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Reference : 56995


‎Account of a Comet. - [THE DISCOVERY OF URANUS]‎

‎London, Lockyer Davis, and Peter Elmsly, 1782. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"", vol. 71, read April 26, 1781. Including title-page of volume. Leaves reinforced in margin. (2), V-VII, 492-501 pp. + three folded plates.‎

‎First edition of Herschel's seminal paper being the first recorded discovery of a new planet. Herschel's ""discovery [was] unprecedented in human history. [...] Herschel's ""new"" planet demonstrated that there is much more to the universe - even to our tiny solar system - than the eye can discern on its own."" (Lemonick, The Georgian Star).British astronomer William Herschel commenced ""his first review of the heavens, in which he examined stars down to the fourth magnitude. In August of that year he began a second review, more systematic and extensive than the first, and concentrated on the discovery of double stars"" (Dictionary of Scientific Biography)In March 1781, during his search for double stars, Herschel noticed an object appearing as a disk. Herschel originally thought it was a comet or a stellar disc, which he believed he might actually resolve. He reported the sighting to Nevil Maskelyne the Astronomer Royal. He made many more observations of it, and afterwards Russian Academician Anders Lexell computed the orbit and found it to be probably planetary. Herschel agreed, determining that it must be a planet beyond the orbit of Saturn. He called the new planet the ""Georgian star"" (Georgium sidus) after King George III, which also brought him favour"" the name did not hold. In France, where reference to the British king was to be avoided if possible, the planet was known as ""Herschel"" until the name ""Uranus"" was universally adopted. The same year, Herschel was awarded the Copley Medal and elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1782, he was appointed ""The King's Astronomer"" (not to be confused with the Astronomer Royal). Dibner 13Sparrow 157Norman 1058.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 46100


‎On the aberration of compound lenses and object-glasses. Read March 22, 1821.‎

‎London, W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1821. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1821 - Part I. With titlepage to Part I. Pp. 222-267 a. 1 engraved plate. Verso of titlepage with 2 stamps.‎

‎First appearance of this importent paper in optical theory in which Herschel described how to free lenses from the aberration for two axis points, one of which is infinitely distant. It is known as Herschel's condition. ""Sir John Herschel gave the condition which must be satisfied in order that a symmetrical optical system, free from spherical aberration for two conjugate axial points, may also be free from spherical aberration for two neighbouring and conjugate points upon the axis of the system" but Herschel's condition applies only to first order aberration, i.e. to aberration depending upon the cube of the inclination of the ray to the axis. Abbe shewed, later, that this condition could be included in a wider result, viz. that the spherical aberration, supposed zero, is stationary for axial variations provided that the incident and emergent rays for two conjugate axial points, associated with modified magnification m, satisfy the relation. (G.C. Stewart)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 47912



‎(London: Alexander Strahan and Company, 1868). 8vo. Without wrappers (as issued). Offprint, seperatly paginated, from ""Fortnightly Review 1"", Pp. 435-42. Author's presentation inscription to top of front wrapper: ""Prof Tyndall / With the author's / kind Compliments"". Soiling to front wrappers and nicks throughout, not affecting text. Internally clean. Pp. 8.‎

‎First edition, offprint, with the author's presentation inscription to Professor John Tyndall - the father of the Greenhouse Effect, heat radiation and global climate research - of this important paper, in which Herschel promotes the role of the devine in the natural order. Herschel, now famous for originating the use of the Julian day system in astronomy, naming seven moons of Saturn and four moons of Uranus, his investigation in colour blindness and the chemical power of ultraviolet rays, did much to promote the public understanding of science . The present paper constitutes one of his most widely read and popular works. ""During his life John was immensely celebrated, his name epitomizing science to the public, much as that of Einstein did in the next century."" (DSB)Though intended for a popular audience ""On the Origin of Force"" is one of the most important sources for understanding Herschel's general approach to science. A contemporary review of the paper states: ""The article is well worth reading for those who wish to realise the enormous benefit which has been rendered to science by banishing the indefinite uee of the word force and by introducing the term energy, restricting the use of force to the meaning attached to it by Newton. Sir John Herschel still speaks of the ""conservation of force"" (as did likewise Helmholtz, who, however, very early introduces the term Arheitskraft, power to do work, thus removing all ambiguity).Herschel and Tyndall corresponded throughout their mature lives and they shared an overall view on God's place in science. ""In the only case in which we are admitted into any personal knowledge of the origin of force, we find it connected (possibly by intermediate links untraceable by our faculties, but yet indubitably connected) with volition, and by inevitable consequence with motive, with intellect, and with all the attributes of mind in which-and not in the possession of arms, legs, brains, and viscera-personality consists."" (Herschel, rrom the present paper). Tyndall agreed in stating that: ""An inscrutable power of which we know no more than job did, when he said, 'Can man by searching find this power out?'. (Tyndall's ""Belfast Address"").‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )


