raised bands, gilt spine. Spine very slightly rubbed. Small stamp on htitle, title and verso of titlepage.""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann"". Neue Folge Bd. 23. VIII,696 pp. and 8 folded plates. Röntgen's paper: pp. 1-40 a. 259-298, 2 folded plates. - Hertz's paper: pp. 84-103. Clean and fine.
First printing of Röntgen's early paper on the heat absorption in vapor. ""Having constructed a very sensitive air thermometer, he was able to measure the absorption of heat in water vapor, and his flair for experiment was also shown by his work on the compressibility of liquids and solids.""(DSB XI, p.530).An. HERTZ'S paper: This is a major paper by Hertz in which he gives simple proofs of Maxwell's fundamental equations. ""In 1884, at Kiel, Hertz had already carried out a study of Maxwell's theory. It was a theoretical response to Helmholtz' general problem of deciding between the electrodynamical theories. Whereas Helmholtz had shown that the experimental decision lay with unclosed currents, Hertz showed that a theoretical decision could be made on the basis of predictions for closed currents. Hertz proved that Maxwell's equations were compatible with the physical assumptions shared by all electrodynamical theories and that the equations of the contending theories were not. He concluded that if the choice lay solely between Maxwell's equations and the equations of the other type of theory, then Maxwell's were clearly preferable."" (DSB VI, pp. 344-45).The volume contains also an importent paper by OTTO RICHARD LUMMER his Inauguraldissertation: ""Über eine neue Inteferenzerscheinung an Planparallelen Glasplatten und eine Methode, die Planparallelität solcher Gläser zu prüfen"". Pp. 40-84 a. 1 plate. and ""Ueber eine neue Inteferenzerscheinung."" pp. 513-548. - Also papers by Kundt, Kohlrausch, Weber and others.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1892. 8vo. Contemporary half cloth. VI, (2), 295, (1) pp. Upper part of joints neatly repaired,otherwise a clean and fresh copy.
First edition of Hertz' seminal book on electromagnetic waves, which laid the foundation of radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony.While investigating Maxwell's conception of light as an electromagnetic phenomenon, Hertz exposed that waves of electricity could both be transmitted and received through space. This had profound consequences and led, amongst other things, to Marconi's perfection of wireless telegraphy. ""His [Hertz'] discovery of the properties of reflection, refraction, and polarization in electricity, with this wave theory of electrical motion, laid the foundation of radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony."" (Milestones of Science, p 47.)""Experimental proof by Hertz of the Faraday-Maxwell hypothesis that electrical waves can be projected through space was begun in 1887, eight years after Maxwell's death. The two main requirements were (a) a method of producing the waves, supposing that they existed, and (b) a method of detecting them once they were produced."" (PMM, 377.)""Hertz's researches on electrical waves vindicated the Helmholtz ideal of the physicist as one whose competences embraced both experiment and mathematics. Hertz entered physics at the right time for one of his abilities to make a critical contribution"" because the outstanding problem of physics was the disorderly condition of electrodynamics, what was needed was someone with the theoretical power to analyze the competing theories and with the experimental judgment to produce the evidence that would persuade the physical community that a decision between the theories had been reached."" (DSB, VI, 348b.)""In the early 1890's the young inventor Guglielmo Marconi read of Hertz's electric wave experiments in an Italian electrical journal and began considering the Possibility of communication by wireless waves. Hertz's work initiated a technological development as momentous as it physical counterpart."" (DSB, VI, 349a.).Honeyman, No. 1668 - PMM 377 - Sparrow, Milestones of Science Nr. 101
Dateret ""25de Nov. 1842."" 1 side 4to. Tæt beskrevet. Opklæbet på pap, m. mindre tab. Brevet omhandler en sang af Ploug i forbindelse med en fest for Fru Heiberg, og det indeholder et langt citat af et andet brev, som Hertz har sendt Ploug i denne anledning. Brevet begynder ""For at overbevise Dem om, at jeg har opfattet Deres/ Meddelelse af Hr. Plougs Sang ganske som De i Deres Ords ...(?)/ fremstiller det, kan jeg ikke gjøre bedre end at afskrive mit, Onsdag Efter-/ middag afsendte Svar paa det brev, jeg fandt ...(?) af Hr. Ploug."" Herpå følger afskriften, i hvilken Hertz undskylder og skriver, at han var ""uvidende om, at De ønskede den holdt anonymt"""" derudover kommer Hertz ind på spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt det var passende, at den pågældende sang af Ploug blev sunget til festen, ""men min Mening, om jeg fandt det/ tilraadeligt, at der blev afsungen meer end een Sang"" og/ det sidste bad jeg Vedkommende selv at afgjøre."" Hertz slutter brevet: ""Med Hilsen og Tak til Dem og Deres Medarrangører for den smukke Maade, hvorpaa Festen for Fru Heiberg blev holdt, er jeg Dem ærbødigst/ Henr. Hertz.""