Reference : 57071


‎Description of a Forty-Feet Reflecting Telescope. - [HERSCHEL'S FAMOUS 40-FOOT TELESCOPE]‎

‎London, Peter Elmsly, 1795. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"". Including title-page of volume. Leaves reinforced in margin. Light offsetting from folded plates as usual. Plate depicting the full telescope with professional repair to lower right corner. (4), 347-410 pp. + 19 folded plates.‎

‎First appearance of William Herschel account of his great 40-foot telescope. It was the largest telescope in the world for 50 years and it was possibly used to discover Enceladus and Mimas, the 6th and 7th moons of Saturn. The plate of the 40-foot telescope fully assembled remains as one of the great icons of astronomy. ""It is well known that King George III granted £2,000 for the construction of the 40-foot reflector, and that this was supplemented by a further £2,000 plus other expenses. Only recently has it become evident that the second grant was made in the context of a serious row between monarch and astronomer. Herschel was of course in uncharted territory in attempting the construction of such a monster. The king had understood that the first £2,000 was the total required, and when this proved not to be the case he may well have suspected Herschel of deliberately underestimating the costs involved when making his original application. Although the king acceded-reluctantly-to the second request, from then on Herschel was required to account for every last penny of expenditure, and was told in no uncertain terms that no further grant would be forthcoming.The 40-foot reflector proved cumbersome and its results did not justify the labor and cost of its construction. What has only recently been appreciated is the extent to which it became a millstone around its creator's neck. From Herschel's point of view, it lost its principal raison d'être in 1790 when an observation with the 20-foot convinced him of the existence of ""true nebulosity."" But to the king it was an enduring symbol of his patronage of science, and visitors to Windsor Castle were invited to make the short journey to Slough to see the world's biggest telescope."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK17,500.00 (€2,347.13 )


Reference : 2653

‎Traité de la lumière traduit de l'anglais avec notes par MM. Verhulst et A. Quetelet. Supplément au Traité de la lumière de Sir J.F.W. Herschel par A. Quetelet ---- PLATEAU (J.A.F.). Sur la persistance des impressions de la rétine - Sur les couleurs accidentelles in supplément au Traité de la lumière pp. 471/525 -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE -- 2 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET) -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Malher, 1829/1833, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en demi-basane noire, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches jaspées, fers sur les plats, (reliures romantiques de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs éparses et quelques cahiers du tome 2 uniformément brunis), T.1 : (4), 508pp., T.2 : (2), 620pp., 15 planches dépliantes‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE du Traité de la lumière de M. Herschel paru sous forme d'articles dans les Philosophical transactions et A LAQUELLE HERSCHEL A BIEN VOULU TRANSMETTRE AUX TRADUCTEURS DIFFÉRENTES CORRECTIONS ; A. QUETELET A AJOUTE UN SUPPLEMENT A CE TRAITE DANS LEQUEL IL EXPOSE LES RECHERCHES RECEMMENT FAITES EN OPTIQUE ; IL A EGALEMENT FAIT APPEL A SON COMPATRIOTE, J.F.A. PLATEAU QUI A INSERE DEUX ARTICLES dans lesquels il expose ses recherches en optique physiologique (loi de Talbot-Plateau) ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Newton had discovered the nature of the prismatic spectrum and in the eighteenth century Scheele had found that heat is not only produced as an accompaniment of visible light, but that it is also propagated by invisible rays. W. Herschel further investigated this problem and made a major contribution to physics. He made some delicate experiments at one end of the spectrum with a thermometer and discovered that when sunlight was refracted by a prism, invisible heat-rays fell outside the visible spectrum, being less refracted than red light. He had, in fact discovered the infra-red rays". (PMM N° 254) - DSB VI pp. 328/336 ---- De la lumière polarisée, chromatisme, théories de la lumière (pour le Traité de Herschel) - Supplément : Progrès récents de l'optique, propriétés optiques en minéralogie, éclairement, photométrie, texture de la cornée transparente, vision distincte et opsiomètre de M. Lehot, dispersion des couleurs dans un même milieu, construction des objectifs achromatiques, lunettes achromatiques à lentille fluide de M. Barlow, nouvelle analyse du spectre solaire, images déterminées dans l'oeil par l'action de la lumière solaire - J.F.A. PLATEAU : Sur la persistance des impressions de la rétine. Sur les couleurs accidentelles - Observations sur la théorie des couleurs de Newton - etc**2653/L2‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR650.00 (€650.00 )


Reference : 42303


‎Account of the Changes that have happened, during the last Twenty-five Years, in the relative Situation of Double-stars" with an Investigation of the Cause to which they are owing. Read June 9, 1803.‎

‎(London, Bulwer and Co., 1803). 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London."" Year 1803-Part II. Pp. 339-382 and 2 engraved plates.‎

‎First appearance of a fundamental paper in cosmology and physics as it contains the first observational data to support that Newton's dynamical laws holds outside the solar system. Herschel shows here that the circulating motions of double-stars were under gravitational forces. Until then the validity of the law of gravity was only established within the solar system. Now, a century after the establishment of the law, it was traced out in the motion of incredibly distant stars and the theory first truly earned its title of Universal. The exact proof of the mutual gravitation of the double-stars was only obtained five years after Herschel's death, when the motions of the stars were more precisely dtermined.One of the most notable of Herschel's discoveries of double-stars, binary stars. A first cataloque of such pairs was published early in 1782 and contained 269, of which 227 were new discoveries. ""Twenty years after the publication of his first cataloque Herschel was of Michell's opinion - Michell had expressed the opinion that the odds in favour of a physical relation between the members of herschel's newly discovered double stars were ""beyond arithmetic"" - but was able to support it by evidence of an entirely novel and much more direct character. A series of observations of Castor, presented in two papers in the ""Philosophical Transaction"" in 1803 (the paper offered here) and 1804, which were fortunately supplemented by an observation of Bradley's in 1759, had shewn a progressive alteration in the direction of the line joining its two components, of such a character as to leave no doubt that the two stars were revolving round one another"" and there were five oher cases in which a similar motion was observed...it was shown that the double-star was really formed by a connected pair of stars near enough to influence one another's mortion.""(Berry in ""A Short History of Astronomy"" pp. 342-43).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )


Reference : 42938


‎On the Direction and Velocity of the Motion of the Sun, and the Solar System. Read May 16, 1805.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1805). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1805 - Part II. Pp. 233-256 a. 1 engraved plate, folded. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in cosmology in which Herschel's by analyzing a large number of stars, believed that he could explain the regularities he observed by assuming that the sun itself was moving toward a point in the consellation of Hercules. ""Just as Copernicus had detroned the earth as the motionless center of the universe, so Herschel detroned the sun.""(Asimov). - In this paper he tries to estimate the speed of the sun's motion.In a memoir published in 1783 Herschel had been occupied with the possibility that the sun was moving relative to the stars. ""More than 20 years later (1805, in the paper offered) Herschel took up the question again, using six of the brightest stars in a collection of the proper motions of 36 published by Maskelyne in 1790, which were much more reliable than any earlier ones, and employing more elaborate processes of calculation" again the apex was placed in the constellation of Hercules, though at a distance of nearly 30 degr. from the position given in 1783. Herschel's results were avowedly to a large extent speculative and were received by contemporary astronomers with a large measure of distrust" but a number of far more elaborate modern investigations of the same subject have confirmed the general correctness of his work.""(Berry ""A Short History of Astronomy"", p. 346.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 45133


‎Account of the Changes that have happened, during the last Twenty-five Years, in the relative Situation of Double-stars" with an Investigation of the Cause to which they are owing. Read June 9, 1803. (+) Continuation of an Account ofthe Changes that h...‎

‎(London, Bulwer and Co., 1803 a. 1804). 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London."" Year 1803-Part II. Pp. 339-382 and 2 engraved plates. a. Year 1804-Part II. Pp. 353-384 a. 1 engraved plate. Light browning to a few margins. 2 plates with scattered brownspots, otherwise clean and wide-margined.‎