Reference : 44844
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1880. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Bd. 41, 11. Heft. Pp. 369-640 (entire issue offered, Heft 11). Hertz's paper: pp. 369-399. cLEAN AND FINE.
First edition of this importent paper in which Hertz went beyond Maxwell and hereby took the first step on the way to RELATIVITY THEORY.In his second theoretical paper (the paper offered), Hertz applied Maxwell’s equations to moving, deformable bodies. Maxwell had not treated this problem systematically in the Treatise although, unknown to Hertz, he had done so elsewhere. Hertz recognized that to develop an electrodynamics of moving bodies, it was first necessary to specify whether or not the ether moves with bodies. For his part he would assume that the ether is mechanically dragged by moving bodies. The first ground for this assumption was that within the restricted domain of electromagnetic phenomena there was nothing incompatible with the idea of a dragged ether. The second ground was that its denial entailed the complication that two sets of electric and magnetic vectors had to be assigned to each point of space, one for the ether and one for the independently moving body. He recognized at the same time that a dragged ether was an unsure foundation for electrodynamics....""(DSB).Schilpp ""Einstein"" pp. 31 ff. - Whittaker ""A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity"", pp. 328 ff.
Reference : 48162
Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1914. No wrappers. In: ""Verhandlungen der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1914. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel"", 16. jahrgang, Nr. 10 a. 11. Pp. (437-) 494 a. (495-) 566. (Entire issues offered). With titlepage to 16. Jahrgang. The papers: pp. 457-467 a. pp. 512-517, 2 textillustr.
First apperance of these two groundbreaking papers constituting the famous ""Franck-Hertz Experiments"" giving the first experimental determination of Planck's constant not using blackbody radiation.""Thus, the experiments by Franck and hertz were later considered as a new and independent support not only of Planck's quantum theory and Einstein's light-quantum hypothesis, but also of Bohr's theory of the atom with sationary states of discrete energies. In 1926 Franck and Hertz were awardedthe Nobel prize for 1925.""(Siegmund Brandt ""The Harvest of a century"", Episode 25, p. 102).The Nobel Prize were given ""for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom"".
1947 4 ff. anopistographes (27 x 20 cm, environ 36 lignes par page) densément raturés et corrigés, au verso d'un papier à en-tête du journal "Excelsior" + photocopie de la dernière page du texte (27 lignes). Circa 1947.
Première étape de l'article de Hertz sur Max Jacob, qui fut publié dans les Lettres françaises (n° 179, 1947), puis dans Europe (48:489, janv. 1970, pp. 137-41). La bibliothèque de l'Alliance Israëlite Universelle, où furent déposées une grande partie des archives Henri Hertz, dispose d'une étape plus avancée du manuscrit (également 4 ff. sur le même papier à en-tête, AP 5 / 15). Henri Hertz raconte dans cet article sa rencontre avec Max Jacob, chez Apollinaire, avec lequel il entretint des relations amicales, de même qu'avec Picasso. Sa contribution à la Phalange, ainsi que le mysticisme de ce juif converti au catholicisme sont également évoqués. Henri Hertz (1875, Nogent-sur-Seine, 1966, Paris) n'est pas pour rien dans le lancement de la carrière littéraire de Max Jacob, dont il fut très proche. En 1895, il s'installe à Paris et collabore à la Revue Générale Internationale de Louis Gastine. En 1901, il publie les Contes de la Soif dans la Revue des Indépendants puis entre à la Revue Blanche, dirigée par les frères Natanson. Quelques années plus tard, il se lie d'amitié avec Max Jacob et Apollinaire. En 1909, il publie la pièce Des Mécréants, Grasset, et en 1912, les Apartés, Éditions de la Phalange, recueil de vers bien salué par la critique.Max Jacob a dit de lui que "c'est l'un des écrivains les plus singuliers du moment", et "qu'il y a du dadaïsme, gidisme et tout le naturalisme au complet" dans son oeuvre. Apollinaire le cite dans sa conférence sur la Phalange Nouvelle en 1908. Il est un des collaborateurs de sa revue Le Festin d'Esope. Ami de Jean Royère, directeur de la Phalange, il donnera des textes à sa revue. Il collabore activement, avec Apollinaire, Jacob, Royère, Klingsor, Soupault, Reverdy, Fagus, Valéry, Aragon, Canoudo, Viélé-Griffin, Breton... à la Revue les Trois Roses, fondée à Grenoble, en juin 1918, par Justin-Frantz Simon. Henri Hertz reçoit le Prix Mallarmé pour l'ensemble de son oeuvre en 1928. Bel état.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1880. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Bd. 13, 6. Heft. Pp. 209-384 a. 1 folded plate, (entire issue offered ""Heft"" 6). Hertz's paper: pp. 266-275.