‎First appearance of these fundamental paper in cosmology and physics as they contains the FIRST OBSERVATIONAL DATA TO SUPPORT THAT NEWTON'S DYNAMICAL LAWS HOLDS OUTSIDE THE SOLAR SYSTEM. Herschel shows here that the circulating motions of double-stars were under gravitational forces. Until then the validity of the law of gravity was only established within the solar system. Now, a century after the establishment of the law, it was traced out in the motion of incredibly distant stars and the theory first truly earned its title of Universal. The exact proof of the mutual gravitation of the double-stars was only obtained five years after Herschel's death, when the motions of the stars were more precisely dtermined.One of the most notable of Herschel's discoveries of double-stars, binary stars. A first cataloque of such pairs was published early in 1782 and contained 269, of which 227 were new discoveries. ""Twenty years after the publication of his first cataloque Herschel was of Michell's opinion - Michell had expressed the opinion that the odds in favour of a physical relation between the members of Herschel's newly discovered double stars were ""beyond arithmetic"" - but was able to support it by evidence of an entirely novel and much more direct character. A series of observations of Castor, presented in two papers in the ""Philosophical Transaction"" in 1803 and 1804 (the paperS offered ), which were fortunately supplemented by an observation of Bradley's in 1759, had shewn a progressive alteration in the direction of the line joining its two components, of such a character as to leave no doubt that the two stars were revolving round one another"" and there were five oher cases in which a similar motion was observed...it was shown that the double-star was really formed by a connected pair of stars near enough to influence one another's mortion.""(Berry in ""A Short History of Astronomy"" pp. 342-43).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,500.00 (€1,005.91 )


Reference : 45882


‎On the Direction and Velocity of the Motion of the Sun, and the Solar System. Read May 16, 1805.‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1805). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1805 - Part II. Pp. 233-256 a. 1 engraved plate, folded. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in cosmology in which Herschel's by analyzing a large number of stars, believed that he could explain the regularities he observed by assuming that the sun itself was moving toward a point in the consellation of Hercules. ""Just as Copernicus had detroned the earth as the motionless center of the universe, so Herschel detroned the sun.""(Asimov). - In this paper he tries to estimate the speed of the sun's motion.In a memoir published in 1783 Herschel had been occupied with the possibility that the sun was moving relative to the stars. ""More than 20 years later (1805, in the paper offered) Herschel took up the question again, using six of the brightest stars in a collection of the proper motions of 36 published by Maskelyne in 1790, which were much more reliable than any earlier ones, and employing more elaborate processes of calculation" again the apex was placed in the constellation of Hercules, though at a distance of nearly 30 degr. from the position given in 1783. Herschel's results were avowedly to a large extent speculative and were received by contemporary astronomers with a large measure of distrust" but a number of far more elaborate modern investigations of the same subject have confirmed the general correctness of his work.""(Berry ""A Short History of Astronomy"", p. 346.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 42304


‎On the Chemical Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Preparations of Silver and other Substances, both metallic and non-metallic, and on some Photographic Processes. Received and Read Febrauray 20, 1840. (+) Note I- (III).- On the Distribution ...‎

‎(London, Richard and John E., Taylor, 1840. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1840 - Part I. Pp. 1-59. (Note I- III pp. 51-59) and 2 plates. (one showing Herschel's telescope, lithographed"" the other showing the heat spectrum of the sun in stipple engraving).‎

‎First appearance of an important pioneer-paper in the history of early photography, in which subject John Herschel was one of the main contributors. The paper deals with the dynamical interplay between photochemistry and photography and is of the greatest importence in applied photography. The later sections of the paper deals with the spectrum of the sun, Herschel's so-called thermographical representation of the spectrum of the sun (with description of the Actinograph, invented by him), rendering the heat radiation visible in the spectrum. This first importent spectrum is reproduced here on one of the plates (in stipple engraving). In this paper he introduces the photographical concepts 'positive' and 'negative' to express, respectively, pictures in which the lights and shades are the same as in nature, or as in the original model, and in which they are opposite. For this large paper John Herschel was awarded the Copley archives winners Prize for 1840.""The object which the author has in view in this memoir is to place on record a number of insulated facts and observations respecting the relations bothof white light, and of the differently refrangible rays, to various chemical agents whic have offered themselves to his notice in the course of his photographical experiments, suggested by the announcement of M. Daguerre's discovery.....The terms ""direct"" and ""reverse"" are also used to express pictures in which objects appear, as regards right and left, the same as in the original, and the contrary....The principal objects of inquiry in the present paper...are the following. First, the means of fixing photographs, the comparative merits of different chemical agents...The means of taking photographic copies and transfers.....The preparation of photographic paper....The chemical analysis of the solar spectrum forms the subjects of the next section in the paper...""(Abstract).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )


Reference : 47909


‎Observations of the August Meteors in 1871. - [OFFPRINT ISSUE INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR]‎

‎[No place], 1871. 8vo. In the original blue wrappers with author's inscription, ""From the author"", to front wrapper. Offprint from ""The Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society"", november 15, 1871. Wrappers with soiling, otherwise fine. Pp. 33-37 + large folded plate.‎