First printing of Hertz' doctoral dissertation on the electromagnetic induction in rotating conductors, a purely theoretical work that took him only three months to complete.""It was not a pioneering work but a thorough study of the problem that had been partially treated by many others, from Arago and Faraday to Emil Jochmann and Maxwell. He submitted the dissertation in January 1880 and took his doctoral examination the following month, earning a magna cum laude, a distinction rarely given at Berlin.""(DSB).
Reference : 48028
Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1914. Lex8vo. Contemp hcloth, gilt spine. Lower spine end a bit frayed, otherwise very fine. In: ""Verhandlungen der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1914"", 16. Jahrgang. IX,1072 pp. Franck & Hertz' papers: pp. 457-467 a. 512-517, textillustr. Fine and clean.
First apperance of the famous Franck-Hertz Experiment which is considered as a new and independent support, not only of Planck's quantum theory and Einstein's light-quantum hypothesis but also of Bohr's theory of the atom with stationary states of discrete energies.Franck and Hertz were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1925 for this work and Franck concluded his Nobel lecture with the words ""We know only to well that we owe the wide recognition that our work received to contact with the great concepts and ideas of M. Planck and in particular Niels Bohr.""""In their famous experiments, Franck and Hertz' showed that electrons could impart energy to a mercury atom only if they had a kinetic energy exceeding 4.9 ev., and that exactly this quantum of energy was taken up by the mercury atom, causing it to emit light of the resonance line Å 2537. It was the first direct proof of the quantized nature of the energy transfer and of the connection of the quantum DeltaE of energy with the frequency p = DeltaE/h of the light emitted as the result of the transfer. These experiments are rightly regarded as the first decisive proof of the reality of the quantized energy levels that had just been postulated by Niel’s Bohr..."" (DSB).See: Siegmund Brandt ""The Harevest of a Century. Discoveries of Modern Physics in 100 Episodes"", Episode 25, The Franck-Hartz Experiment (1914), pp. 102-104.The volume contains another importent paper ALBERT EINSTEIN ""Beiträge zur Quantentheorie"", pp. 820-828. First edition. ""In this paper.... two considerations are given which are interrelated by a common goal, inasmuch as it is attempted to derive two of the most importent achievementss of quantum theory, viz. Planck's radiation law and Nernst's third law of thermodynamics, in a new manner. The proofs do not involve Boltzmann's equation and are thus based enterely on macroscopic thermodynamics. They do introduce, however, the quantum hupothesis. (Einstein points out that the alleged 'proofs' which try to derive the theorem of Nernst from the mere fact that the heat capacity of all substances goes to zero at absolute zero temterature, are not genuine)."" (Cornelius Lanczos).Weil No 67.
[Imprimerie d'Art Le Croquis] - Collectif ; Henri Hertz. Poèmes de Henri Hertz ; Octave Charpentier ; Emile Vitte ; William Batte ; Henri d'Yvignac ; Rosaire Dion Levesque ; Fernand Laplaud ; Alexandre Goichon ; Jacques Berthaux ; Andrée Syriex ; Renan d'Ys ; Bernard Dorcier ; Suzanne Birster-Bellenot ; Eléonor Daubrér ; G. Bourgeois
Reference : 41227
1 brochure in-4, ill., Imprimerie d'Art Le Croquis, Paris, 1932, pp. 41-60
Bon état pour cet exemplaire sur parchemin filigrané.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1880. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Bd. 10, 7. Heft With Titlepage to vol. 10.. Pp. 337-512 a. 1 folded plate, (entire issue offered ""Heft"" 7). Hertz's paper: pp. 414-448.
First printing of Hertz's first paper by which he won the Philosophical Faculty Prize (Berlin) in 1879, earning a medal, a first publication in Annalen der Physik and Helmholtz' deepening respect.""To encourage experimental work in the notoriously difficult domain of unclosed currents, Helmholtz proposed for the prize of the Berlin Philosophical Faculty in 1878 a problem dealing with an implication of Weber’s theory: when oscillations of electricity are set up in an unclosed circuit, Weber’s hypothetical electrical inertia should reveal itself in a retardation of the oscillations. Through the experiments that Helmholtz had suggested on the self-induction of doubly wound spirals, Hertz won the Philosophical Faculty prize"" he proved that the inertia of electricity is either zero or less than a very small value, thereby lending experimental support to Helmholtz’ theoretical judgment of the improbability of Weber’s theory.""(DSB).
Reference : 44843
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1888. Conemp. hcalf. 5 raised bands, gilt spine and gilt lettering to spine. A few scratches to spine. Small stamp on verso of first -and general- titlepage and small stamps to verso of plates. ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Bd. 34,. VIII,1048 pp. a. 8 folded engraved plates. (Entire volume offered). Hertz' papers: pp. 155-170, pp. 273-285, pp. 551-569, pp. 609-623.
First appearance of 4 famous and importent papers (2 of them in their final form) in which Hertz established by experiments the similarities between electric waves and light waves.""Hertz followed up his determination of the finite velocity of electric waves by performing a series of more qualitative experiments in 1888 on the analogy between electric and light waves. Passing electric waves through huge prisms of hard pitch, he showed that they refract exactly as light waves do. He polarized electric waves by directing them through a grating of parallel wires, and he diffracted them by interrupting them with a screen with a hole in it. He reflected them from the walls of the room, obtaining interference between the original and the reflected waves. He focused them with huge concave mirrors, casting electric shadows with conducting obstacles. The experiments with mirrors especially attracted attention, as they were the most direct disproof of action at a distance in electrodynamics. They and the experiments on the finite velocity of propagation brought about a rapid conversion of European physicists from the viewpoint of instantaneous action at a distance in electrodynamics to Maxwell’s view that electromagnetic processes take place in dielectrics and that an electromagnetic ether subsumes the functions of the older luminiferous ether."" (DSB)-.
McCormmach (Russell), ed. - Kenkichiro Koizumi - Geoffrey Cantor - Barbara Giusti Doran - Salvo d'Agostino on Heinrich Hertz - J.G. McEvoy and J.E. McGuire on Priestley - John Hedley Brooke on Laurent and Gerhardt - Robert E. Kohler, Jr. on Lewis-Langnuit - Roger H. Stuewer on G.N. Lewis - Thaddeus J. Trenn on Rutherford
Reference : 100626
Princeton University Press , Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's printed dust-jacket clear blue and black grand In-8 1 vol. - 564 pages
1 plate in frontispiece, Japanese, Kanagaki Robun, few black and white illustrations 1st edition, 1975 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Editor's Foreword, xiv, Text, 550 pages, Contributors - Kenkichiro Koizumi : The emergence of Japan's first physicists, 1868-1900 - Geoffrey Cantor : The reception of the Wave Theory of Light in Britain : A case study illustrating the role of methodology in scientific debate - Barbara Giusti Doran : Origins and consolidation of Field Theory in Nineteenth century Britain : From the mechanical to the electromagnetic view of nature - Salvo d'Agostino : Hertz's researches on Electromagnetic Waves - J.G. McEvoy and J.E. McGuire : God and nature : Priestley's way of rational dissent - John Hedley Brooke : Laurent, Gerhardt, and the Philosophy of Chemistry - Robert E. Kohler, Jr. : The Lewis-Langnuit Theory of Valence and the chemical community, 1920-1928 - Roger H. Stuewer : G.N. Lewis on Detailed Balancing, the Symmetry of Time, and the Nature of Light - Thaddeus J. Trenn : Rutherford and Recoil Atoms : The metamorphosis and success of a once Stillborn Theory near fine copy, the dust-jacket is complete and near fine, but with minor wear (folding tracks mainly), the top of the right part is lightly torn on 2 cms, inside is fine, no markings
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences -Glenn E. Bugos - Stuart M. Feffer on Arthur Schuster and J.J. Thomson - Robert Marc Friedman - Giora Hon on Franck, Hertz and Townsend - Keld Nielsen on T.J. Seebeck and Goethe - Norriss Hetherington