‎Scarce offprint issue inscribed by the author of this short memoire of his observations of the meteors in August 1871.Alexander Stewart Herschel (1836 - 1907), son of John Herschel and the grandson of William Herschel, did pioneering work in meteor spectroscopy. Herschel was the first to observe a meteor spectrum. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 54345


‎On the Chemical Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Preparations of Silver and other Substances, both metallic and non-metallic, and on some Photographic Processes. Received and Read Febrauray 20, 1840. (+) Note I- (III).- On the Distribution ... - [INTRODUCING 'POSITIVE' AND 'NEGATIVE' IN PHOTOGRAPHY]‎

‎(London, Richard and John E., Taylor, 1840. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1840 - Part I. Pp. XII [including title-page of Philosophical Transactions"" 1840 - Part I), 59 pp. (Note I- III pp. 51-59) and 2 plates. (one showing Herschel's telescope, lithographed"" the other showing the heat spectrum of the sun in stipple engraving).‎

‎First appearance of an important pioneer-paper in the history of early photography, in which subject John Herschel was one of the main contributors. The paper deals with the dynamical interplay between photochemistry and photography and is of the greatest importence in applied photography. The later sections of the paper deals with the spectrum of the sun, Herschel's so-called thermographical representation of the spectrum of the sun (with description of the Actinograph, invented by him), rendering the heat radiation visible in the spectrum. This first importent spectrum is reproduced here on one of the plates (in stipple engraving). In this paper he introduces the photographical concepts 'positive' and 'negative' to express, respectively, pictures in which the lights and shades are the same as in nature, or as in the original model, and in which they are opposite.For this large paper John Herschel was awarded the Copley archives winners Prize for 1840.""The object which the author has in view in this memoir is to place on record a number of insulated facts and observations respecting the relations bothof white light, and of the differently refrangible rays, to various chemical agents whic have offered themselves to his notice in the course of his photographical experiments, suggested by the announcement of M. Daguerre's discovery.....The terms ""direct"" and ""reverse"" are also used to express pictures in which objects appear, as regards right and left, the same as in the original, and the contrary....The principal objects of inquiry in the present paper...are the following. First, the means of fixing photographs, the comparative merits of different chemical agents...The means of taking photographic copies and transfers.....The preparation of photographic paper....The chemical analysis of the solar spectrum forms the subjects of the next section in the paper...""(Abstract).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )

‎HERSCHEL John William‎

Reference : 65587


‎Traité de la lumière‎

‎Malher & Cie, Paris 1829 - 1833, In-8 (13x21,5cm), 508pp. et 620pp., relié.‎

‎Edition originale française de cet importante étude. Traduction de l'anglais avec notes par MM. Verhulst et A. Quetelet. Le second volume est de 1833. L'important délais d'édition entre le premier et le second volume a permis certaines additions remarquables : Supplément au traité de la lumière par Quetelet, p. 336-602 du tome 2, dans lequel ce dernier expose les récentes recherches en optique. L'illustration comporte 15 planches dépliantes. Le traité de la lumière avait seulement paru sous forme d'articles dans lesPhilosophical transactions, et il s'agit de sa première édition en volume à laquelle Herschel a contribué par ses corrections. Reliures en pleine basane vert olive légèrement postérieures ca 1840. Dos lisse ornés d'arabesques géométriques en long. Plats frappés à froid d'une grande plaque florale, médaillon central sur le plat supérieur du Collège royal d'Orléan avec couronne de laurier. Dos insolés et devenus brun clair avec des traces de décoloration et de frottement. Coins et bordures frottés. Sur le contreplat, étiquette de prix à la date de 1845. Brunissures éparses sauf sur les planches, bien fraîches. Sir William Herschel était un astronome britannique.Herschel a mis en évidence l'existence du rayonnement infrarougeen analysant la lumière du Soleil à l'aide d'un prisme et d'un thermomètre.Il a également trouvé les premières preuves que la lumière et l'infrarouge sont deux aspects d'un même phénomène, nommé aujourd'hui rayonnement électromagnétique. Le terme infrarouge n'est apparu que vers 1880, Herschel employait celui de "Chaleur radiante". - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com - ‎


Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85

EUR780.00 (€780.00 )


Reference : 43599


‎Untersuchungen über die wärmende und die erleuchtende Kraft der farbigen Sonnenstrahlen Versuch über die nichht-sichbaren Strahlen der Sonne und deren Brechbarkeit" und Einrichtung grosser Teleskope zu Sonnenbeobachtungen.‎