Reference : 100910
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1989 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 195 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1989 "Contents, Chapitres : Glenn E. Bugos : Managing cooperative research and borderland science in the National Research Council, 1922-1942 - Stuart M. Feffer : Arthur Schuster, J.J. Thomson, and the discovery of the electron - Robert Marc Friedman : Text, context, and quicksand : Method and understanding in studying the Nobel science prizes - Giora Hon : Franck and Hertz versus Townsend : A study of two types of experimental error - Keld Nielsen : Another kind of light : The work of T.J. Seebeck and his collaboration with Goethe. Part I; Reviews and bibliographic essays - Norriss Hetherington : The extraterrestrial life debate : A productive perspective" plastified wrappers, transparent, else near fine, no markings - pages 1 to 195
Cazenobe (Jean), ed. - M. Barbut - P. Hamamdjian - S. d'Agostino sur Hertz - M. Hillairet - P. Gerbod - H. Morsel - H. Carvin, G. Chastagnaret et M. Lescure
Reference : 100092
Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1989 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur blanche, illustrée d'une gravure ancienne d'une dynamo In-8 1 vol. - 167 pages
quelques illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc, principalement des gravures reproduites 1ere édition, 1989 Contents, Chapitres : M. Barbut : Avant-propos - J. Cazenobe : L'électricité en 1887, ou de l'exemplarité d'une année quelconque - P. Hamamdjian : Le non-anniversaire d'une invention capitale en électricité (cage de Faraday) - S. d'Agostino : Pourquoi Hertz, et non pas Maxwell, a-t-il découvert les ondes électriques ? - J. Cazenobe : 1880-1890. demain la télévision - M. Hillairet : Le progrès électrotechnique d'après l'un de ses artisans - P. Gerbod : L'enseignement de l'électricité en France à la fin des années 1880 - H. Morsel : Pourquoi la France a-t-elle pris du retard dans son électrification à la fin du XIXe siècle - H. Carvin, G. Chastagnaret et M. Lescure : Les débuts de l'électricité à Marseille, 1882-1906 - Annexes : L'éclairage électrique, rapport d'H. Fontaine au Congrès international des électriciens de 1889 - Lignes et réseaux électriques recensés en France au 31 décembre 1888, quelques exemples infimes traces de pliures sur les bords des plats, sinon bon exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre
[Apollinaire] André Salmon, Céline Arnaud, Paul Dermée, Francis Picabia, Pierre Albert-Birot, Henri Hertz, Ivan Goll, Alberto Savinio, Tristan Tzara , Giuseppe Ungaretti, Fernand Fleuret
Reference : 013100
Paris Editions de L'Esprit nouveau - Librairie Jean Budry 1924 In-8 broché, couverture illutrée
Edition originale de ce numéro spécial ouvrant sur le fac-similé du manuscrit de "La Plante", conte inédit d'Apollinaire. Textes de Roch Grey, Céline Arnaud, André Salmon, Paul Dermée, Francis Picabia, Pierre Albert-Birot, Henri Hertz, Ivan Goll, Alberto Savinio, Tristan Tzara , Giuseppe Ungaretti. Poèmes et lettres d'Apollinaire à Picabia, Fernand Fleuret, Fernand Divoire. Nombreux portraits du poètes par Picasso, dont un en couverture avec manque au dos et petites fentes, Hors texte LITHOGRAPHIE en bistre de MARCOUSSIS, portrait cubiste de l'auteur d'Alcools. >>> Il s'agit du tirage sous couverture spéciale du numéro 26 de la revue L'Esprit nouveau, sans les premiers et derniers cahiers de publicités. Bon 0
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1884. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von G. Wiedemann."", Neue Folge Band XXII, No 7. With halftitle to vol. 24. (Entire issue 7) Pp. 305-464 a. 3 folded lithographed plates. Hertz's paper: pp. 449-455. Clean and fine. Halftitle with a small stamp.
First appearance of an importent paper on the THEORY OF ELASTICITY.""At the beginning of 1883, Hertz again became interested in a problem of elasticity. Now it was the question of bending of an infinite plate floating in water and normally loaded at one point. He found that the plate deflects downward under the load but at a certain distance from the load deflection become negative. Then, at an increased distance, they again become positive, and so on. Thusthe surface is wavy, and the high of the waves rapidly diminishes with increase of the distance from the load. He arrived, in this way, at the paradoxical conclusion that a plate, heavier than water, can be made to flow by loading it at the center, The explanation is that due to bending the plate aquires the form of a shell and can press out more water than is equivalent to its own weight.""(Timoshenko ""History of the Strenght of Material"" p.349).