‎Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1801. Without wrappers as published in ""Annalen der Physik. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert"", Bd. 7, Zweites Stück. The entire issue offered (=Heft 2). Pp. 137-264 a. 2 folded engraved plates. Herschels papers: pp. 137-156. The plate depicts Herschel's experimental arrangements.‎

‎First appearance in German of Herschel's epochal announcement of his discovery of infrared light in 1800. This was the first time that a form of light beyond visible light had been detected. The paper offered is the German translation of the main parts of Herschel's paper ""An Investigation of the Powers of Prismatic Colours to Heat and Illuminate Objects"".""In 1800 he tested various portions of the sun's spectrum by thermometer to see if he could find interesting differences in the amount of heat the different colors delivered. He did, but in a rather unexpected way, for he found that the temperature rise was highest in no color at all, at a spot beyond the red end of the spectrum. He concluded that the sunlight contained invisible light beyond the red. This is now called infrared radiation. The following year Ritter was to extend the visible spectrum in the other direction.""(Asimov).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1800 P.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,850.00 (€248.13 )


Reference : 42389


‎Experiments for ascertaining how far Telescopes will enable us to determine very small Angles, and to distinguish the real from the spurious Diameters of celestial and terrestrial Objects: with an Application of the Result ofthese Experiments to a ser...‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1805). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1805 - Part I. Pp. 31-64 and 1 engraved plate. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper, founding the metric of interstellar space.It was the contemporous discoveries of the first minor planets, ceres in 1801, Pallas in 1802 and Juno in 1803, that prompted Herschel to investigate the origin of the spurious diameters of stars. ""Were their apparent diameters as real as those of planets or spurious as for stars? To address this question Herschel conducted an extensive series of experiments in his garden in Slough, examining through his telescope small globules of differing sizes and materials placed in a tree some 800 ft (ca. 244 m) away (Herschel 1805). His observations showed that for the smallest globules the diameters were all spurious and all of the same size. Furthermore, he found that, if just the inner part of the aperture of the telescope were used, the spurious diameters, whether of globules or of stars, were larger. If the whole aperture was employed, the diameters were smaller, and if only an outer annular aperture was used the diameters were smaller still. This experimental discovery that unfilled apertures can be used to obtain high angular resolution remains today the essential basis for interferometric imaging in astronomy (in particular Aperture Masking Interferometry). The theoretical justification of this result came with Airy's analysis of the diffraction pattern of a circular aperture 30 years later (Airy 1835), and it took a further 30 years before the idea of using multiple apertures was developed. In an early study the Reverend W. R. Dawes noted that he had frequently found great advantage from the use of a perforated whole aperture' and that when observing Venus this produced a central image of the planet perfectly colourless, and very sharply dened' (Dawes 1866). But it was left to Fizeau, in his submission to the Commission for the Prix Bordin the following year, to remark on une relation remarquable et n´ecessaire entre la dimension des franges et celle de la source lumineuse' and suggest that by using an interferometric combination of light from two separated slits il deviendra possible d'obtenir quelques donn´ees nouvelles sur les diametres angulaires de ces astres' (Fizeau 1868).""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )


Reference : 42843


‎On the Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Vegetable Colours, and on some new Photographic Processes. Received June 15, - Read June 16, 1842.‎

‎(London, Richard and John E., Taylor, 1842.). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1842 - Part II. Pp. 181-214 and one double-page folded engraved plate.‎

‎First appearance of a pioneer-paper in the history of early photography in which Herschel announced some of his importent discoveries of the photographic printing processes, the process of photographic contact-printing in Prussian blue, brought to light just three years after Louis Daguerre and Henry Talbot had announced their independent inventions of photography in silver, using metal and paper substrates, respectively. and the photographic properties of red ferro sesquicyanuret of potassium.""This is the first recorded observation of Prussian blue being formed for a photographic purpose by the action of light on potassium ferricyanide, so it represents the moment of discovery of the first cyanotype process, although this name still lay in the future. The significance of this observation impressed Herschel sufficiently to mention it also in his general diary entry for 23 April 1842....""(Mike Ware in ""John Herschel's Cyanotype. Invention or discovery ?"").‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 42916


‎Experiments for investigating the Cause of the coloured concentric Rings, discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. Read February 5, 1807. (+) Continuation of Experiments for investigating the Cause of coloured concentricRings, and other Appearances of a simila...‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1807 a. 1809). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1807 - Part I. Pp. 180-233 a. 1 engraved plate., pp. 259-302 a. 3 large folded engraved plates.‎