American Jewish Committee. 1949. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Agraffes rouillées, Papier jauni. 48 pages. Salissures, accrocs, coins frottés. Déchirures. Texte sur deux colonnes. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc in texte. Pliures.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Sommaire: Les apports juifs à la civilisation occidentale par André Siegfried- Le problème de la culpabilité collective des allemands par Georges Hertz- Les paysans juifs de San Nicandro par Maurice Hano- Documents sur les débuts d'Edouard Drumont par Maurice Vanikoff- Plaisir poétique et plaisir musculaire par André Spire- etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
1980 Paris, Larousse,1980, 15 x 23 cm, 110 pp, couverture rouge,
revue trimestrielle.
1955 Paris, Seghers, 1955, In huit, 300 pp, broché,non coupé, très bon état,
Avec un envoi de l'auteur,une préface de l'auteur et un avant-propos de P.Morhange.
Lepizig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1892 et 1901, in-8, 21 pl. dépliantes en lithographie, 1 pl. de reproduction photographique ([1892] Neue Folge, Band 47), demi-basane verte, Ensemble de 4 volumes des Annalen der Physik, contenant entre autres : [1892] Neue Folge, Band 45 : HERTZ (Henrich R.), "Über den Durchgang der Kathodenstrahlen durch dünne Metallschichten". RÖNTGEN (Wilhelm C.), "Über die Constitution des flüssigen Wassers" ; "Kurze Mittheilung von Versuchen über den Einfluss des Druckes auf einige physikalische Escheinung" ; "Über den Einfluss der Compressionswärme auf die Bestimmungen der Compressibilität von Flüssigkeiten". 8 pl. en tout dans ce volume. [1892] Neue Folge, Band 46 : RÖNTGEN (Wilhelm C.), "Verfahren zur Herstellung reiner Wasser- und Quecksilberoberflächen". PLANCK (Max), "Bemerkungen über das Carnot-Clausius'sche Princip". 3 pl. en tout dans ce volume. [1892] Neue Folge, Band 47 : HELMHOLTZ (Hermann von), "Das Princip der kleinsten Wirkung in der Electrodynamik". 9 pl. en tout dans ce volume, dont de une reproduction photographique en phototypie, illustrant l'article de Chr. Wiesner "Zersteuung des Lichtes durch matte Oberfläschen". [1901] Vierte Folge, Band 6 : PLANCK (Max), "Über irreversible Strahlungsvorgänge" (p. 818-831). Dernière partie, sur les 5, du travail fondamental de Planck sur le rayonnement naturel, l'une de ses réalisations théoriques les plus impressionnantes. 2 pl. en tout dans ce volume. Cachet de l'Institut catholique annulé. Un dos insolé, coiffes usées. Charnières fendillées ; l'une (Band 45) est très fragile. Couverture rigide
Bon 21 pl. dépliantes en
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1910, in-8, de XXXII et 312 pages, demi-percaline noire à coins de l'époque, dos lisse (dos et coins frottés), Exemplaire portant un envoi de l'éditeur des oeuvres de Hertz, P. Lenard, à Henry Becquerel? Seconde édition, après une première publiée en 1894. Ce texte reste important car il traite des implications théoriques des équations d'électrodynamique de Maxwell pour l'ensemble de la physique. Bon exemplaire à l'intérieur propre. Couverture rigide
Bon de XXXII et 312 pages
Short description: In Russian. Hertz, Otto Fedorovich. Reports of the head of the expedition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences to Berezovka for the excavation of the corpse of the mammoth O.FHertz. St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Akad. sciences, 1902. Otchety nachal'nika ekspeditsii Imperatorskoy Akademii nauk na Berezovku dlya raskopki trupa mamonta O.FGertsa. In Russian /Reports of the head of the expedition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences to Berezovka for the excavation of the corpse of the mammoth O.FHertz. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3703514
Couverture souple imprimée à rabats. Belle fraîcheur de papier. Rousseur sur page de faux titre. Dos et couverture un peu défraîchis avec rousseurs.
Paris Pierre Seghers 1955. 27 pp. In-12. Broché. État correct. 1 volume. Collection "Cahier PS". 470ème cahier. "Poésie 55"."Julienne Hertz, née Juliette Bing à Boulay en 1905 et morte en 1977 à Strasbourg, est une dessinatrice et illustratrice française. Ce livre est son premier recueil de poésie".ÉDITION ORIGINALE sur papier d' édition.