‎First appearance of the 2 first papers in which Herschel tried to establish his own theory of light.""In a less happy venture into the physics of light, Herschel devoted three papers (1807-1810)- the two first offred here - to investigating the cause of colored concentric rings (""Newton's rings""). Ignoring the explanation already given by Thomas Young wherby the rings result from interference between light waves, Herschel ceriticized Newton' theory and attempted one of his own. he brought down on his head a storm of criticism, and this may have been a cause of his poor health at this period.""(DSB VI, p.333).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 42918


‎Amorfota (Greek), No. I-II.- On a Case of Superficial Colour presented by homogenous liquid internally colourless. Received January 28, 1845, - Read February 13, 1845. - II. Onthe Epipolic Dispersion of Light, being a Supplement to a paper entitled, ""...‎

‎(London, Richard and John E. Taylor, 1845). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1845 - Part I. Pp 143-145 . pp. 147-153. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of these highly influential papers as Herschel here reported the first observation of the fluorescence of a quinine solution in sunlight. - In a footnote to the report Herschel points out that he was writing from memory, having carried out the experiment more than twenty years before. Nevertheless, his reminiscence was enough to spark further exploration, eventually resulting in the modern understanding of fluorescence. In fact, even today, quinine is one of the most commonly utilized fluorophores for spectroscopy, enjoyed by many for the strange, but beautiful fluorescence that was first observed, but unable to be unexplained, by Herschel.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,850.00 (€248.13 )


Reference : 45883


‎Experiments for ascertaining how far Telescopes will enable us to determine very small Angles, and to distinguish the real from the spurious Diameters of celestial and terrestrial Objects: with an Application of the Result ofthese Experiments to a ser...‎

‎(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1805). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1805 - Part I. Pp. 31-64 and 1 engraved plate. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of an importent paper, founding the metric of interstellar space.It was the contemporous discoveries of the first minor planets, ceres in 1801, Pallas in 1802 and Juno in 1803, that prompted Herschel to investigate the origin of the spurious diameters of stars. ""Were their apparent diameters as real as those of planets or spurious as for stars? To address this question Herschel conducted an extensive series of experiments in his garden in Slough, examining through his telescope small globules of differing sizes and materials placed in a tree some 800 ft (ca. 244 m) away (Herschel 1805). His observations showed that for the smallest globules the diameters were all spurious and all of the same size. Furthermore, he found that, if just the inner part of the aperture of the telescope were used, the spurious diameters, whether of globules or of stars, were larger. If the whole aperture was employed, the diameters were smaller, and if only an outer annular aperture was used the diameters were smaller still. This experimental discovery that unfilled apertures can be used to obtain high angular resolution remains today the essential basis for interferometric imaging in astronomy (in particular Aperture Masking Interferometry). The theoretical justification of this result came with Airy's analysis of the diffraction pattern of a circular aperture 30 years later (Airy 1835), and it took a further 30 years before the idea of using multiple apertures was developed. In an early study the Reverend W. R. Dawes noted that he had frequently found great advantage from the use of a perforated whole aperture' and that when observing Venus this produced a central image of the planet perfectly colourless, and very sharply dened' (Dawes 1866). But it was left to Fizeau, in his submission to the Commission for the Prix Bordin the following year, to remark on une relation remarquable et n´ecessaire entre la dimension des franges et celle de la source lumineuse' and suggest that by using an interferometric combination of light from two separated slits il deviendra possible d'obtenir quelques donn´ees nouvelles sur les diametres angulaires de ces astres' (Fizeau 1868).""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )


Reference : 48002


‎Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of William Herschel Papers presented to the Royal Astronomical Society by the Late Sir W. J. Herschel, Bart. (Drawn up by J. L. E. Dreyer).‎

‎[No place], 1918. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society"", Vol. LXXVIII, No. 8. Fine and clean. Pp. 547-554.‎

‎Offprint of a collection of William Herschel Papers presented to the Royal Astronomical Society ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 56994


‎On the Proper Motion of the Sun and Solar System. - [DISCOVERY OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE SUN - PMM 227]‎

‎London, Lockyer Davis and Peter Elmsly, 1783. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"", vol. 73. Including title-page of volume. A few leaves reinforced in margin. (3), iv, (247)-284 pp. + three folded plates. ‎

‎First appearance of Herschel's famous paper in which he documented his discovery of the movement of the sun and of the entire solar system with it. ""Between 1780 and 1821 Sir Herschel produced some seventy papers, mostly published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. These were the results of his astronomical observations which have earned him the title of 'Farther of sidereal astronomy'. The present paper is one of the most important in the series."" (PMM 227)""Herschel analyzed the individual motions of a small number of stars, showing that most of their observed motions were actually the result of the movement of our solar system through space."" (Norman).PMM 227 Norman 1059‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )


Reference : 56996


‎On the Ring of Saturn, and the Rotation of the fifth Satellite upon its Axis. Read December 15, 1791 (+) Miscellaneous Observations. Account of a Comet. Read December 22, 1791.‎

‎London, Peter Elmsly, 1792. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"". Including title-page of volume. Leaves reinforced in margin. (2), iii-vi, (2), 28 pp. + 1 folded plate. ‎

‎First edition of Herschel's important paper on his observations of the rings of Saturn. ""Saturn exercised a special fascination for Herschel, and between 1789 and 1808 he devoted seven papers and part of an eighth to the planet, its ring, and its satellites.On 19 August 1787 Herschel suspected he had found a sixth and previously unknown satellite, but he was not able to confirm this until 28 August 1789, when his forty-foot telescope came into commission. A few days later he found a seventh satellite. For some months he carefully tracked the satellites, establishing for Mimas and Enceladus periods within seconds of the modern values, and giving evidence to show that Iapetus rotates in its period of revolution.He also made careful observations of the rings, which he believed to be solid. As the earth happened to be in the plane of the ring structure at the time, he compared the thickness of the ring when seen edge-on with the diameter of Jupiter's satellites"" and although his estimate exceeds modern values, his method showed that the thickness did not exceed a few hundred miles."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 57070


‎Account of the Discovery of a Sixth and Seventh Satellite of the Planet Saturn" with Remarks on the Construction of its Ring, its Atmosphere, its Rotation on an Axis, and its spheroidical Figure‎

‎London, Peter Elmsly, 1790. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"". Including title-page of volume. Title-page with professional repair to lower margin, not affecting text. Leaves reinforced in margin. Very light brownspotting through out and light offsetting from folding plate as usual. (2), iii-vi, (2), (1)-20 pp. + three folded plates.‎

‎First edition of Herschel's important paper on his observations of the rings of Saturn. ""Saturn exercised a special fascination for Herschel, and between 1789 and 1808 he devoted seven papers and part of an eighth to the planet, its ring, and its satellites.On 19 August 1787 Herschel suspected he had found a sixth and previously unknown satellite, but he was not able to confirm this until 28 August 1789, when his forty-foot telescope came into commission. A few days later he found a seventh satellite. For some months he carefully tracked the satellites, establishing for Mimas and Enceladus periods within seconds of the modern values, and giving evidence to show that Iapetus rotates in its period of revolution.He also made careful observations of the rings, which he believed to be solid. As the earth happened to be in the plane of the ring structure at the time, he compared the thickness of the ring when seen edge-on with the diameter of Jupiter's satellites"" and although his estimate exceeds modern values, his method showed that the thickness did not exceed a few hundred miles."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 57206


‎On the Satellites of the Planet Saturn, and the Rotation of its Ring on an Axis.‎

‎London, Lockyer Davis, 1790 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"". Including title-page of volume. Leaves reinforced in margin. Very light brownspotting through out and light offsetting from folding plate as usual. (I)-IV, 427-496 pp. + 1 folded plates.‎

‎First edition of Herschel's important paper on his observations of Saturn. ""Saturn exercised a special fascination for Herschel, and between 1789 and 1808 he devoted seven papers and part of an eighth to the planet, its ring, and its satellites.On 19 August 1787 Herschel suspected he had found a sixth and previously unknown satellite, but he was not able to confirm this until 28 August 1789, when his forty-foot telescope came into commission. A few days later he found a seventh satellite. For some months he carefully tracked the satellites, establishing for Mimas and Enceladus periods within seconds of the modern values, and giving evidence to show that Iapetus rotates in its period of revolution.He also made careful observations of the rings, which he believed to be solid. As the earth happened to be in the plane of the ring structure at the time, he compared the thickness of the ring when seen edge-on with the diameter of Jupiter's satellites"" and although his estimate exceeds modern values, his method showed that the thickness did not exceed a few hundred miles."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )


Reference : 1342206

‎The Herschel Album.‎

‎London, National Portrait Gallery, 1975, pet. in-4, agrafé, non paginé, 26 planches de photos. (SS104C) ‎

‎Un album de photographies par Julia Margaret CAMERON présentés par Sir John Herschel. Texte en anglais. ‎

Librairie HURET - Paris

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